View Full Version : Hey Kelly! Hows the kids?

01-31-2010, 05:22 PM
jacobdeangelofan: hey kelly!
jacobdeangelofan: hows the kids
jacobdeangelofan: you there kelly?
diligence109diligence109: hey
diligence109diligence109: this ... isn't kelly.
jacobdeangelofan: hows jeff?
diligence109diligence109: you've got the wrong SN
jacobdeangelofan: but.. ugh
jacobdeangelofan: we talked for like 2 hours last night?
diligence109diligence109: no?
diligence109diligence109: sorry I'm really confused
jacobdeangelofan: your on my buddy list from here we talked
jacobdeangelofan: we talked from 12:30 too 2:30 yesterday
diligence109diligence109: you very well did talk with someone, who I'm assuming is Kelly, yesterday at that time
jacobdeangelofan: are you cheating on jeff with kelly?
diligence109diligence109: -.-
jacobdeangelofan: its ok if you are i'm a open person
diligence109diligence109: I'm *******, a completely random kid from NY
diligence109diligence109: that you somehow happened to stumble across
jacobdeangelofan: so now your a kid?
diligence109diligence109: and you're dicking around with me incessantly,
jacobdeangelofan: i don't think kelly would do it with a kid?
diligence109diligence109: or you are innocently confused
jacobdeangelofan: innocently confused it seems
jacobdeangelofan: i just don't see why you would lie about kelly
diligence109diligence109: o.o
diligence109diligence109: I didn't talk to you yesterday
diligence109diligence109: I have never talked to you
diligence109diligence109: somehow, somewhere along the line
diligence109diligence109: something got muddled up
jacobdeangelofan: do you use a macbook pro?
jacobdeangelofan: thats what kelly has
diligence109diligence109: I do, which is weird,
diligence109diligence109: but as far as I can tell a coincedence
jacobdeangelofan: she told me that yesterday

- 18:13 -
jacobdeangelofan: do you live in ithaca?
jacobdeangelofan: where i life
diligence109diligence109: okay just a minute
jacobdeangelofan: live
diligence109diligence109: lemme bring up my chat logs
jacobdeangelofan: alright
diligence109diligence109: to make sure someone didn't steal my screen name
jacobdeangelofan: alright that will help
diligence109diligence109: hhmm.. the only chat I have logged with you is this one from today
diligence109diligence109: but that's just on my client
jacobdeangelofan: this is weird
diligence109diligence109: which means that this supposed kelly person didn't use my computer
jacobdeangelofan: kelly lives in ithaca ny and has a macbook pro like you
jacobdeangelofan: thats f'ed up man
diligence109diligence109: but kelly claims to have kids?
jacobdeangelofan: something smells fishy here
jacobdeangelofan: yes
jacobdeangelofan: 3
jacobdeangelofan: michale kenny and sarah
diligence109diligence109: I mean, I'm a random college kid
jacobdeangelofan: all i'm saying is she is my old college buddy who I have not talked to in years
diligence109diligence109: hhmm
diligence109diligence109: I can't help but wonder that we must have incredibly similar Screen names
jacobdeangelofan: who said she is married to a man jeff and has 3 kinds
diligence109diligence109: sorry for the confusion and my initially cold response
jacobdeangelofan: you were on my buddy list
jacobdeangelofan: from where she chatted with me
jacobdeangelofan: I did not add anyone
jacobdeangelofan: its just too weird you have the same computer and live in the same place
jacobdeangelofan: and have the same id
jacobdeangelofan: you see what i'm getting at?
diligence109diligence109: I never said I live in Ithaca
diligence109diligence109: I'm close to ithaca, I'm in Syracuse
jacobdeangelofan: hold on hold on
jacobdeangelofan: she is from syracuse man

- 18:18 -
jacobdeangelofan: maybe one of your college buddies used your pc?
diligence109diligence109: nah that's what I was just checkin
diligence109diligence109: really can't confirm that on this end
jacobdeangelofan: well what ever man
jacobdeangelofan: that is quite weird
diligence109diligence109: I wish I had a chat log and could confirm this
jacobdeangelofan: shall I give kelly a call her self?
diligence109diligence109: I mean, if you want to get a hold of her
diligence109diligence109: that's what I'd suggest
jacobdeangelofan: alright
jacobdeangelofan: be right back
diligence109diligence109: when my phone rings and you're someone I know
diligence109diligence109: ..
jacobdeangelofan: i may be someone you know
jacobdeangelofan: for all i know
diligence109diligence109: I have to go to dinner, though
jacobdeangelofan: brb phone is ringing
diligence109diligence109: good luck finding kelly
jacobdeangelofan: alright
jacobdeangelofan: you better not of killed kelly
jacobdeangelofan: you son of a *****

Not my best work...

01-31-2010, 05:51 PM
I tried so hard not to just completely shrug you off like "omg jacob come on lol"

I'm really too nice a person for my own good

01-31-2010, 06:08 PM
looks like i win

01-31-2010, 09:40 PM

bored Jacob? BORED?

01-31-2010, 09:53 PM

02-01-2010, 06:29 AM

bored Jacob? BORED?

hahahah seriously :P

but still funny ;-)

02-01-2010, 08:29 AM
that was retarded

02-02-2010, 04:22 PM
Retarded, but amusing I suppose..

02-02-2010, 04:23 PM
That was the least funny IM troll I've ever seen O_O

02-02-2010, 04:39 PM
uhg (http://www.yougotrickrolled.com/)

A gift for you jacob...