View Full Version : X3 vs. Sins of a Solar Empire

02-06-2010, 09:52 PM
I'm looking for a good space strategy game. And I played a bit of Sins today at a PC arcade and I loved it. However I have always heard good things about X3, and they both seem worth playing. I was wondering if anyone else here was a big fan of space strategy and could offer me a hand in choosing just one.

Also, yes I have played EVE,yes I played Ogame/space4k, yes I played galactic civilizations, and yes I have played gratuitous space battles. Just trying to focus on the two mentioned.

02-07-2010, 01:33 AM
X3 is more of a Sim then an RTS.
If RTS is what your going for Solar empire is definitely the way to go.

02-07-2010, 11:22 PM
I think I will. When you say X3 is more of a sim what do you mean? Does it have a combat system campaign or multilayer? Or do you just build spaceports and ships and talk to players?

02-08-2010, 02:35 PM
There is Combat, but you spend most of your time in control of a ship, doing tasks, whatever you want really. Different ships are available for different tasks there are small, fast scouting ships; freighters; powerful battleships; and massive carriers for moving a fleet. Most ships in the game can be bought or captured, and flown by you. you're free to go anywhere in the X-Universe at any time; to explore, to complete plot-related goals, or whatever.

Sins of solar empire is Based around Combat more or less.

02-09-2010, 03:13 PM
I see, so is X3 an online game where other players can interact with you like EVE or just a single player game? It still sounds pretty interesting.

I did however buy Sins of a Solar Empire Trinity just today. I got a digital copy so its downloading right now, it required me to install a program called Impulse that seems to be a bit like steam. I'm surprised I have never seen Impulse before and and doing my homework on it right now.

I would really rather not have had to install any program play a game I purchased, and don't like the fact they didn't tell me about it before I had purchased the game.