View Full Version : Let's develop a flash game! - Beginnings

02-19-2010, 11:59 AM
With our expert gaming opinions/understanding, we should be able to design and develop something at least vaguely interesting. I think it would be a lot of fun to collaborate on the forum and actually develop a flash game :) It's a project that doesn't require too difficult a skill set... one I feel that with the forum's collective abilities we could pull off!

We would have to first organize and know what skills each user has to offer to the project. After the team were organized and we all knew what we were going to perform for the development of the game, we would launch into a brainstorming session of what the game were actually going to be. Then, we would make a design to implement the game and get onto coding/developing the beast!

Post in this thread what skills you have that would be useful to the project, and if you like the idea of the project.

I can compose and/or produce us professional music, I have some experience with Actionscript 3.0 (the coding language used for Flash,) and I have a fairly substantial background with programming concepts

We need people that can:
- create graphic animation
- code in actionscript 3.0
- produce or compose music or sound effects
- design and implement a stable, solid game mechanic
- be motivated for the sake of being AWESOME

03-03-2010, 07:05 PM
This sounds unique but im not much of a designer lol.