View Full Version : Shameless spamming of

02-22-2010, 10:22 PM
Hey guys,
Hey, I'm an author at (video game blog for people who enjoy dead hooker jokes and ignorant geek humor)

Come check us out, give us some feed back as well if you want.

02-22-2010, 10:31 PM
well i guess u got ur 10 posts now to post ur link .. but regardless, welcome to gf .. i'm sure one of the mods or wotever would direct u to the forum rules and faqs

i checked out the site .. kinda looked fun in an ebaumsworld-esque way .. good luck with it

02-22-2010, 10:57 PM
this still breaks the rules, no spamming in the spammers section. there's a correct section of the site to plug your site.

02-22-2010, 11:00 PM
I hate people.......

If you're going to spam, spam in the ADVERTISING part of the forum, you know the part that no one pays any attention to because of "shameless" spam-holes like you.

Maybe if you didn't break the forum rules, people would be willing to look at your site (other than Jango, he's just too nice).

02-22-2010, 11:09 PM
you're an author but you can't read rules.

I'm guessing your standards are pretty low.

02-22-2010, 11:17 PM
Well as you folks have kindly pointed out, I'm retarded and can't read. I should have known the spamming section wasn't the right place to spam in. It's so obvious now.

02-23-2010, 12:07 AM
Hurr hurr hurr. So much scathing wit. If you had been observant enough as to look at the types of posts that were in this section, you would have noticed it was just us REAL members shooting the breeze about absolutely nothing and talking random nonsense.

If you would have had a brain in your skull, you would have seen the forum specifically for advertising websites and links. Which appears before this section on the forum list. Man, You were in such a lame hurry to get your knock off CollegeHumor/E-baumsWorld site advertised on this site that your common sense and reading comprehension skills seem to have flown out the window and gotten hit by a truck.

This is what the description for the Website/Ad Forum is:
Websites & Advertising
Advertise Your Site or Other Sites That You Think Are Cool. Require 10 posts before you can make a thread here, advertising within another thread will result in deletion.

That states all you need to know right there, yet you were so bad at being able to legitimately advertise your site here in a way that people might actually take you seriously and not give you scathing replies, that you couldn't read ONE SENTENCE.

Is this the first forum that you've ever been on? Have you never had to pay attention? Do you have ADHD? Do you have any other excuse other than you are absolutely stupid?

Because if you do, I'd love to here it. :] Next time, don't fail and maybe we might want to actually look at and like your website. Thank you and goooooooood night.

I'll be here all week, Tip you DOOOM Overlordess!

02-23-2010, 10:47 AM
Well as you folks have kindly pointed out, I'm retarded and can't read. I should have known the spamming section wasn't the right place to spam in. It's so obvious now.

Your title says you're a shameless spammer so we're going to treat you like a shameless spammer.

Those who earn to advertise, are able to advertise all they want, we have no problem. But you're obviously going around different forums just spamming your website, what kind of respect do you expect people to have for you? You're actions are no better than those of spambots.

P.s. this post contains no sarcasm.

02-23-2010, 11:51 AM
Yeah, while the OP did get the minimum amount of posts required to post a link, did you take a look at any of those posts? each and every one of them were spam.
