View Full Version : Your most missed memories?

02-24-2010, 08:54 AM
So, what kinds of things do all you guys miss from your childhood/growing up/teenage years/anything else?

you don't have to read mine to post what you miss from the gold ol' days

for me, here are the things i miss:

Summer Camp:
I used to go to this really cool summer camp/daycare thing at the local SUNY college, and I made a lot of great friends and have some irreplaceable memories there. That camp is how I got into Pokemon, Megaman, Digimon, and Yugioh. I still like all 4, but the only ones i'm still an actual fan of are Pokemon and Megaman

Around early september time, my mom would always have to go away for a bank meeting, and every time she used to get me a small gift for each day. I know it seems kinda silly, but it used to be so much fun opening up those gifts daily....and really sad when I opened the last one. A week or 2 later though was my birthday, and we always had really big parties.

High School:
I miss high school in general, but the things I miss most about it would have to be:

gym class: it was a relaxing and fun 40 minute break and a chance to hang out with some friends.

lunch: belive it or not my school had pretty decent food. another good change to hang out with some friends. we used to be allowed to go to the gym towards the end of the lunch period and play dodgeball.

dances: There was nothing quite like getting dressed up and listening to loud music. Some songs are WAY more fun at a HS dance (for example, BYOB - system of a down)

sports: I played Soccer for 2 years in HS, and volleyball for 2 years. I really only miss playing volleyball, but travelling to other schools and checking out what they looked like was interesting to me. I always wished I could have transferred schools just for a year to see what it was like.

02-24-2010, 10:26 AM
I miss the old big Victorian house we used to live in with the huge yard that I always used to run around in as a little girl. There was a huge lilac tree thing that had this little cave-like entrance thing that I would go into and sit in and it smelled so lovely.

I miss 1st-5th grade where everything could be happy and you could make friends by just running up to someone and declaring them one. Nothing was a big deal and life was pretty great. After that it's all downhill. Woooo.

02-24-2010, 12:50 PM
I miss my whole childhood back in Guam, until that all changed in 2000. (when I moved to the U.S. it was a major turning point) [no, i'm not illegal, Guam is actually a U.S. territory, you used it to attack Japan back in WW2]
anyway, around 5th or 4th grade, my parents put me in an 'after school' program and I would play Pogs with others. You know, those cardboard/hard paper like circles.
one time, I had so many I would end up 'playing for keeps'. Until this one guy who dominated at the game more than I did... resulting in a major loss... so my cousin handed me his set of Pogs, and I kept practicing. I wanted revenge. And then this other time, I encountered him and I challenged him to a 'play for keeps' game of Pogs, and then I finally beat him. From this winning experience, I started to make more friends.
that's the time I miss the most. Making more friends during my childhood. but now that I've moved away from Guam, I had to start over on making friends... but its all good.
thanks for making this thread, I almost wrote a novel.

02-24-2010, 01:21 PM
Less responsibilities

No bills

Coming home from school to watch the afterschool cartoons on TV.

These are all pre-high school times. I already had bills by the time I was in HS (internet + cell)

02-24-2010, 02:05 PM
I miss both of my old backyards.
This one is so public and empty. >:

03-01-2010, 04:39 AM
I miss my childhood adventures at the local play-park. It just doesn't seem socially acceptable to go on the swings at my age now......

03-01-2010, 05:02 AM
sunday afternoon's in my nan's back garden in airdrie (scotland) when i was 6 .. vrey vague memories, but very nice

03-01-2010, 06:32 AM
Waking up at like 8 am during weekend and watching the cartoons :D

and I know I'm gonna miss HS like ^$#& :( I don't wanna leave :(

03-01-2010, 10:13 AM
i miss having control of my life. I miss talkin to my parents and my sisters. i miss waken up on a saturday morning meeting with all my friends on are pedal bikes and goin dirtjumping on the trails we made and eating a little dirt from the wipe outs.

Where i use to live as a chld there was thing amazing little river/stream in the woods and had this amazing big rock in the middle of it and i used to love goin down there and read books to the sound of the waterflowing it was very relaxing.

Project Blaze
03-01-2010, 10:41 AM
I have basically no recollection of my childhood, so, yeah, all of my memories I want back. >_<

03-01-2010, 05:52 PM
I miss a few people in my life. I used to be really close to some people, but we just kinda faded away.
A few of them went down the wrong path, but eh it happens right?

03-01-2010, 08:02 PM
I miss elementary school where all you did was be in a classroom with your friends and play on the playground and everything was so care free.
ah the good old days

03-01-2010, 09:07 PM
I miss the memories I had with my old best friends.
What ever happened to them?
Why must they change?

03-02-2010, 12:39 PM
I really miss the days of high school when you had some responsibility (homework, chores) and the ability to do what you wanted (go to movies, chill with friends, play guitar, whatever) but for the most part nothing really mattered.

03-02-2010, 07:46 PM
I miss the memories I had with my old best friends.
What ever happened to them?
Why must they change?

That's what I wonder too. Seems that some of my friends moved into the wrong crowd, doing drugs, getting arrested, all that stuff.

03-02-2010, 07:48 PM
One of my best friends went into the group of too-cool kids who are just jerks.
The other is now a "guitarist" and acts like a stoner.

03-02-2010, 07:52 PM
One of my best friends went into the group of too-cool kids who are just jerks.
The other is now a "guitarist" and acts like a stoner.

yeah hanging around some of them, seems like a waste of time. . . :no:

I guess its okay to start over (making friends)

03-02-2010, 11:26 PM
I'm a guitarist...and a bass player...and i'm gonna start learning some other instruments too, so I guess i'm a musician? but I don't act like a stoner. I act like...a goofball.

what I really hate is when you haven't talked to somebody in a while and then you try to reconnect with them and they don't seem to want to

03-03-2010, 07:19 AM
Same happened to me this year, one of my best friends went to a group of people you know the "too cool" guys :P but I like it better now actually. So its all good ;)

03-05-2010, 06:26 PM
Same happened to me this year, one of my best friends went to a group of people you know the "too cool" guys :P but I like it better now actually. So its all good ;)

yeah, I kinda like it right about now because one of my friends (well, used to)
they got arrested for possession of marijuana....
so its all good...

Project Blaze
03-06-2010, 11:50 AM
Unfortunately I still remember those backstabbing two-faced people that I thought were my friends. Thankfully they've got absolutely nothing to do with me now, doubt if they even remember me. Hahah, poor bastards. Probably still delinquents and their little gossip trend. I have no clue why they never said anything to my face though. Tch. I wish they were forgotten memories, but I remember them. So sad that I can't forget those idiots.

03-06-2010, 07:35 PM
yeah I kind of have that feeling sometimes every year, like I really hate them that I still remember that certain memory, it annoys me but I wish I could just forget about it.

Project Blaze
03-06-2010, 10:31 PM
Seriously. If only there was some kind of memory-erasing.. uh.. thing.. operation. Man, would that be sweet as candy.

03-06-2010, 10:51 PM
Seriously. If only there was some kind of memory-erasing.. uh.. thing.. operation. Man, would that be sweet as candy.

i thought u dont have a memory for ur childhood?

Chloroform Girl
03-07-2010, 06:46 PM
2 summers ago, Where I hung out with my amazing best friend everyday :) who later that summer became my boyfriend, I can't wait for this summer!

Project Blaze
03-07-2010, 06:56 PM
i thought u dont have a memory for ur childhood?

Not in general, but I can't get those little bastards out of my head. That's pretty much all that I can remember, except for random recollections of little events that didn't really matter to me. >_<

03-07-2010, 09:21 PM
I miss the second carnival cruise i went on about two summers back, that thing was great. I miss the ski trip i went on for a christmas trip one year. I also miss my old church friends from before i moved.