View Full Version : Thinking About Getting a Puppy

02-25-2010, 02:28 PM
So, I have always been a cat/bunny person, but lately I have been considering getting a puppy. Not sure if I actually will, but I wanted advice on what kind of dog you guys would recommend. I of course wouldn't mind a mixed dog, and I would probably go to animal shelters to look and that would obviously be limited, but what do you guys think? I'm thinking about a lab or maybe a samoyed or even like a husky though I've heard they tend to be a little aloof. I don't want a tiny dog. Also please excuse any weirdness or typos as I am typing this on my cell phone :P

02-25-2010, 02:30 PM
I like huskies, but I heard they're kinda mean.

The neighbors have a mix...party husky part something else, lab maybe? idk. but it's really friendly and an all around happy dog. It's really big and fat though.

I think i'd want a smaller dog though.

02-25-2010, 02:52 PM
having been a dog owner a few times in my life my advice would be go for something you think you can manage .. that might sound pretty common sense, but think about it. some dogs need walking at least twice a day so they don't destroy your home to vent unspent energy, some dogs require a particular diet especially when they're young, some dogs require a lot of grooming, etc etc. tbh a dog should be a practical thing in that you shouldn't have to break your neck to manage it, or that the initial novelty of looking after a high demand pet is rapidly replaced with frustration - getting to that stage isn't fair on you or the dog, simply by not being realistic about what you can handle.

a lot of people will recommend different breeds to you, but they don't know your lifestyle etc .. you do .. i'd base your deicision on that. there's plenty of resources to find out the nature of certain breeds that interest you so you can see if they fit the bill.

just my two pennies/cents worth ..

02-25-2010, 03:21 PM
I like huskies myself as well, last time I was sled racing I saw a man with what looked like a husky puppy, but was a new breed of smaller husky. Personally I like rare breeds like that but good luck finding one for sale.


According to this website, the breed is so new that they don't yet know the dogs average life expectancy.

02-25-2010, 06:36 PM
having been a dog owner a few times in my life my advice would be go for something you think you can manage .. that might sound pretty common sense, but think about it. some dogs need walking at least twice a day so they don't destroy your home to vent unspent energy, some dogs require a particular diet especially when they're young, some dogs require a lot of grooming, etc etc. tbh a dog should be a practical thing in that you shouldn't have to break your neck to manage it, or that the initial novelty of looking after a high demand pet is rapidly replaced with frustration - getting to that stage isn't fair on you or the dog, simply by not being realistic about what you can handle.

a lot of people will recommend different breeds to you, but they don't know your lifestyle etc .. you do .. i'd base your deicision on that. there's plenty of resources to find out the nature of certain breeds that interest you so you can see if they fit the bill.

just my two pennies/cents worth ..

Of course jango, this is very good advice, and of course I would be researching a lot beforehand, because I think it is really important, as puppies are a lot more to deal with than, say, kittens. I just wanted some ideas of what people think are generally some good breeds just as a jumping off point-- probably should have clarified this a little more.

I'm sure there are a lot of good dog breeds I haven't heard of, so if they get mentioned it could be helpful, etc.

But thank you for saying this, because of course these are very important things to keep in mind.

Edit: oh my goodness Bob tiny husky. adorable. Huskies are so beautiful, I think. But the thing I like most about them is their size hehe I dunno why everyone has to miniaturize everything :P

02-26-2010, 09:25 AM
Well, huskise are beautiful but they are escape artists and need tons of exercise.
Many working dogs are like that.

Generally all dogs need to be walked a lot, and they poop a lot.
Which I'm sure you know.

And sometimes mixes can make the most beautiful dogs <:

Labs are always a good choice in my books, as we've owned two and know a few people who have them as well.

I also support the idea of getting a NORMAL dog, not a small little thing. They are yappy and loud. ) :


02-26-2010, 09:58 AM
Golden Retriever :D They are one of the friendliest dogs I know, always make you smile

and yeah Huskies need to WALK A LOOTTTT

02-26-2010, 10:07 AM
Well I kinda want a dog that needs to be walked a lot, because I need to do more walking myself and that would certainly force me to haha. But yeah I just think huskies are sooo pretty but I have heard they are not a good choice as a pet really. I have been thinking about samoyeds because they are just SOOOOOO CUTE OH MY GOODNESS but yeah. I do really want to go to shelters and look around and maybe there will be a sweet little dog that catches my heart.

02-26-2010, 11:57 AM
how about a german shepperd? They're very intelligent dogs. And soft. And BIG. And awesome.

02-26-2010, 06:00 PM
I think you should definitely either go to a pound or a shelter
its sad how there are so many dogs in a shelter that they have to be put down and I think thats just sad :(
I like big dogs better because then you can walk them a lot and you get exercise as well as your dog.
I live right near a trail and it would be perfect for me if I walked my dog twice a day if I had one.
My friend has greyhounds and they are pretty adorable but you have to walk them and they are usually very nice to cats so if you want a cat friendly dog.

02-26-2010, 09:22 PM
I don't think I would get a German Shepherd even though they are really beautiful dogs...but who knows, I might find one I really like one day. Greyhounds are really pretty too, but they remind me of my ex boyfriend so I don't think I will do that.

I know, so many animals need to be rescued, and pet stores are just not good. My sister also mentioned rescue organizations that specify in certain breeds if I am looking for a certain kind of dog.

I am so excited about getting a dog. I have to spend more time with them, and think a lot, and I will have to wait until I have a more stable living situation, but I think it would be really helpful to me. Thank you so much for all your input, everyone :D I need more :)

02-27-2010, 12:15 PM
I would recommend just adopting one from a shelter, but golden retrievers and huskies are awesome.

03-03-2010, 07:00 PM
I have a mut.

She is blonde very furry and a flat out beast. She once ran into a moving truck and no harm was done to her but she dented the truck:-P

Shes a great dog.