View Full Version : What do you look for in someone?

Project Blaze
03-01-2010, 08:25 PM
Hey, I've just been thinking lately.. what do you look for in someone? That you wanna be with? I myself don't quite know just yet, so I can't answer that/those questions just yet. So, what do you look for in someone?

03-01-2010, 08:32 PM
When I'm looking at girls, I look for some simple things.

I couldn't imagine being with someone who is full of themselves and selfish, I wouldn't be able to handle that.
The girl should be caring. I dunno how to explain that, just caring about others, but not forgetting about herself. (Not in a selfish way...I dunno)
She shouldn't be rude. I'd like her to have some manners, at least basic ones. Not holding the door open things, but things such as saying excuse me, please and thank you, those things.
And I want her to be fun to be around. What's the point in being in a relationship with someone who is super serious with no sense of humor?

Project Blaze
03-01-2010, 08:46 PM
I see what you mean. Makes sense to me. Not sure why I just have absolutely no idea what I'd look for though.

03-01-2010, 09:02 PM
You just have to sit and think about it.
Think about the girl you like.
Think about her traits.
What are the most important to you? What matter the most? What actually attracts you to her?

03-01-2010, 10:48 PM

03-01-2010, 11:16 PM
a good personality goes a long way and being annoying is what I know what I don't want ever.

Like this chick for instance. She's hot, but I never could date her because she'd make me go insane, watch a few of her vids and her uber anti-american and romanticism with Japanese everything is crazily irritating


03-02-2010, 03:47 AM
i can't stand high maintenance women, and i can't stand stupidity

as for wot i look for .. well .. most of that is similar to what others have posted already, but certainly near the top of the list is someone who doesn't take themselves or the world too seriously and can laugh in the face of adversity

Project Blaze
03-02-2010, 05:07 AM
At one point I think I did just want a girl that was nice and could also be a friend at the same time, but could also stand up to things like if, say, I wasn't with her at the moment. And, ofcourse, willing to laugh. My personality wouldn't mesh with a completely serious girl. :x

Think I'm starting to want that again, so it'd be great if I could find one like that. I can't believe I forgot that already.

So there's what I hope to find.

It's cool to find out what you guys look for too, glad I thought of the thread. Even though I was depressed when I did. XD

03-02-2010, 09:24 AM

All I could think of as I read this was that you and Eps would be best buds XD

03-02-2010, 12:36 PM
1. i'd prefer a virgin. like, i don't look for sex in a relationship and if they're a virgin it means they don't really want sex either. plus, being a non-virgin means that another guy has something with your girl, even if its in the past
2. attractive. i know this sounds sorta shallow, but i want somebody who's at least pleasant to look at. i prefer girls that are cute over super-hot girls anyways, so...
3. i like somebody with morals. like, i'd prefer somebody who'd rather sit around and watch pokemon or something than go out and get really messed up.
4. Good taste in music. that means no generic scene-kid associated music, unless its sevenfold, bullet, or atreyu. I like those bands.
5. I'd prefer somebody who would want to take their time with the relationship instead of just rushing into kissing and making out and stuff. cuz like, once you pass that barrier there's no turning back.

idk, basically i like "good" girls over party girls or like hippie girls.

All I could think of as I read this was that you and Eps would be best buds XD

I was thinking "man, linux ftw"

03-02-2010, 07:35 PM
I think, after failed relationships and seeing the relationships of people around me, one of the most important things would be a guy who isn't caught up in being "manly." I want a guy who is actually in touch with his feelings and emotions and can express how he feels and won't close off from me emotionally. And someone who is stable and doesn't have anger issues. Who will take equal part in the relationship, with neither one of us taking or giving too much. I want them to be attractive to me (whether others find them attractive is moot), have a sense of humor, preferably not do drugs or drink or smoke, be intelligent... there are a lot of things. I am becoming very picky about what I want. I want my next relationship to hopefully be my last, and I am not settling for someone below my expectations. If I have to end up spending my life alone, so be it :P

03-02-2010, 08:00 PM
what do I look for? A girl who doesn't have greed for the green paper in my wallet... haha.
She don't care if I'm a wineo. haha. especially she has to be trustworthy, a good personality that lasts

Project Blaze
03-02-2010, 09:53 PM
I think, after failed relationships and seeing the relationships of people around me, one of the most important things would be a guy who isn't caught up in being "manly." I want a guy who is actually in touch with his feelings and emotions and can express how he feels and won't close off from me emotionally. And someone who is stable and doesn't have anger issues. Who will take equal part in the relationship, with neither one of us taking or giving too much. I want them to be attractive to me (whether others find them attractive is moot), have a sense of humor, preferably not do drugs or drink or smoke, be intelligent... there are a lot of things. I am becoming very picky about what I want. I want my next relationship to hopefully be my last, and I am not settling for someone below my expectations. If I have to end up spending my life alone, so be it :P

Why would you accept being alone? I mean, my situation is hopeless, as you know, so that's my temporary acceptance, but I don't think you should spend your life alone. That wouldn't be good. :\

03-02-2010, 09:57 PM
Yeah being alone sucks, I can't fathom being alone for the rest of my days. If by some magical force my future could be foretold and that it were told that I'd be alone forever, I think I'd just down a bottle of sleeping pills and a bottle of jack and kill myself.

03-02-2010, 10:22 PM
I just don't want a relationship for the sake of having a relationship. It seems like a lot of relationships these days are like that. I don't want something shallow and meaningless. I want something that will really last. :)

Project Blaze
03-02-2010, 10:53 PM
I see what you mean, but you have to get past a few toads to find the prince, right? (:

03-02-2010, 10:53 PM
I've had my share of toads...

Project Blaze
03-02-2010, 10:57 PM
Yeah, it does get tiring when you reach a certain point. But you're a really nice person, so I'd hate to see you living life alone.

03-02-2010, 11:01 PM
a good personality goes a long way and being annoying is what I know what I don't want ever.

Like this chick for instance. She's hot, but I never could date her because she'd make me go insane, watch a few of her vids and her uber anti-american and romanticism with Japanese everything is crazily irritating


This is me after watching that vid:


I was all like "SHUT IF OFF SHUT IT OFF!!!"

She is an airhead. And frustratingly ignorant to boot. Honestly though, that's what you get for even considering anyone under the age of 24.

Currently 22 and cant see myself going out with any more "girls", need a women. I'm thinking I just need more realistic mature people, but that's in high conflict with the hobbies I have. =P

Also, I'm not really looking for a relationship right now. I'm in one, but she is a foreign exchange student who wont be in the US forever. I didn't realize we where in a relationship till it was to late. But maybe its for the best because it forces me to take a step back and plan the future.

What I really want, deep down inside is to find a really, really, really nerdy girl... maybe a librarian who loves manga or something... who will watch anime and play games with me. And knows what Warmachine/Hords is... and ****s like a tiger. =P

03-02-2010, 11:11 PM
I think, after failed relationships and seeing the relationships of people around me, one of the most important things would be a guy who isn't caught up in being "manly." I want a guy who is actually in touch with his feelings and emotions and can express how he feels and won't close off from me emotionally. And someone who is stable and doesn't have anger issues. Who will take equal part in the relationship, with neither one of us taking or giving too much. I want them to be attractive to me (whether others find them attractive is moot), have a sense of humor, preferably not do drugs or drink or smoke, be intelligent... there are a lot of things. I am becoming very picky about what I want. I want my next relationship to hopefully be my last, and I am not settling for someone below my expectations. If I have to end up spending my life alone, so be it :P

lol that basically described me. I'm not all "manly" and stupid stuff like that and i was always driven by emotions in a relationship, not physical stuff, and i also don't want somebody who drink/smoke/drugs. normally that gets me called gay but i'm glad to see people appreciate stuff like that.

I just don't want a relationship for the sake of having a relationship. It seems like a lot of relationships these days are like that. I don't want something shallow and meaningless. I want something that will really last. :)

more people need to be like you. Some people date with the intention of just dating for a few months. People call me too picky and say that I need to lower my standards because I always aim out of my league but really i'm trying to find somebody that I can see myself with for a long time, not somebody that I can be happy with for a while but really it causes more problems than its worth.

i'm starting to become...idk the word. disappointed? losing faith? in dating because like the comedian Louis CK said, starting a relationship is basically setting up something awful to happen in the future. best case scenario: you live together for a long time and then one of you dies and the other is alone and depressed for the rest of their life.

edit: btw, i watched like 2 seconds of that video and already she annoys me

03-03-2010, 12:40 PM
I can spot lies easily, so the more you lie, the more I will be unable to trust you. And what's love without trust?

Also, someone who respects me, no matter what.
It's a partnership not an ownership.
) :

ugh love stinks I think I'd rather just be alone sometimes. Honestly.

03-03-2010, 12:41 PM
I can spot lies easily, so the more you lie, the more I will be unable to trust you. And what's love without trust?

Also, someone who respects me, no matter what.
It's a partnership not an ownership.
) :

ugh love stinks I think I'd rather just be alone sometimes. Honestly.

i totally agree with u lemon

03-03-2010, 06:34 PM
Sweet, kinda caring, someone I can confide in, someone who would hold me when I need it, be there for me no matter what.
Someone who can do those little things that make me smile, say "I love you" and mean it(:
They have to be a NON SMOKER though.
Just thought I'd add that in. XD
The type of guy who when I see him, my heart skips a beat and I can't help but smile when I see him. :]

Project Blaze
03-03-2010, 06:55 PM
Sweet, kinda caring, someone I can confide in, someone who would hold me when I need it, be there for me no matter what.
Someone who can do those little things that make me smile, say "I love you" and mean it(:
They have to be a NON SMOKER though.
Just thought I'd add that in. XD
The type of guy who when I see him, my heart skips a beat and I can't help but smile when I see him. :]

That's awesome, Yuuki! I hope ya find someone like that. And when you do, he'll be the lucky one to have found you. (: I'm sure you'll find someone like that someday. ^_^

03-03-2010, 06:56 PM
Nice person, good personality, attractive.