View Full Version : Bobs organized RPG

03-03-2010, 12:49 AM
Dear members of the forum. I think I will try to roleplay for the first time ever (honest). =P

But I want to organize something fun. Something many people can take part in (not just hard core Role players). So I'm creating an organized RPG. Set in a basic fantasy setting. To structure things, will require a DM (referee of sorts) to advance the story and move along events, that will be my job.

The Rules

You the players will tell your story, and I will award you each day with a modifier depending on how much effort you put into the story. (M+1) You will be allowed 3 actions a day (other then telling your story), movement, non-hostile actions, and attack options. Put in that order so that effects can be determined in proper order. This will help keep things realistic and creative. If you want to kill a character, slay a monster, or explore somewhere in the story, all you need to do is say you are going to. Then, depending on the difficulty and how well you have role played we will role to see if you succeed.

To determine success, I will just use the old D&D style of rolling a dice and determining the actions difficulty, roll higher you succeed, lower you fail.

So if you want to say, slay a monster, or explore somewhere in the story, all you need to do is say you are going to. And add ho many Modifier points you would like to spend on the action (M+). It will then be added to the dice roll (performed by me) to see if you succeed. If you attempt to commit murder and get away with it, a high modifier might allow that. Generally the difficulty of the action will be decided by how well you describe doing it.

So lets say you want to kill someone but dont tell me how. I roll a d20 and compare it to this chart:

15 – Little to no detail
10 – moderate detail
5 – high levels of detail

If I give it a high difficulty then you would have to roll higher then 15. If the roll is exactly 15, I might give an example of how you just barley get away with it and any effects. If you fail, you will get a penalty to certain stats on your next turn and a put your character in scenario they have to break out of. How well you describe going about the task, how sneaky and creative you can get, would lower the difficulty.

-Loot will be awarded (yay)
Loot will be earned by advancing the main plot line. Many stories can be told but staying focused will have a reward, in the form of loot with a permanent modifier attached to it for your character.

I'm thinking basic stats that everyone can understand. You can try to solve events by applying a skill:


If you want to know about some ruins in an undercroft below a church you could

Break into it by making a tunnel from next door (Strength)
Translating books that might have an answer (wisdom)
Sneak in past the priests (dexterity)
Persuade someone in the church to let you in or tell you about it (Charisma)

-There will be a world map provided.
-objective and destinations will be given (how you try to solve them is up to you)
-Players can join at any time
-Players who join need to create a character, complete with background and other basic fluff.

Traveling will require time, I'm still working out the mechanics, we could measure distance by 1 action point per so many miles (depends on map, will have a grid). If you use all your action points traveling, you could still win roll modifiers by describing the scenery or character you encounter on the journey.

This is an experimental RolePlay. So I don't know how things will turn out. Hopefully if enough people like it this will become quite entertaining. If you are the least bit interested please drop a post to let me know. I'm trying to help get this section of the forum more active.

Guidelines for creating a character:


If you create for example a knight, and they use a two handed sword, they would rely on strength when attacking. Using two short sword may rely on dexterity. So don't give just their weapon, but how they prefer to use it as well.

Loot might be randomly awarded. I may roll to see what stat gets awarded a bonus from the loot. If you don't have a weapon that uses that stat, just mention your character trading their weapon for something new while in town. Freedom and creativity are all you really need.

03-03-2010, 04:48 AM
sounds interesting bob .. i'll join in for the giggle

03-03-2010, 09:31 AM
I'm in! I'll create a character and edit this post with the details of that character when I have a chance later today (or tomorrow)

03-04-2010, 07:37 PM
Alright, Im actually putting together a basic RPG map and plotting some very basic objectives. This is pretty experimental so we will see what happens.

I will hopefully have a thread open with a rules section, Map, main objectives and starting locations. I might make a class system that will get a slight bonus to different stats, but those will be optional.

Looks like Saturday I will start it up.