View Full Version : Structured Roleplay

03-06-2010, 05:25 PM

This is the map we will use for the structured roleplay (yay, I suck at maps).

-The circles indicate possible starting locations.
-Each square unit will be considered roughly 20 miles.
-You get three (AP) to use a day to either move or perform actions with.
-You can move twice as fast on roads, but crossing water when there are not roads on either side will require a difficulty check (these must be made at the end of your turn as well).

AP system:

You have 3 AP a turn. Certain actions can only happen at the end of your turn. The actions you can take include:

-Move (1 tile per AP you spend)
-Question/Investigate (if it is not used at the end of your turn, use a messenger or ask a child to run the information to you when the answer is found, be creative)
-Attack/rob (turn ends, you must describe your intentions and how you plan to achieve those goals )
Explore/forage (turn ends, difficulty role, exploring might find locations or start an event, even on empty tiles)

Gold system:

Gold will be collected or earned by your character by collecting items that you can sell or trade at any time in town. Or looting bodies from slain foes or characters. I will try to help keep track of your items and currency and put shops up for each town. (still in progress)

Characters need to move from point to point to activate each location starting with the events marked by a one. You can complete all the first level events in any order, and so forth.

You earn + modifiers to difficulty checks according to how well you roleplay. This can be described as:

-Developing a consistent character personality (make good guys/bad guys behave accordingly)
-Describing your surroundings
-Describing how you interact with people or locations (creativity awards ect.)
-Driving the story forward (a grander story plot will be revealed along with the event locations)

If you end your turn traveling you may find unexplored locations. This is determined randomly, but if it happens a brief description and options will be given to the player such as:

-Ignore it
-Explore it (in this case you get to write the fluff for it and it will be added to the map)
-Attack/Loot it (you spend all three AP this turn but if you succeed you acquire objects and gold)

Please also note these key preset locations:

Waterside areas where ships transport goods to the shoreline towns after receiving them from flat boats that come down the dragons tongue. The flatboats are built to be disassembled, allowing them to be wheeled back up river. Although it consists of mostly waterfront shacks and rundown wooden buildings, its importance to local trade and the castles supplies means there is always a garrison of experienced soldiers. Attempts to tax or plunder the cargo vessels is dealt with by merciless and skilled mounted crossbowmen in the kingdoms employ.

(5x3y)StoneBridge Castle:
The only really fortified position in the region, this castle and some outlying towns are significant because of the taxes they collect as well as providing a recruitment point for soldiers, the dangers in the region breed only the strong. The number of recruited helps increase loyalty and support for the local army. The castle is a military structure and is run like one, but a large town has sprung up around it due to the safety it provides. The duties of defending it and the region fall to Sir Hudde wythe Durant.

(10x3y)Tomb Of Lost Souls:
The power of the dead is a compelling thing. This location draws both dark worshipers as well as treasure seekers. Many cults leave golden offerings at alters in the region as well. There are many mysteries surrounding the location and is of medium strategic interest. The mountains also house a tunnel system that may be worth checking out, to see where they lead.

Dragons Tongue/ Iron Fields: a major source of trade for the iron industry. While the iron fields are not very useful for farmland mines have sprung up everywhere to take advantage of the wealth of valuable mineral veins’. Trade along the river and roadside have created several boomtowns. This is a primary reason the region is settled.

(11x10y)Fort Rhyker:
While not so much a fort as a wilderness outpost, this fort is a major fur trading outpost where trappers come after each winter for passing sales caravans drawn by the iron can buy their goods. The rocky terrain has resulted from clear cutting, but has made for an easily defensible position.

Several towns along Blindwater have begun to decrease in population as many strike out towards the iron fields with dreams of getting rich, or for the relative safety provided by stone bridge castle. Whats left of the population now is mostly formed into mercenary groups looking to take advantage of caravans needing protection along the roads, or robbing the ones that go without!. If you need to hire a few cutthroats then there is no better place then along the shanty ridden shores of Blindwater.

This town prides itself in the number and scale of its docks. Many are semi mechanical, the town has an extensive waterfront system. . Existing on all three sides of the fork in the Dragons tongue, it is the result of the merging of smaller settlements each looking to prosper from a critical point in the supply chain down the dragons tongue.

More to come. I may try to create an example character to demonstrate but I want people to be free to roleplay their own style, and shape the environment to suite their taste.

03-11-2010, 01:50 PM
lool , haha but i really dont know

03-20-2010, 09:30 PM
This looks actually kind of fun. I love grid-based strategy games.

03-21-2010, 01:29 AM
haha thanks, but I dont know if enough people have any interest in this right now.

Maybe if more people posted they could start something.

03-21-2010, 07:42 AM
I'm in :D

ps. will you constantly update the map or whaT ? :S

03-21-2010, 07:22 PM

03-21-2010, 10:15 PM
I'm game - I call starting at (7,1) :P