View Full Version : Bobs Art stuffs

03-18-2010, 10:12 PM
Ok, as far as art goes mostly I do a little painting. Mostly figures for wargames. Here are some examples:


I dont have a very good camera to take pics with, but to give you a few examples of what they are:

This is a Grey Knight justicar (there are mods to wear his armor is fallout3). He is one of the first models I ever painted. I got him for my 20th birthday from a friend. He cost $16 at the time, and is a unit leader for the game Warhammer 40K. Currently I think its still the most popular table top wargame.

This is a random model from the "Warlords" mini selection. The model used to be part of dozens of less popular wargames over the years. I have no idea how the game was even played. He was $7. =P

This is one of my favorites, a carnevean. You cant see all the hightlighting and detail in the model but its there. He was 16 metal bits that needed to be pinned, glued and painted when I first got him. Out of the box set he cost around $25. I could sell him for $50-60 easy. He is part of the Hordes game, a sister game to Warmachine, a big competitor for Warhammer.

This is a Warmachine Bahemoth, sells for $50 a pop and contains over 35 pieces that need to be assembled. The difficulty assembling and price make them rare on the tabletop. I have lovingly put almost 20 hours into him and have seen similar models sell for over $150.

Maybe if I get a better camera I can get some fancy photos up later. I still enjoy painting though I haven't been at it much recently. I have found lately that I really enjoy painting fire, as I'm getting better at glow effects and highlighting.

Any questions about the hobby or advice I would be glad to answer.

03-18-2010, 10:17 PM
These look soooooo cool! I love the carnevean the most, too. Really cool :3:3 Keep it up!

03-18-2010, 10:55 PM
aye nice bob .. i never had the patience for that kinda thing rly :)

03-19-2010, 04:35 AM
wehhheeyyy!!! you made these? That's so awesome man!!!! :o Do you have like a store? If yeah, then I'll come visit someday =D

03-19-2010, 05:03 AM
I love the work you've put into these and can really appreciate it aswell!
I use to assemble and paint the Lord of the Rings tabletop game pieces.. including building Helms Deep itself..

03-20-2010, 01:28 AM
I love the work you've put into these and can really appreciate it aswell!
I use to assemble and paint the Lord of the Rings tabletop game pieces.. including building Helms Deep itself..

thanks all.

I do have an interest in sculpting and terrain building. I really want to make a few full sized tables for the armies I have built for warmachine. And having been around Games Workshop stores I have seen a lot of the LotR models and magazine articles.

I really love all the work and attention that goes into the terrain for that particular game. Since its half fanart half gameplay there is real emphasis on integrating terrain, scratch built or otherwise.

03-20-2010, 09:46 AM
I played a bit of the Mech Warrior tabletop game, but you've finally out dorked me! I'ma have to post some Nerf pics and stuff to make my comeback :P

These look awesome, Bob, I am impressed both by the time you put into the craft the quality of your astonishing quality of your work!

03-20-2010, 10:20 AM

I've always been amazed at how people can paint such small things. My hands shake too much ) :

03-21-2010, 12:54 AM
ANother Warjack from "Warmachine", I painted this one as a test to see what the colors would look like together for an army theme, in a mercinary band. (flashy colors trying to make the jacks look ritzy and antique)



I've always been amazed at how people can paint such small things. My hands shake too much ) :

Put a few hours into painting and your hands steady out. I think I spent 6 hours painting these little things before I could get my hands real steady. I still use tricks to pull it off if I havent painted in a while though, like holding the figure with thumb and forfinger, on the top and bottom and setting my wrist on a flat surface an steadying my hand with my pinky finger on the table or the model.

Depends on the size of the figure and the stage you are at in painting, but there are even guides on the internet to getting steady painting grips. =P

I played a bit of the Mech Warrior tabletop game, but you've finally out dorked me! I'ma have to post some Nerf pics and stuff to make my comeback :P

These look awesome, Bob, I am impressed both by the time you put into the craft the quality of your astonishing quality of your work!

Out dork you? Oh **** i was about to post this pic of my holding a bunch of the mechwarrior figures in a Gundam High-Zak box,


the gundam I built and gave to a girl I had a crush on in highschool... because they last longer then roses. (I dont think she understood how truly romantic that was, it was over 400 pieces) =P

Thanks for the compliments, though I think most people could do the same quality work by putting enough time into it.

Here is a mechwarrior Hellstar I repainted (used to be white/red I think):


Yeah I know they are prepainted but machines do ****ty work, and you get an army bonus if they are all the same faction (or at least I think the rules let you change their faction with a paintjob).

03-21-2010, 12:59 AM
always wanted to try something like this. I bought some mechwarrior figures a long time ago but never played it.


hahaha nerd!

03-21-2010, 02:51 PM

hahaha nerd!

I feel like this could be legitimately said to anyone that took the time to sign up for and use this forum

IIRC, the faction was printed on the base of the figures as well as denoted by their color scheme and they had slightly different stats depending what faction they belonged to, but I wouldn't deny someone a faction bonus if they went to the trouble to re-paint all of their pieces! ;)