View Full Version : Help Me diablo 2 lod

03-29-2010, 10:51 AM
Hello , i need big help from someone

03-29-2010, 10:52 AM
Hello , i need big help from someone

you might need to be a little more specific .. and by 'little' i mean a LOT :)

03-29-2010, 10:55 AM
Hello evryone,week ago i started to play diablo 2 lod again (Ohh i remember the good days when i was young) I need a big help from someone: i need key of diablo 2 Lod that works on battle net.if someone have the cdkey and dont need him anymore becouse you stoped playing d2 please someone help me!! i will give a thousends of thanks for this help. i hope someone will read my massege and help me.

sorry i had an internet lag so i could't post my message

btw my message whitout symbols becouse when i writed symbols like DOTE the forum didnot allowe'd me to post the message :(

you might need to be a little more specific .. and by 'little' i mean a LOT :)

Is it now enough specific? :)

03-29-2010, 11:16 AM
Is it now enough specific? :)

it is yes

however, do u rly think someone will give u their own cd key to a complete stranger? considering how cheap d2 and lod is it would probably be quicker to wash some cars or something and buy it, no?

03-29-2010, 11:18 AM
it is yes

however, do u rly think someone will give u their own cd key to a complete stranger? considering how cheap d2 and lod is it would probably be quicker to wash some cars or something and buy it, no?

I can buy the cd-key but the problem is that i dont know where... becouse the game is old and in a big computer games stores they dont sell it anymore...

And btw there are people that sharing the cd-keys , why do they need cd-key if they dont play no more in diablo?

03-29-2010, 11:24 AM
I can buy the cd-key but the problem is that i dont know where... becouse the game is old and in a big computer games stores they dont sell it anymore...

the usual places sell it .. i took 3 secs on amazon to find this (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_3_8?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=diablo+2+battle+chest&x=0&y=0&sprefix=diablo+2).

And btw there are people that sharing the cd-keys , why do they need cd-key if they dont play no more in diablo?

because they might want to play it again someday, or even sell it rather than just give it away ..

p.s. be careful of double-posting .. unless you want to enrage the wrath of voodoo. just edit your post rather than post again.

03-29-2010, 11:30 AM
Ok , but still if there is someone who can help it willbe very big help for me

03-29-2010, 09:44 PM
Here in the US, gamestop, target and Wallymart still sell it for about $30-40. Even though its still old it still sells fairly well.

While it may be possible to buy CD-keys online, I wouldnt trust most of the sites that well them. But given how old the game is, chances are you have a friend with an old copy of the game who might lend you the DC-key.

03-30-2010, 10:18 AM
Yeah a lot of game stores still sell it.

It's not hard to find <:

03-30-2010, 02:00 PM
I know online transactions of things are frowned upon by a lot of people when it comes to video games but I've been playing Diablo for years now and found that there are a lot of trustworthy and respectable sites where you can buy CD keys as well as items. I've never been scammed or lost money.

I usually get a Simon Gift card as a shield against any doubts I may have but you do a little research and you can easily find a nice sight to buy CD keys and items from.

I mean I owe it to those people for the incredibly hard to find Immortal King's set :]

04-14-2010, 02:36 PM
im sure u cand find it...
getting warm for d3, yes?