View Full Version : I Hate Insects Blargh!!!

04-19-2010, 11:01 PM
In case my title didn't other wise inform you of the situation, I HATE STUPID INSECTS!!!!! So, I was in my room last night @ about 10:30 about to go to bed, when I hear something hitting on my window. At first I was all like, "Oh it's just a little bird that accidently hit my window'. Until it keeps hitting my window. Then I ponder how I'll get to sleep with this racket. So, I opened up my blinds to see what it is, and a huge moth the size of my fist flies toward the lightbulb thats in my room. I would normally be all like, "Oh whatever, it's just a moth, it won't do anything", until it repeatdly ( I may have spelled that wrong) hits my walls. Now I was getting a little bit annoyed. I decide to end this moth's blind torment by hitting it with my sister's Spore guide. I kept swatting at it for like, 30 minutes until it goes back inside the space between the blinds and my window. *Phew* . This peace didn't last long, until the wall banging starts up again. I just decided to turn off the lights and go to bed, so he hopefully won't "bug" me anymore. Well, that worked, and now he's hopefully gone. My sister and I discussed this, and she looked up on google if moths are blind. Apparently they aren't in the dark, but if they are exposed to light for a long period of time they go temporarily blind. That's why he didn't bang against the walls for a while because he was in a space with little light; the space near my dark window.

And that's why I offically hate all insects. :laugh:

*Excuse my poor grammer/spelling, I was in a rush to get my point out. *

04-20-2010, 04:55 AM
Lol... interesting story

04-20-2010, 08:10 AM
huh, an interesting story.
why peoples hate insect? well probably woman is the prey not the man...
and in your case man hate insect... ek?
well, nor the me, I hate some insect like arr? Beatles, and many moreh...

04-20-2010, 10:55 AM
I hate beatles too... And cockroaches, and moths... and flies, and maggots, and basically anything that crawls or flies. ( I'm ok with airplanes :laugh: )

04-21-2010, 11:18 PM
Insects really don't bother me much. One time a potato bug attacked me in my bed and that was somewhat disconcerting but they don't really freak me out. I'm not about to go out and pet a cockroach or anything, but they have their place in the world and whatnot.

You should have tried to capture the moth though and put it outside :) Moths are wonderful and harmless and lovely creatures.

I'm not really a fan of killing the poor things. Just take them outside if they get into the house; they're usually not going to kill you.

04-21-2010, 11:24 PM
I wish we could ban fleas and roaches from earth

04-22-2010, 12:13 AM
I wish we could ban fleas and roaches from earth


@muffin- I don't really HATE them, and I don't really want to kill them, they just "bug" me. I usually attempt to capture them and take them outside. ( Especially if they're spiders or moths flying low to the ground. )
Cockroaches.... sadly I have no heart for them. Literally, their purpose in life is to eat dead animals and peoples' organs. Even most worms have a purpose, they filter the soil, but cockroaches are the scrouge of humanity. They breed like crazy, and they love to crawl inside my clothing. ( Eww! ) It's like a love-hate relationship. :laugh:

04-22-2010, 01:36 PM
You'd hate cockroaches if you lived in an infested apartment.

I don't hate all insects, just some.

04-22-2010, 10:45 PM
What really ticks me off are those tiny insects that are like really minature roaches. I don't know what they are, yet they are so insignificant to me, I don't see the need to look up what they are. All I know is that my brother and I call them, "Annoying (insert worst curse here)."

They somehow creep through the creases between the window and the air conditioner unit and walk on the ceiling late at night when all is quiet. They are small but make this annoying noise, oh, and they fly!

When my brother and I catch one creeping in our room, we "torture" them. Remove their legs, head, and toss them into a mix of chemicals. Bugs beware!

04-23-2010, 11:56 AM
When my brother and I catch one creeping in our room, we "torture" them. Remove their legs, head, and toss them into a mix of chemicals. Bugs beware!

Because torturing something for being alive is the right thing to do....
Just because it's "insignificant" existence happens to annoy you, doesn't mean it deserves cruelty of the lengths you described. If you can quite happily inflict such pain on a bug -which, by the way, is ABLE TO FEEL PAIN- goodness knows how you could treat pigeons, dogs, cats or even other humans.
You make me sick.

04-23-2010, 12:04 PM
Rai i couldn't say it any better myself.

stayin on topic i hate this little buggers.

04-23-2010, 12:21 PM
Because torturing something for being alive is the right thing to do....
Just because it's "insignificant" existence happens to annoy you, doesn't mean it deserves cruelty of the lengths you described. If you can quite happily inflict such pain on a bug -which, by the way, is ABLE TO FEEL PAIN- goodness knows how you could treat pigeons, dogs, cats or even other humans.
You make me sick.

This is the best post ever.



04-23-2010, 02:04 PM
Because torturing something for being alive is the right thing to do....
Just because it's "insignificant" existence happens to annoy you, doesn't mean it deserves cruelty of the lengths you described. If you can quite happily inflict such pain on a bug -which, by the way, is ABLE TO FEEL PAIN- goodness knows how you could treat pigeons, dogs, cats or even other humans.
You make me sick.


Yes because killing a bug means your going to kill mammals. It's a bug ffs anyway. you type of people annoy me.

lol shocker the uber conservative thinks it's an outstanding post...not

04-23-2010, 03:42 PM
Yes because killing a bug means your going to kill mammals. It's a bug ffs anyway. you type of people annoy me.

lol shocker the uber conservative thinks it's an outstanding post...not

I figured someone would think I overreacted. But it's been proven that those (especially young children) who show perverse violence towards any living creature are very likely to have psychotic tendencies. and physchotic tendencies are not good.

Anywho, that's the way I think. :)

04-23-2010, 03:45 PM
haha those studies make me laugh. I tortured the **** out of things when I was kid and you know I am even less violent than when I was kid/teen. Crazy people are crazy and society feels the need to try and figure things out and when they can't fully grasp it they try to play the blame game and point fingers. The human mind is far too complex to for us to ever figure out all the variables.

Edit: woot post 500

04-23-2010, 03:54 PM
Cpngrats on your 500th posts. Perhaps a celebratory cookie later?

Glad to hear your less violent. :)
Of course the mind is too complex to fully understand, but traits and the like which re-appear over and over again are fairly dependable and that's one of those traits. Obviously not everyone who does that turns out to be a serial killer, but it gives an indication as to who might have the neurological problems which would lead to that.

Anyways, this is completely off topic and we obviously have contrasting views and I have a feeling that neither of us will back down on our views. If ya feel the need to continue this convo pm me or leave a profile comment.

04-23-2010, 05:37 PM
I am going to jump in on the off-topic just for one post to say that Rai is correct in that most people who are convicted of violent crimes/are sociopaths/etc have a history of torturing animals. Does this mean that Jak is a sociopath? Not necessarily. It doesn't have to correlate both ways. Also blah blah correlation does not prove causation, and all that jazz. But I would seriously question anyone who gets enjoyment from the torture of other living creatures. Sorry. I personally know a couple guys who I am convinced are sociopaths who feel nothing over the pain of other living things/people, and have tortured animals. It's inexcusable to me. And yeah a lot of little kids do that, because they don't really have a concept of other things being alive and whatnot, but after a certain age... Just because "it's only a bug" does not excuse the ENJOYMENT over the torture of it.

Bugs are not necessarily my favorite things in the world, but there is a definite difference between killing and torture, and enjoying torture of anything is somewhat suspect to me.

04-24-2010, 08:38 AM

Natural part of life.

You know.
Burning ants with a magnifying glass.

yeah torturing ANIMALS has shown that tendancy, but it totally different with insects and the like.

So I'd have to disagree with you on that, also i would like to add that PARASITES ARE CREEPY AS HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL


04-25-2010, 11:43 AM
I hate bugs too, I especially hate them when they're in my house.
It disgusts me. >_<

04-26-2010, 12:39 AM
Because torturing something for being alive is the right thing to do....
Just because it's "insignificant" existence happens to annoy you, doesn't mean it deserves cruelty of the lengths you described. If you can quite happily inflict such pain on a bug -which, by the way, is ABLE TO FEEL PAIN- goodness knows how you could treat pigeons, dogs, cats or even other humans.
You make me sick.

Your argument is flawed. I treated those insects because of their insignificance. For me to treat pigeons, dogs, cats or even other humans the same way, I would have to view them as insignificant.

04-26-2010, 01:43 PM
Saying that most killers and such had a history of torturing animals is just like saying people become killers because of video games. You can't prove it, but you can't not prove it. Pretty much all games have some sort of killing in them. They all lead to enjoyment of the player. I haven't once seen a person playing a game go crazy over people killing things in game. I do not condone killing cats or dogs but seriously, it's just an insect.

04-26-2010, 01:56 PM
Your argument is flawed. I treated those insects because of their insignificance. For me to treat pigeons, dogs, cats or even other humans the same way, I would have to view them as insignificant.

And what's stopping you from seeing them as insignificant? Afterall, it's just a bird. ¬.¬

Jjet, i'm not saying all killers have these tendencies and i'm sorry if i gave that impression. I specificly meant serial killers and psychopaths. This is because these people do actually have serious neurological problems, in other words their brain does not function properly - it is a mental illness. They are unable to see things like the majority and are generally classed as insane. A majority of killers do not have these same problems.

A small kid torturing an insect is not that abnormal - the child is unable to properly understand. However, a grown adult doing the same thing... a grown adult puropsely inflicting pain on a smaller defencless being.... and enjoying it....

04-26-2010, 02:05 PM
Well, in a sense, it's like if a little kid throws a rock at you and it breaks skin. Usually the response would be to inflict harm on the person who threw the rock. This would cause you pleasure. It may not be exactly the same but it is pretty close. But everyone's entitled to their opinion. Personally. I don't mind insects. Only when they bother me when I sleep is when they really piss me off. Which is why I could understand people getting pleasure from killing insects or bugs.

04-26-2010, 11:26 PM
Here is some food for thought. Even if there is a correlation between violence and video games, and I am not saying there necessarily is, which causes what? Could it be video games make violent individuals, or could it be violent individuals play video games? Think about it before listening to stubborn eggheads who think they know about video games and violence because they studied the two, despite the fact they never have played a video game in their lives.

As someone who has played video games, video games have not made me into a violent person. We all have pent up anger that comes out at times of frustration. We are human. Even before video games, individuals were violent. Do not let the mass media influence you into believing something, without doing your own research and developing your own views on things.

04-26-2010, 11:34 PM
Here is some food for thought. Even if there is a correlation between violence and video games, and I am not saying there necessarily is, which causes what? Could it be video games make violent individuals, or could it be violent individuals play video games? Think about it before listening to stubborn eggheads who think they know about video games and violence because they studied the two, despite the fact they never have played a video game in their lives.

As someone who has played video games, video games have not made me into a violent person. We all have pent up anger that comes out at times of frustration. We are human. Even before video games, individuals were violent. Do not let the mass media influence you into believing something, without doing your own research and developing your own views on things.

well made point Moff

as a side point, i get more angry when celine dion appears on the tv than i do at games .. i guess it's an individual thing

anyway, back on topic .. the only insect i hate are slugs .. they're just plain weird ..

04-26-2010, 11:41 PM
well made point Moff

as a side point, i get more angry when celine dion appears on the tv than i do at games .. i guess it's an individual thing

anyway, back on topic .. the only insect i hate are slugs .. they're just plain weird ..

Yes, this discussion did get off topic.

When I was very young, I used to "befriend" the slugs I found in the backyard. My father would needlessly salt them, so I would hide them underneath the gutter drains. I had nothing wrong with slugs. I prefer snails over them, though.

An insect I cannot stand are Yellow Jacks! They are ruthless S.O.B.s! They can sting over and over!