View Full Version : What was the weirdest/ last dream you ever had?

04-19-2010, 11:13 PM
I'm interested to know what your dreams are like. :D

One of mine- I was in a Fallout 3 wasteland-type place. I found a bottle of water/milk. The top half was filled with mold and the bottom half was full of dirt, but I drank some anyway. I vomited. :eek1: I walked over to this police HQ place. I found a big green dude there who looked like the Incredible Hulk. He then attempted to kill me, but I ran super-fast down the hallway. I came into a bathroom that was super-clean,except for the sinks which were like the water bottle I found. I look in the mirror and gasped. My face was super white and all cracked. I splash some of the nasty sink water on my face, and when I look back in the mirror I look like a super model! :laugh:

Awkward dreams... Share yours too! I might post more if you guys post a few.

04-20-2010, 01:46 AM
The last dream I had, I was in like a swamp/bog walking on this long bridge with my pet cheetah, who was running around constantly. There were a bunch of deer in the swamp, but I had trained the cheetah not to eat them... but then I guess he got hungry and couldn't resist, so he started to chew on the leg of one. And then someone shot him :( And then I got a phone call which woke me up thankfully. But yeah it was sad :(

04-20-2010, 02:28 AM
Last night me and Samuel L. Jackson took a walk in the park. He's a very nice guy and is very smart and collective unlike the roles he plays in movies.

04-20-2010, 09:35 AM
Last dream I had...

There was a party at my house and I went to my room and there was a bunch of people hotboxing. I COULDNT BREATHE ANYTHING BUT POTSMOKE. So then the police came and were all "ARE YOU HIGH >:U" and I was crying and stuff and was screaming "YES BUT ITS NOT MY FAULLLLTTTT"

It was kinda funny.

04-20-2010, 09:48 AM
well one time i had a dream i had to give a giraffe a shower but i couldn't find my giraffe so i stole somebody else's but i was afraid it would bite my stuff off. i also had no pants and for some reason i couldn't find any pants.

last night i had a dream that there was a summer camp reunion thing (i miss summer camp) and me and this one kid i hung out with a lot were chillin and he had long hair

04-20-2010, 11:15 AM
I was walking in a walmart but the only thing on the shelf was tooth paste. So i bought like 50 roles and whent outside and my city was underwater . Sorry to say I woke then and yeah thats all. Its a recent dream though .

04-20-2010, 11:17 AM
You had a dream where you were HIGH Lemon? Wow haha. Here's one of my dreams:

I was on my old grade school's playground with my sister. There was snow all around us. Ok, so this kid with super-platinum blonde hair walked up to us and said his name was Ryan. He had a sister with him whose name was Sally. They gave us these costumes: My sister had a Alice from Alice in Wonderland costume, Ryan had a pirate costume, Sally had a little beggar girl's costume, and I had a pink Pikachu costume. :laugh: Ryan told us to follow him through a forest to his hometown. So my sister and I followed him through this creepy dark forest. Don't ask why, but this part reminded me of the video Kikia. ( DONT LOOK IT UP IT SCREAMS RELY LOUD AT U!!! ) We finally got out of the Kikia-forest and came upon a small town of hobos. Ryan led us to his Uncle's house, which for some reason had no front to the house, or a door. Like, the house llitterally had 3 sides.... Ryan's uncle told us that if we got to the 2nd story of his house, he'd give us each $50,000. Well, the stair was on fire and it had 50 lit candles and burning pots and pans on it. :-( But my sister, Ryan, and Sally all climbed up with no problem, like they didn't even feel the fire. Well, when I tried it, I got severly burnt, so I quit and waited down by Ryan's uncle. I waited until this Indian tribe walked up this cliffside and walked to the town. ( This part I can't remember so well) Then a little Indian boy ran up to me, hugged me, and said, " I love you brother!". THE END....

04-23-2010, 04:33 PM
I dreamt that yoghi-bear (probably spelt wrong) and I were like best mates. and we were in town mucking about, doing the normal things friends do. And i got epic hugs, 'cos he was nig and cuddly. And we went to the same university. But then he admitted he had a crush on me .... which was weird, and then he got a tatto and then we went downhill mountain biking. And the brakes on myy bike failed... and there was an upwards curving bit and i went WHEEEEE and for some reason there was a TV crew there, and I managed to pull off a backflip and land the bike on a motorway.... guess i'll never know what happened to yoghi.

04-23-2010, 04:35 PM
i was a penguin ..

i was in my local high street trying to speak to ppl ..

everything was coming out as squawks ..

i had a bow tie on ..

04-23-2010, 07:56 PM
i was a penguin ..

i was in my local high street trying to speak to ppl ..

everything was coming out as squawks ..

i had a bow tie on ..

jango.... please... come be in my dreams please

and no don't take that in some weird sexual direction, you guys.

actually I really probably shouldn't make this post.


04-23-2010, 09:13 PM
lol muffin .. i wish it wasn't true .. there's more but i think i've said enough already lol

Project Blaze
04-24-2010, 06:22 PM
Dunno about weird, but I had some recurring dream that scared the crap outta me every time. It was about a werewolf chasing me relentlessly, and was in some sort of neighborhood that seemed familiar, but still not really sure which one it was. I ran as fast as I could and tripped a lot. Scary things. >_<

As far as weird? I dreamt I was an animated Super Saiyan 2 kid Gohan from Dragonball Z, but I was in the real world. Near one of my old schools no less. o_O

So.. lol There's my dreamz as far as unusual goes. XP

04-25-2010, 10:33 AM
Dunno about weird, but I had some recurring dream that scared the crap outta me every time. It was about a werewolf chasing me relentlessly,

I was just trying to give you a hug >:
With my big wolfy arms~

Project Blaze
04-26-2010, 07:40 PM
I was just trying to give you a hug >:
With my big wolfy arms~

XD I thought those lemons he had for eyes looked familiar. :P

04-27-2010, 12:24 AM
Maybe not the weirdest I have had, but a weird one that comes to mind is a dream I had the day before my birthday 10 years ago. I was celebrating my birthday in a jungle, and JUST as I was about to open my very first present, I was awakened by my mother. It didn't matter. I got better presents from humans than I probably would have gotten from a lion, or giraffe (yes, there was a giraffe in the jungle of my dream).

04-27-2010, 12:13 PM
I got better presents from humans than I probably would have gotten from a lion, or giraffe.

This is where you are mistaken, sir.

Giraffes give the very best gifts. :)

04-27-2010, 08:13 PM
ok my last dream I had was last night
anyways I was at this fair and I went into this stand and there were these dolls that looked like crap and something I could make so then I left that stand and I walked into another stand and there was a back door and I went through it and there was this hour long water slide so I went on it
and thats all I remember

05-16-2010, 03:44 PM
Linux was shouting at me and slapped me with a trout. But i was like super-allergic to trouts and my face went all bright red and splottchy, then it exploded. So linux was left holding this random trout.... and the trout was breaking down because it had just killed someone and he couldn't deal with it. So he turned to linux for support, but linux was angry because i gave him an innappropriate nickname, so he blamed it on the trout (who was called Henry) and then walked away.
And there were voices... the whole time

05-17-2010, 07:55 AM
here is a weird meaningless dream

i am on a railroad looking towards a tunnel I cant move
and this mining cart right beside starts going in this tunnel and keeps going the longer it gets the more afraid? I get and then I wake up

the weird thing is I feel FEAR I dont know why but I just get the feeling of fear just like if you feared something real

also I have had this dream a few times through my life like few years apart and I always get the same feeling of fear
this is also the only dream that I can remember (right now)

:eek1: http://www.oralchelation.com/calcium/images/in00563_.gif the cart is empty in my dream

anyone know what this dream means?!