View Full Version : A Police Barracade near my house today

04-20-2010, 03:26 PM
So, I woke up at 5:30 to the knock of a police officer on the door. My mom went to the door, and the policeman said that no one could get out of their houses due to a crime that was in a house near us. I looked out the window at about 6:30 to find a giant SWAT team van and about 6 news reporters across the street. About 25 SWAT team members filed out of the van and waited outside the house across from us. A few of them broke a window so they could get inside the locked house. We later found out that 5-10 people got inside the house, and were apparntly commiting burgarly. They tied up the only resident of the house. ( Who we believe was a drug dealer) Then they hid upstairs in the attic. When the SWAT team came they were gone. I'm a little bit scared because this was a few hours ago and the police never found them. :eek1:

04-22-2010, 11:27 PM

I just HAD to reply with this cute little smiley.

04-23-2010, 02:12 AM
Wohoo, you always have an amazing stories.
And a SWAT?! Wow.
Well, i only seeing SWAT on action movie lol.
never seen them in real life.

04-23-2010, 03:13 AM
oh. that gonna be a scary moment for you especially when it's happen just next to your home!

04-23-2010, 03:29 AM
oh. that gonna be a scary moment for you especially when it's happen just next to your home!

indeed you right.
it's way to scary...

04-23-2010, 10:24 AM
I had a similar experience when I was at a friends house.
Couldn't go home until late haha
so I didn't complain.
After everything was done they let me see inside their glowing truckthang.
Pretty high tech I wish I had a camera with me.
I was 10 though, so I had no cool gadgets.

*similar experience high five for Foto*

04-23-2010, 12:20 PM
Sleep with one eye open and (this is the best security tip ever) have a cardboard cut-out of someone on the stairs. When the thief sees it in the dark, they'll run away 'cos they'll think its real. :)

04-23-2010, 12:25 PM
When the thief sees it in the dark, they'll run away 'cos they'll think its real. :)

This is a true statement. My dad has this cardboard cut out of Bruce Lee and I always double-take when I see it because I think it's an actual person. Even though I know it is there :/

Also that sounds really scary, and I am glad I have never had a similar experience :/