View Full Version : Gaming .. and the art of fleecing

05-20-2010, 03:45 AM
I know there's been a few things dotted around about paid DLCs etc recently, but I thought I'd share something Blizzard are about to do soon ..

Blizzard is apparently testing out-of-game [World of Warcraft] applications that will let you access the World of Warcraft auction house either from a regular computer Web browser, or from iTunes .. Each transaction from this new system will carry a $3 charge.

Do you think proposals like this are taking things too far? Do you think this should make games cheaper or get rid of the paid extras for games altogether? Do you think there should be more protection for the consumer when game companies bring in these things (DLCs, additional fees etc) after a game's been initially launched?

What do you think about it?

05-20-2010, 03:50 AM
I actually thing this is a good dlc it doesnt give a big advantage
just makes it easier to people and if they think its too expensive they can just do it ingame? :)

05-20-2010, 04:09 AM
it's expensive. in our country that thing worth a number of -----> 10 <-----

but i don't really care. muahaha, cause i don't play WoW

05-20-2010, 04:10 AM
yeah this post isn't specific to wow ..

my question was in general about the industry ..

05-20-2010, 11:12 AM
The issue in a capitalist market makes any feelings about this irrelevant because there are people who buy DLC and would use market transactions like this... and money talks.

However, I feel that DLC and outside/other expenses are a total rip off - it's akin to phone companies charging as much as they do for text messaging: they are offering a simple, inexpensive as dirt service for a price that has been set by a norm and standard and they are making TONS of money with it. DLC is a scam that has just been accepted because there's no real way to change the system from the consumer's standpoint.

...or is there? cause I'm missing it

05-21-2010, 01:53 PM
yeah this post isn't specific to wow ..

my question was in general about the industry ..

It'd be nice if there was a regulation formation to keep companies in a straight line as I fear stuff like this or things like have the dlc already on the disc and you have to pay to have unlocked will only get worse. But I doubt we'll ever get something like that

05-23-2010, 09:16 PM
people will pay for dlc if its worth it so I dont think its a bad thing and people will just send hate messages to the companies if they cross the line

I would hate it if they start making smaller dlc stuff that still gives people an advantage over other players for a small price then they could just have huge shops with small dlcs :/ 1$ special weapon O_o

but they also know the games has to have enough default content for people to like it if it dont.. bad ratings bad sales