View Full Version : short rant.

05-25-2010, 07:13 AM
I Thought i would say something because I am getting annoyed about something.

Im not here to point fingers, blame, or judge anyone but I want to say people need to stop being total a holes to others and the Universities people go to.

I was just insulted on facebook because this dude made a comment over a car wreck that happened saying "How would we get our dose of reality?" I made a come back of you dont need it. So he insults my University saying im slow/retarded. Which is very annoying I dont see why he would be smarter and better than me, I got papers to show my grades are awesome I've been on the Deans List three times, but it still annoys me.

Im tired of stupid people saying stuff like that, just because my University is the only college in my state to have law enforcement and Homeland Security Degrees does not make that school any less effective in teaching us or anything.

It has its faults but what college doesnt? Its so stupid, Just by the way he talked down to me I get the feeling he is most likely some bully, rich snooty kid, or just some punk looking for gratification. I might go to a college that will accept anyone, but atleast im trying to better myself and not make stupid comments like he did.


05-25-2010, 07:36 AM
atleast im trying to better myself

To be honest mate that's the thing to keep in mind ..

From my experience most people who get all snobby about their education or are spoon-fed through education without actually having to really absorb/experience it lead very dull and uninteresting lives because they're never forced to truly live one. These are often the same people that live in a bubble who come crashing down at some point because their learnt behaviour is that things in life exist in a bubble outside of their own pretensious existence.

My advice would be to think like Mr T ..

05-25-2010, 08:52 AM
The fact that you're in an university shows that you're motivated to learn and you're right, all colleges/universities have their own set of flaws but usually the people that judge you by the university you go to really don't know anything themselves because anyone can attack something general.

Like this...the building across the street is so short so all the people in there must be short too.

05-25-2010, 09:36 AM
Oh you're a University student. Oh yeh.
That is my dream, becoming a University student one day.

Seriously mate, I don't know about your problem, but

This is n**b dude

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs541.ash1/31657_110284989012536_100000931056206_63489_229246 0_n.jpg

05-25-2010, 09:44 AM

05-25-2010, 10:27 AM
dude, you have to remember, those people who insult you are jealous and are trying to make themselves feel big by insulting others. They're assholes, just rise above them and remember why you chose to be at university :)

05-25-2010, 01:15 PM
Eh, I've gotten that before because the University I chose to go to has a reputation for being super hippy and liberal compared to the other ones in my state; but damn if it wasn't a rigorous and extremely difficult, mind-opening experience going there. I learned so much that it's just like "um srsly guys I don't care" .... I really loved my education there so it really doesn't matter to me if other people think it's less prestigious. *shrug*

05-25-2010, 01:40 PM
same here yo, I know how you feel. I hate that feeling but I guess its better to let it pass on & forget the whole thing. Over here, everyone goes to this university that is known for the 'cheapest' out of them all. & not to mention, high school kids go there and many depict it as 'ghetto & childish'. But meh, I dont really care, its all about the education

05-25-2010, 03:38 PM
dude, you have to remember, those people who insult you are jealous and are trying to make themselves feel big by insulting others. They're assholes, just rise above them and remember why you chose to be at university :)

Ya they are Assholes. Why are idiots still playing games when they are in college, i mean seriously. they're in an environment to learn and grow and to chase your dreams yet they rather be morons.

same here yo, I know how you feel. I hate that feeling but I guess its better to let it pass on & forget the whole thing. Over here, everyone goes to this university that is known for the 'cheapest' out of them all. & not to mention, high school kids go there and many depict it as 'ghetto & childish'. But meh, I dont really care, its all about the education

Ya my school has a gang problem, We take kids from Gary Indiana which is a very bad place. So I guess because of the University's open door policy that lowers the quality of education. Hell my professor for my major was FBI for 30 years, you cant do any better than that, unless he was a CIA operative for 30 years.