View Full Version : Humans vs Zombie Mission Feedback

05-27-2010, 04:23 AM
Hey guys im working on a Humans Vs Zombie game for my university and im working on 12 missions, 6 human 6 zombie, and im just wondering if i could get some input on the missions. Im trying to make them fair where zombies wont always win or lose and same with humans.


Before you read I am looking for any advice on how to make the missions better. This is my first time writting missions so any changes you see let me know and I will see what i can do.

Mission 1.0 - Humans

Ok while my men were on patrol they found a piece of paper that seems to describe some sort of machine that the zombies are forcing the captive scientist to create. We are unsure what it does, but there is a little message left on it saying “Look between the Walter and PMS buildings. We have reason to believe that they have left us more information on this machine; your mission should you choice to accept it is to find the missing information and bring it to this information analysis. He or she will decode the information and give you an idea of what these zombies are doing. This is a very important mission and need to know what they are doing, if this machine is working for the zombies we need to stop this machine ASAP.

Reward – Humans get Intel about the machine and how to stop it.
Punishment – Location of device is not found, and might be set off.

Mission 1.0 – Zombies

A scientist that we didn’t change is on the loose, he has been leaving clues around the area about how to disarm the device. He is the key to us continuing our work and making the machines needed to stop the human infection!
His location is unknown, last time anyone saw him he was around St Clair apartments and PMS building. He must be found and transformed into one of us he is the key to our future.
He will be armed and able to stop you; don’t let the humans onto you!

Reward: Scientist to help zombies anything later on.

Mission 2 – Humans
Humans! We have find out that the zombies have a central brain that seems to be able to give orders and lead the others and they will follow him. We cannot get a lock on his location of his ability to hide from our sensor scans. He doesn’t come up cold; he has the ability to act like us… We do believe he has a plan to set off another biological IED to try and infect the living. We do believe he has at the bomb site right now arming the device. Our scans show that this bomb is well guarded by zombies. The device has to be disarmed by the NPC, this person is killable and if killed the mission is failed and the zombies accomplish what they need to.
Objective: Disarm the IED zombie device
Reward – Humans – Stun and change timers do not decrease in time.
Punishment – Humans – if NPC is killed mission is a loss and stun and change timers decreased by 5 minutes
Bonus: If zombie leader (decoy) can be found and bandanna bought back to admin humans will get a free card that reduces capture time by 10 minutes, plus bragging rights on zombies.

Mission 2 – Zombies
Humans have a leader that needs to be taken out; he will have a small protection force that will need to be over run to take out this leader. He will be walking around campus we do not know where but he will be in a red shirt with a special orange bandanna on. He is our primary target that will need to be dealt with.
Brains are good…

Objective: Kill human target/ defend IED Zombie device.
Reward: Find intel on Human missions
Punishment: increase stun timers and turn timers by 5 minutes

Mission 3 – Humans
Ok enough fooling around its time to get serious, its get to focus, its time to show these zombies whose boss! My team is working on a virus that will kill the zombies by making their brains explode in a very sweet manner. We need 20 pieces of zombie flesh/DNA. Intel says they are all over campus. You need to bring it back to the NPC who will be stationed waiting for you, the NPC can not move. This person could be anywhere on campus, you must find them
You must find a zombie, with an orange armband, stun him and take his flesh.
Objective: find zombie NPC get flesh sample back to NPC for testing
Reward: reduce capture time on points for mission 5
Punishment: no reduction in capture time

Mission 3 – Zombies
Humans have a key person we need to get information from. We need this person to help know what they are planning. Capture this person, bring here, torture. Get the information needed to find out what they are doing. This person will not be here very long, we must find him.
Identifiable by orange armband
Objective: capture and hold npc for information,
Reward: Intel on humans’ current mission and next mission
Punishment: no intel

Mission 4 – Humans
Humans the zombies have taken one of our own to torture, they are holding this person for information and we need this person back to complete our plans of destroying the infection. You need to find this person and bring them back here safely. This person is killable; I don’t need to tell you how important this person is to the resistance.
Reward: Decrease in point capture by 5 minutes
Punishment: increase in point capture by 5 minutes.

Mission 4- Zombies
Let the humans come and get there precious human scientist. We will set up a trap and ambush them taking as many as we can with us.
Reward: N/a
Punishment: N/A

Mission 5 – Humans
Its time to get to work and start powering up our machine to stop the zombie infection, the machine will take a lot of power and we need four different power generators to get this thing up to full power. Your mission is to locate all 4 power stations and hold it for 20 minutes
Decrease in time by 6 minutes if computer code is cracked, 4 digit code.
Objective: power up all four generators, if humans are unable to power up of the generators the other 3 take will take 4-10 minutes later.
Reward: machine is powered up ready for final mission and removal of humans’

Punishment: other 3 points will take 10 minutes longer to cap if humans are stopped, aka turned

Mission 5 – Zombies
Zombies we must try and stop the humans from powering up those stations and destroying us! Take them out!
Reward: Machine doesn’t get powered up and zombies don’t gain additional stun and change timers
Punishment: Gain stun and change timers

Mission Final Humans
Its time to leave humans we did all we can and we will leave the rest in god’s hands. You must escape from this hell hole you must make your way from RSPAC and make you way south to two different escape points and hold it till the helicopters make it there.
Rewards: Humans win
Punishment: Zombies win

Mission Final Zombies
No matter the cost, no matter what happens, STOP THE HUMANS FROM ESCAPING.
Brains are good.
Reward: Zombies win
Punishment: Humans win

05-27-2010, 05:01 AM
post m up!

05-27-2010, 05:02 AM
still working on it give me a little bit :P

should have added im still working on like 7 of them >.O

05-27-2010, 05:02 AM
Nice what class is this for?

OH yay 800 posts!!!!!

05-27-2010, 05:05 AM
Uhh this isnt for a class its a game thats played im trying to bring to my campus. Its alot of hard work.

and congrats on your 800th :P

05-27-2010, 05:06 AM
I'm in :D

Let us know when you're ready

05-27-2010, 05:10 AM
spoiler alert, alot of reading will be coming shortly lol

05-27-2010, 05:11 AM
damn Joker u had a bad sleeping pattern like me.

05-27-2010, 05:15 AM
Actually I just choose not to sleep cause im bored.

mainly at school im in bed by 3-5am cause i didnt have class til noon every day and none on friday