View Full Version : Dead Rising 2

06-06-2010, 04:08 PM
Well it comes out in september. I've been waiting for it for a really long time now, since they stopped its release in november last year.
Something really cool about it will be the online multiplayer feature on terror is reality. Apparently the game features a tv show where people go head to head against one another with weapons and viechles to see who is the best zombie slayer. Now this makes the game instantly appealing, even if you have never played the first one, I recommend getting this.
Aside from the fact you will be in a zombie infested las vegas, using rocket powered wheelchairs and anything else you can find to beat the hell out of zombies, you will be facing off in dirt bike gear in an arena to kill, dismember and brutally destroy the living dead. It's topped off with some wierd pimped out dude in fur, calling you all out on stage....awesome
heres a link to the play.com online store
it has a description and a trailer for the online feature
get it!!!!! I'm getting it....go on....you know you have to get it cus i have it!!!!!!!!!!
.....I shall beat you all....mwahahaha...... <<<<<challenge

06-06-2010, 04:11 PM
well when september comes i will be getting this. So we can slay zombies together or against each other. Its gunna be some fun times.

06-06-2010, 05:53 PM
We already have a thread for this =) but still thanks for sharing

06-06-2010, 06:00 PM
That was awesome!