View Full Version : Karate Kid: a joker review Spoliers.

06-14-2010, 06:40 PM
Ok, so my brother wanted to go see it today, as a birthday gift to me; well I saw it and it was the biggest piece of crap I have seen to date.

The elements of a karate kid movie are here:
1) some random kid is picked on tries to defend himself and get his ass kicked by martial arts bully.
2) Random old guy sees this happening and takes him under his wing
3) a bond is form that is seen as a father/son bond. X
4) old man trains kid for karate tournament
5) kid wins.

So the elements are there, but the creators thought it would be a good idea to inject new ideas into the movie, BUT there is no father/son bond.

1) Kid has a big mouth and doesnt know when to shut up.
and some other stuff i cant think of

The story right off the back you see Jaden is a little punk who likes to talk more than listen, very annoying.

So we get to china he makes a new friend that he only sees for maybe 20 minutes and then at the end of the movie. So jaden talks to some chick, some dude whos on his period gets mad and attacks him so jaden thinks his all bad and gets his ass handed to him big whoop!

So the next hour or so all we see is him running around hiding from the bullies etc etc and finally! jaden grows a pair and throws some black water/ tar substance onto the bullies and runs like hell only to get caught and get the crap beat out of him, this time Jackie shows up and beats the crap out of them, heals jaden, and all jaden says is "I want to know kung fu so i can kick their ass."

Very annoying and very pathetic

So this is where it gets interesting, Jackie and jaden go to this martial arts studio and try to make peace yet the instructor doesnt allow it and Jackie makes a deal to make jaden fight in the tournament, and Jackie is scared of this instructor.

So for the next 45 minutes Jaden is getting trained, pretty much old school karate kid, and he learns to fight etc etc.
So jaden shows up one day and sees Jackie destroying a car he has been working on pretty much through out the entire training part of the movie, he is crying because his family was killed etc etc, so jaden pretty much takes jackie outside and makes him train some more, and and out of no where he becomes this perfect martial arts person. WTF.

Problem is, there is only a friendship bond very annoying.

Anywho the fighting part comes Jaden wins, thats it.

Movie sucked, the kid was annoying, the rap made me mad, the kid learns respect for others in a period of 5 minutes, wtf.

It gives me a headache about how big a crap filled donut this was. MY GOD, I wanted to go to the A-team but damn it my brother dragged me to that movie.

It sucked, please dont waste your time, it was interesting to see a 13 year old china girl dancing like a stripper, WTF.

I dont know.

06-14-2010, 07:59 PM
I knew it would be like how you explained it
sorry you had to sit through it :(

06-14-2010, 08:01 PM
but was it the least entertaining for you? I didn't see it, but you summarized it pretty quick & short. interesting. A-team, I dont know about that one, maybe i'll just rent that one or watch it.... when it comes to local tv. haha.
& yeah, I'd still stick with the original... cause its original.

06-14-2010, 11:47 PM
Only the fighting was entertaining to me, beyond that i almost fell asleep a few times

06-15-2010, 01:09 AM
The original is on Hulu right now. I've never seen it....gonna try to see it in the next few days.

06-15-2010, 01:12 AM
Ya Watch the original you will like it, all of it.

06-15-2010, 01:15 AM
Yeah I plan on watching it. Whenever it came on tv, it was always bad timing. Either I had to leave or I knew I wasn't gonna be around to watch the whole thing so I never watched it at all.

Might try to squeeze it in tomorrow, or if not, this weekend.

06-15-2010, 06:44 PM
I find it weird that they actually have a cartoon series on hulu right now, I didn't know. haha

06-19-2010, 12:27 PM
I haven't seen it yet, but it's funny it's called karate kid. The kid trains in China and he does kung fu, so why the hell did they call it karate kid? It's like calling volleyball players footballers, just because they play with the ball.