View Full Version : Final Fantasy VII HD Is Inevitable

06-19-2010, 03:57 PM
Arnold is going to absolutely hate me for writing this; his optimism - that seems to return afresh for every E3, concerning the possible announcement of a Final Fantasy VII remake - has been irretrievably dashed. But oh, it's coming.

Now wait a minute. Before you start quoting all the dozens of reports directly from Square-Enix and Final Fantasy creators, trust me; I've heard it all. I've heard the ridiculous estimations of how long it would take to recreate the game in full high-definition; I've heard the excuse that S-E would need to reassemble all members of the old team, and I've heard the widespread belief that Square-Enix simply isn't interested in the idea. But there are a few things that have happened recently that make Final Fantasy VII HD more than a possibility; they make it an inevitability.

Firstly, there's perhaps the most telling incident, which is when Square-Enix sort of mentioned an FFVII remake on their Twitter page, and the page virtually exploded. In response, the FF maker actually seemed very surprised, and ever since then, their tone concerning remakes or HD overhauls has been less black-and-white and more open to interpretation. Furthermore, Sega has acknowledged that fans of their old classics still exist, and still play games. It's why we're getting Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1. FFXIII sold plenty well enough and S-E has a promising lineup, but the outcry from long-time lovers - those who adored Squaresoft - is starting to intensify. Whether they choose to acknowledge it or not, this rising swell of animosity can't really be ignored much longer.

They have also given us all the Final Fantasy titles (or most all) on the PlayStation Network and Sony has been keen on asking developers and gamers about the idea of more HD remakes after the God of War Collection. Granted, that usually involves PS2 games but I've heard that PS1 classics are also up for consideration and if that's even remotely accurate, what game would top FFVII on a PlayStation fan's list for a high-definition overhaul? Maybe the original Metal Gear Solid, but that's about it, and that did get a remake on the GameCube, anyway. Look, it's only a matter of time. I swear. FFVII HD will become a reality.

And if it doesn't, I'll buy everyone who reads this article a...um...jelly bean.

6/18/2010 Ben Dutka

Final Fantasy VII HD Is Inevitable (http://www.psxextreme.com/feature/588.html)

06-19-2010, 04:24 PM
Have you ever read there excuses? It's lol. bu bu it'd take 5 times longer to dev than FF13, doing HD towns is tuff

06-19-2010, 06:17 PM

Ughhh okay I'm not going to go into a long rant about my feelings about FFVII

but I hope this doesn't happen -_-

06-19-2010, 06:37 PM

Ughhh okay I'm not going to go into a long rant about my feelings about FFVII

but I hope this doesn't happen -_-

Why wouldnt you want this? I mean if you want keep FF VII like it is thats fine but a lot of people want this game remastered.

All I can say is dont get it then but dont say it shouldnt happen.. Why wouldnt you want a game being made that other gamers want?

I dont like a lot of games but I dont go around saying that those games shouldnt be made any more.. I just dont play them and I understand other people do play them.

IDK I just like seeing gamers getting games they want instead of gaming companies giving them what they think they want...

06-19-2010, 06:53 PM
Well... If this does happen I'm deffinately gonna apply as a beta tester if square needs some. LOL by the time I hit Lvl 99 the game would be in stores and you guys would be doing reviews on the poorly re-rendered GFX:eek1::laugh:

06-19-2010, 08:06 PM
i hope they do it the same way they did the original FF7: top down view. just overhaul the graphics and stuff, but keep the battle system basically the same (maybe some tweaks) and keep the camera angles the same

06-21-2010, 12:08 AM
All I can say is dont get it then but dont say it shouldnt happen.. Why wouldnt you want a game being made that other gamers want?

I would agree with you DirtyDMan... But then there is WoW.. That stupid game took 3 friends away from me and made them nerds fulltime.. THAT GAME SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN MADE! :no::twitcy:

But a ff7 remake, man.. that's crazy, I'd love that! In that way, when ff7 makes it's 20th anniversary they only have to update the crisis core and doc graphics and make a wonderful collectors box of it.. man my english is decreasing over time, haven't slept for like 2 days lol

06-21-2010, 06:06 AM
It won't happen, it'll take far too long to produce.

The game is brilliant as it is, you don't need them new fangled fancy graphics to enjoy the characters and the story!

06-21-2010, 10:54 AM
It won't happen, it'll take far too long to produce.

The game is brilliant as it is, you don't need them new fangled fancy graphics to enjoy the characters and the story!

we don't need to, but we want to!

and why would it take so long to produce? they built FF13 from scratch. For FF7, they already have all the cities and characters and plot and script even, they just gotta touch it up and beef up the graphics.

Noban (PimpJuice1337)
06-30-2010, 09:29 AM
They should make it a movie, instead.

However, I agree that it's about as inevitable as the *canceled* Spyro The Dragon movie is.

06-30-2010, 10:08 AM
They should make it a movie, instead.

However, I agree that it's about as inevitable as the *canceled* Spyro The Dragon movie is.

a FF7 movie? They've already got advent children

Noban (PimpJuice1337)
06-30-2010, 10:16 AM
a FF7 movie? They've already got advent children

A movie based on the PSX game's original story.

06-30-2010, 10:22 AM
That'd be too long, and nobody would want it lol

06-30-2010, 10:42 AM
That'd be too long, and nobody would want it lol

Break it up into parts then.

Noban (PimpJuice1337)
06-30-2010, 10:52 AM
Break it up into parts then.

Yeah, like a miniseries. Advent Children would be, like, one episode that comes after the miniseries... and then they could continue the miniseries by making episodes of "Dirge of Cerberus" and "Crisis Core" :yes:

That'd be too long, and nobody would want it lol


06-30-2010, 03:46 PM
Well you don't count. Besides, there's already an animated series based on the game. But i would honestly, in 99% of cases, prefer to play the game than watch a tv version of it.

08-10-2010, 01:52 PM
Final Fantasy needs to be put to bed.

They made a very very successful game that is among the best games in the world.

but now they are just beating a dead horse.

Noban, They made two movies of Final Fantasy, one was good, Advent children, the first one just sucked...

08-10-2010, 04:34 PM
I'd rather see Legend of the Dragoon remade. That would be a lot better.

08-10-2010, 07:38 PM
I wanna see FF7 remade. I think it'd be awesome and when it sells more than FF13, SE will realise gamers wanna play old school FF games, and stop making these weird experimental games. 13 had a cool battle system, cool characters and good music, but the plot and level design both sucked something fierce. I liked 12 but i think its partly because i didn't pay attention to the plot that much, I just enjoyed the game.

10-02-2010, 05:01 PM
its hit or miss with me... i am all for it if they change only the graphics alone... the game is great already so why fix something thats not broken.... but polishing is never a bad thing.... so long as you dont take a grinder and a hammer to the metal you can make it look real nice.....

10-04-2010, 04:58 PM
I say leave FF 7 as it is. No remakes, it might take away from what we all loved about the original.

10-05-2010, 10:54 PM
they have to do it in order, I want my FFV remake and not that poor excuse for a remake on the PSx.