View Full Version : Moral Question For You

06-24-2010, 05:42 PM
Okay so a person whom I only know online who plays my games and we've known each other online for maybe at least 5 months.

He's offering to pay for Steam games for me so that we can play together since I cannot pay for steam (his parents allow it, mine don't).

I declined because when I get my credit cards/other methods I can get such games myself (I am older than him).

I haven't discussed this with my parental units since only one is home and he just came home so now isn't a good time to disturb. Also he'd say no, I know that already.

My question to you is would you take this offer and why should I?

06-24-2010, 05:48 PM
screw it mang its free games

06-24-2010, 05:50 PM
If you feel like that, just take the free game now and repay him or buy him something in the future.

06-24-2010, 05:52 PM
and just dont say nothing to ur parents, hide the game in a secret folder that not out in the open and they will never know.

06-24-2010, 06:12 PM
Or tell them Steam gave you these games for free for some weird reason :P

06-24-2010, 06:16 PM
and just dont say nothing to ur parents, hide the game in a secret folder that not out in the open and they will never know.

Well this is my laptop so really there's no reason for anyone to go into the folders unless there was a virus and Norton would kill such things.

The problem lies in if/when my parents come in and see me playing something they have not gotten me. I don't have morales but it's embedded in me to not lie to my parents since that usually ends in bad things. Not that I'm a bad liar, but my dad works on computers for a living so anything I lie about on it he could probably figure out that I am easily just from checking a registry or something.

If you feel like that, just take the free game now and repay him or buy him something in the future.

Well he plays my games but those are free because they will be used in my portfolio to get a job.

It feels very weird to have somebody whom I only know on the internet just up and offer me free games. He literally said:

"Find something you like and then we can discuss it" since I was discussing against the matter with him he wanted to put off the discussion.

I simply don't see what makes me so special since this is the internet and plenty could play with him right now. Sure friends make games more fun but I'm not a real life friend....so it's weird to me for such a concept.

Or tell them Steam gave you these games for free for some weird reason :P

While they would believe that (hell I'm not even sure dad was listening when I stated Portal was free but then again his brain is falling apart due to work stress) it's just a weird matter of some random internet friend wishing for me to play with them and offering to pay for the game.

Hell, it could even be single player like Audiosurf and he'd likely buy it if I got something to play with him like Killing Floor.

06-24-2010, 07:28 PM
who cares let him buy you a game if you feel bad you can always buy him one later

06-24-2010, 08:13 PM
the overwhelming and logical answer (that has been given twice in this thread already) is go with it and hit him back later if you feel obligated. No reason to turn down a gift that's just being offered to you. It's weird if someone you've only met on the internet wants to treat you like you're something closer, but I'd just say ask yourself if you want to treat your friendship with this person like it's something legit and if it is, start acting like that. Seems like this person on the other end of the line has no problem with it.

If you both treat each other like you're "real people" and "friends" it'll all work out fine, it's just hard to measure up that you have the same feelings and intentions over the internet alone. Nobody can tell you what he may or may not think about you better than you... so it's your call.

But srsly, free games, man :P

06-24-2010, 09:18 PM
id say get the game, if ur parents catch u tell them it was a free download thats all like a demo or sumthing.