View Full Version : Harry Potter Fans Deemed Too Heavy for 'Wizarding World' Ride

06-25-2010, 07:23 PM
Most people remember the feeling of not being tall enough to ride an amusement park ride, but some would-be riders of the signature attraction at Universal Studios' new "Wizarding World of Harry Potter" theme park in Orlando are being turned away because of their girth. The ride, "Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey," employs individual restraints to keep each guest tucked in to his or her seat, but the restraints aren't large enough to accommodate heavier riders.

Universal seems to have anticipated this issue, stationing staff "wizards" and test-seats along the line and at the entrance to Forbidden Journey. Riders test their ability to fit in the seats, as well as the restraint (which must click three times to be deemed safe and for the potential rider to be allowed into the attraction).
Photos: Emma Watson and the cast explore the park rides >>

One Harry Potter fan, Jeff Guillaume of Lansing, Michigan, expressed disappointment on his "Harry Potter" fan site after he failed the test. Guillaume is 5'8" and weighs 265 pounds, and says the restraint wouldn't fit over his torso, though he reports that other rides at the park have special cars reserved for bigger riders.

Universal, which doesn't have "specific weight limits (just the test seats and a requirement that riders be at least 48 inches tall), says the "body dimension" restrictions are "to ensure the safety of our guests. It's #1."

That's all fine and good, but considering the average weight of an American man is 191 pounds (and rising: in 1960 it was 166 pounds), "Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey" could be turning away quite a few potential revelers.
Then and now: See how the 'Harry Potter' kids have changed >>

Universal isn't the first theme-park operator to deal with issues raised by the growing rate of obesity in the United States. In 2007, Disney had to modify the "It's a Small World" ride after weighted-down boats began regularly getting stuck in the plume.

One Harry Potter fan who was unable to ride "Forbidden Journey" when his seat test yielded only two clicks of the restraint, is turning the incident into a personal motivational challenge. Banks Lee, who says he's 6'2? and approximately 310 lbs, has decided to diet and exercise until he can get on the ride (and hopes to continue his quest even after meeting that goal.) He's even started a blog: Banks Lee and the Three Clicks: My Journey to Fit on an Enchanted Bench, where the Orlando resident is documenting the long walks and sensible diet that he hopes will lead to a ride on "The Forbidden Journey."

If your to fat to get on a ride then maybe just maybe you should lose some weight..

I mean how embarrassing that would be.. Someone saying your to FAT to get on this ride....

At least one guy is trying to lose some weight so he can get on this ride... clap clap for him

06-25-2010, 08:28 PM
I had a teacher who had an ass as big as 3 tivoli seat
one year later she looked like she had thrown 2/3 of her body out

Wikimedia Error (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tivoli_Gardens)

06-25-2010, 09:37 PM
I was at cedar point with some people, and one of them was too big to fit onto top thrill dragster.

06-26-2010, 12:20 PM
this is kinda sad but..
maybe they should lose some weight?
or they should create some restraints that are for bigger people
even though that would cost a lot.

06-26-2010, 12:29 PM
some people get so fat and they just give up on life and on trying to lose weight. The right diet somedaily exercise, and not being so damn lazy will help most lose weight

06-26-2010, 12:31 PM
yeah my dad used to be a bit overweight and he went on a diet and he lost a lot of weight.
Its totally possible but you have to be dedicated to eating healthy and excersising

06-26-2010, 06:47 PM
It just take will power that all and like I always say it better to do something then to do nothing...

I try go workout everyday but I'll miss a day here and there.. Yet every week I find time to lift weights and jug for 30mins/1hr.. That b/c I dont want to be overweight tho..

Its ok if you want be overweight and if you happy with yourself that great... Its not ok to be morbidly obese. That just crazy and just taking it to far in my opinion..

I just hate when a overweight person is unhappy about being overweight yet doesnt do anything about it.. They keep eating the same bad things and just sit on their bums all day..

If your unhappy with your weight the only way your going to change that is if "YOU" do something about it... So take control of your life and do some kind of activity.. Anything that get your heart pumping.. Walking Jugging, swimming, baseball, basketball, soccer, football, biking, ect..

Doing something is always better then doing nothing..

06-28-2010, 09:34 AM
Thats funny yet sad at th same time.

Im a little overweight myself but not to the point i cant see anything beyond stomach.

Some people are so fat they could screw up the track and/or other parts of the ride and destroy it, and since that would cost millions to fix, fat people need to lose some weight, never hurts to go do a little running now and then.

ever seen a fat person run for a twinky? I have, and i did

06-28-2010, 04:21 PM
ever seen a fat person run for a twinky? I have, and i did

Thats funny.. I think everyone in life gets chubby at some point...

I have my bad month/months where I drink beer a little to much and eat all kinds of bad foods...

Then I find out I cant fit into my pants anymore and I stop doing all that stuff...

It sucks when you have to buy new pants cause you cant fit into you old ones..

Or I just buy stretchy pants.. :laugh: