View Full Version : How seriously do you take gaming!?

06-27-2010, 11:06 AM
I was curious like a..... ermmm curiosity bee.... How seriously do you take gaming?
Are you an angry gamer filled with rage, or a meek person who uses patience to their advantage?
Do you collect and/or compare?
Do you find yourself getting defensive over certain games and systems when others argue against them?

Personally I collect and collect and well collect, consoles, games, magazines, posters toys....anything to do with gaming..and zombies with the impending post apocalyptic society..of course!
I am an angry raging gamer, I get so angry I make AVGN look like a hamster with a face full of cheek puffin' grub! Loading screens even force me to erupt like a volcano, and yes, thanx to wireless controllers I pace....up and down, back and forth angry angry ANGRY!
swearing and shouting attacking fighting ...occasionally biting,
beating people with wii baseball bats and poking friends in the eye with atari joysticks......... *sigh*
I get defensive over the gaming industry as a whole. I feel like I must protect the games, consoles, gamers and history of our love. As we are constantly under attack. I went to a bafta gaming convention on friday. They were against violence in games, political correctness. I say there is more to gaming then violence but wth!? We don't need to got to an expo and be brainwashed with their anti- violence, it is our personal choice.
People....are who they are.... if somebody kills somebody it is them who does it, most of the time its because the news, who has disgraced the gaming industry, the news is making stars of criminals, the criminals are rock stars, and the games are taking the fall for them. Along with some other things....
Sure I am an angry gamer, but only with the games, tbh i am a very mild mannered person, so it shows, that games dont always make a killer of someone, I get angry at home, with a controller, everybody laughs at it, and i usually stomp off or if I win make a typical move of bad sportsmanship and jump on furniture and laugh. But well, i am venting, I was just so angry by the people at the expo, and all they showed at the demo event was games like streetfighter and pacman and lbp...... I was like, nobody here is under 18, friggin show something else. but no...wii tennis......noting wrong with that but.....there was nothing challenging.... why? Cus we just listened to the game designers for 30 mins talking about anti violence in video games....urghhh
back to original question however, what do you think?

06-27-2010, 11:27 AM
I'm pretty mild as to where I was, I still play games but not rage like I used to. I also used to get defensive over PS3 and shizz but trollers will troll so why waste the time. I also defend the game industry because b**ches be ignorant and we need to slap em up aside the head and tell them the what's what right endgame

06-27-2010, 12:11 PM
we should t bag them

06-27-2010, 12:47 PM
I use gaming to entertain myself. I'm not like a hardcore gamer, or even a competitive one, and i don't really like difficult games (i'd rather a long laid back game than a short intense and difficult game) i just like to be entertained.

06-27-2010, 01:04 PM
Depends on the game. Some games I'm really serious about and others I could care less whether I win or lose. As for collecting and comparing games, I have a ton of DBZ and Pokemon games...but can't say I collect them anymore.

Project Blaze
06-27-2010, 01:04 PM
I guess I'm angry gamer... among other angry things. I collect a lot of games too. Still collect 'em, but I'm goin' for anime collecting now to take a break from game-hoarding. As far as defensive? Nah... well... as far as games and consoles go anyway. lol

06-27-2010, 02:05 PM
I dont ever rage because games are fun and if you get angry by playing a game its not a game anymore :/ I hope you know what I mean

when we first got playstation 1 when I was young and still cute I would cry, scream and hit the person who beat me in tekken no lie its so weird how I could behave like that
and guess what everyone was beating me even people who played it for the first time

I was not a baby at the time I could ride my bike and poo in the big boy toilet ALONE :D (proud)

my brother says I bit him once I dont remember it though

now days there is not much that can upset me even my parents getting divorced is not touching my mood (they are not divorced yet only separated)

my favorite genres are FPS and STRATEGY and it has to be online so I kill real people :]

my brother is aggressive in general and easily pissed off MAD but his favorite games are football games (fifa)
so I dont think the games are the problem

06-27-2010, 03:49 PM
I get angry occasionally when i game... but not like OMG I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!! I get annoyed, then laugh it off after 3 seconds of anger - 'cos hey! it's only a game.
But yeah, i'm a casual gamer.. and a crap one at that. But I play for funsies, not to actually ever get any good. :P
I've never needed to defend games O.o Yay?

06-27-2010, 06:31 PM
I dont know, it really depends on the game. if there was a hard 'impossible' boss that I cant beat, some walls are gonna have holes. hahaha.
other than that, I usually throw my controller at the couch & thats about it. nothing to the extreme.

06-27-2010, 09:33 PM
I am a very calm person when I am gaming.
If I am by myself and I get angry, I stop playing and look for a hint online
and if I am in coop with someone, I am very calm and if we both keep dying i try to figure out what we can do so that we don't always keep dying lol
but I think I am protective over my 360
I don't want anything to happen to it
and I defend it when people bring up RROD

06-27-2010, 09:35 PM
id have to admit that u truly are very calm. But we dont die alot yay to us

06-27-2010, 09:41 PM
^ lol haha yeah I know we were a good team in gears of war 2 :)
but yeah.
whenever I play with my brother he is the more competitive gamer than I am.
He gets mad over everything

06-28-2010, 12:13 AM
Raging is funny, I dont take it seriously its just pixels, but i do team kill, subb, ice, and others can atest to i love killing their horses in RDR while they are running from me.

I do get mad sometimes but thats due to me already being in a bad mood.

06-28-2010, 12:20 AM
I swear a lot when I play certain games, but it's all in good fun <:

06-28-2010, 02:23 AM
Which ones so i can avoid this rage, or maybe catch it on tape :P

06-28-2010, 06:26 AM
it's depend on game. Online game for example, I play mad and angry like hell. :D

06-30-2010, 08:35 PM
I guess, for me, it really depends on the setting of which i am gaming. If its with friends at the flat im pretty chill. But if we are playing a game via internet and it needs a team effort and one person starts messing arround, then its when i can get a little angry. Especially in a tourney. :)

07-08-2010, 03:04 PM
I Take It Very Seriously!

07-08-2010, 03:09 PM
idk mang
Taking games too seriously ruins all the fun.

Plus girls generally don't like rage gamers.


07-09-2010, 01:30 AM
Plus girls generally don't like rage gamers.

never felt better to be such a laid back gamer XD wooooooooo

Project Blaze
07-09-2010, 05:37 PM
idk mang
Plus girls generally don't like rage gamers.


Well I'm not all "hardcore raging gamer" or anything. Besides, I get along with girls better than I do with guys for some reason. Not complaining, but it kinda sux when you aren't capable of being in a relationship because of your particular situation. lol But just regular ol' friends is fine by meh, even if I do tend to be a bit clingy sometimes. I hate how enlightening retrospect is. >_<

My whole point being that I've had basically nothing BUT friends that happened to be girls... buuut, I'm also not a raging hulk. lol

07-10-2010, 12:46 AM
i usually tend to remain calm in stressful annoying situations iceskater can verify that

07-11-2010, 03:54 AM
I see a mix here, but I am impressed by how calm you on majority seem to be. I flip a lid so easy, I'm usually calmer at other peoples houses but I can't game at conventions anymore, because I am cruel......
But I game on the bus still, hand helds etc, but I often will shout and swear on the bus lmao, depends what I'm playing. Never let me play GTA Chinatown psp on the bus.....gets well.....messy

07-11-2010, 05:59 AM
>.> It is fun to raise your voice at people raging at you because they will do the same and it gets funnier and funnier. Works well with little kids on halo

Project Blaze
07-11-2010, 10:14 PM
Changed my mind, since I don't really have anything else to do. Not really much of anyone to talk to either, so yea, I take gaming seriously. I'm fickle with these sort of things.

07-16-2010, 06:15 AM
gaming is my life