View Full Version : Help Me Not sure how to describe a game I'm looking for.

07-01-2010, 04:31 PM
Not sure what genre it would fit into, but I am looking for a Windows PC game (if anything like this exists) that might fit or get close to the following:

Start with a bare planet: Mold and shape the land and water with mountains, valleys, canyons, plains, hills, oceans, seas, lakes, rivers and so on how ever you want. Add plants and such.
Begin to shape life: Somwhat like spore I guess or perhaps more control and options. Then lead to evolving various life.
Beging to start a tribal stage: Choose personality traits and tools and use types.
Head into early civilization: Make alliances, start/defend wars, manage trade, social issues ans such.
Head into a modern civilization stage: Build towns, cities, states, nations, deal with health, energy, travel and tech advances, and so on
Advance to a futuristic stage and head into space and develop craft and tech abilities, make discoveries, make alien allies and enemies
Eventually terraform another planet and start another world.

I know that is a lot and the chances of finding a game that completely fits the above, but I at least hope to come close or at least have parts.

Thanks so much for any help or suggestions.

07-01-2010, 04:33 PM
Ummmm pretty much sure you're describing Spore, there, buddy

Though I'd not mind a game like that that was better than Spore, myself

07-01-2010, 05:28 PM
The end sounds like Civilization

07-01-2010, 06:22 PM
Thanks for the replies so far. :)

Yea I just got to the center of the galaxy yesterday after only like 5 hours of game play. (Spoiler Alert) I tried going back and attempting to play so that my race's traits would be different to get a different experience, but with all the attacks on my allied empires it all ends up the same. You almost are forced to get aggressive.
Not much replay value IMO.

I guess I am looking for a game that combines Sim Earth, Sim City, a few other Sim and Tycoon games, Spore and maybe some games like Axis & Allies and things like that.
Kinda makes me wish I would have stuck with game development back when I was modding and mapping and such.
It would be awesome to have something like this that had an engine that could mimic things like weather patterns based on how you mold the world and run species survival based on location on the planet and weather and even be able to toggle calculated natural disasters on and off.
Wow. Now I am getting into heavy super computer physics simulation programs... lol

Anyway I will check into Civilizations. Thanks for the suggestion.

Also thanks again in advance for any further suggestions.

07-01-2010, 06:25 PM
Yeah that would be really cool :(

I know I looked into some games with terraforming and stuff after playing Spore because I like to do things like that, but I didn't really have much luck with anything spectacular.

The Civilization games are certainly cool, but basically like any other RTS game.

But I agree, Rexel, a game like the one you describe would be amazing. But I don't think it's been made, unless I am an idiot. D:

07-01-2010, 09:53 PM
Yeah man if a game like that exists, it would certainly be well known in the gaming world, or even the whole world.

07-02-2010, 09:30 AM
EVE online.
search on goggle.
Its free. :D

07-02-2010, 12:10 PM
I checked out the Civilization games and they seem more like a number crunching game and I am looking more on the creative side at the moment.

But I agree, Rexel, a game like the one you describe would be amazing. But I don't think it's been made, unless I am an idiot. D:

You're obviously not an idiot. As you said it just doesn't exist. ;)

Yeah man if a game like that exists, it would certainly be well known in the gaming world, or even the whole world.

True. It would surely be really popular. Maybe someday I guess. :P

I'll check out EVE. Thanks for another suggestion. :)

07-02-2010, 12:11 PM
Actually Magnus, Eve online isnt free, and it kinda fits what your talking about and doesnt.

07-02-2010, 01:10 PM
lol your post read something like "I played Sim Earth and I played Sim City but I WANNA DO BOTH AT THE SAME TIME" and all I was thinking was "Spore?"

But yeah, outside of Spore I'm pretty sure whatever you're looking for doesn't exist yet

07-05-2010, 01:53 PM
Thanks for all the replies :)

I guess I will just have to keep a look out for some developer to come out with something like this.
For now time to move on and find something different. Maybe something good and scary like Silent Hill. Wish someone would have picked up the license for Eternal Darkness and made a sequel.

Oh well. Thanks again to everyone.

07-05-2010, 09:31 PM
ahha Good luck man, if you find it... let us know

07-06-2010, 01:14 PM
Thanks. I will do that. If I find anything like what I was looking for I will post about it.

07-06-2010, 06:58 PM
well best of luck