View Full Version : The Religion of Fanboyism

07-04-2010, 11:12 AM
The religion of Fanboyism

My Sunday morning routine isn’t radically different from any other day, except that it typically begins at 10 or 11 AM instead of 8AM. I open the blinds, stretch, check e-mail and traffic numbers, handle a number of personal details, and then fire up a console for some gaming. Last Sunday morning, however, was a tad different. I decided to meet up with a friend for brunch instead of playing Dynamite Cop, so I donned my garb and headed to the subway.

There, two teenagers exchanged verbal barbs. The taller of the two (let’s call him Tall Kid) pulled a piece of literature from a small knapsack and feverently shook it as he tried to convince the shorter teen (Short Kid) of his erroneous views. Tall Kid flipped a few pages, and upon finding what he was looking for, intensely tapped the page with with his index finger. Short Kid was ill prepared to counterargue (he didn’t have a body of text to back up his views), so he instead cited overseas happenings as evidence of this stance.

If I had watched the same scene play out without the in-person context, I would’ve assumed that the word warriors were devout religious types seeking to defend their faith and/or convert the other. Thankfully, my nerd knowledge enabled me to decipher the terms tossed about: DLC, PSN, and XBLA. See, the Tall Kid was a Xbox 360 fanboy, the Short Kid a PS3 fanboy, and the reading material was the latest issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly.

People don’t normally associate New York City as a center of religious fanaticism, but having grown up in a deeply Christian household and place of worship, I can attest to the fact. Sure, you won’t see many people within the five boroughs toting “God Hates Fags!” signs, but there are a number, I’m sure, that silently hold the belief. It’s a part of their lives based on a common world view and bias. Unfortunately, this same passionate devotion, is also seen wherever video game players gather–and it’s just as curious to outsiders like me.

The disease of fanboyism, I’ve come to realize, is structured very much like a religion. PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 zealots have their prophets in Ken Kutaragi and Major Nelson. Console-exclusives such as God of War III and HALO Reach are the miracle games by which the steadfast prove the might of their god-console. High-profile fanboys who spit venom in Youtube videos an video game forums are the Jerry Falwells and Pat Robertsons of the hobby. E3 is their Mecca/holy days.

I don’t have any religious leanings, as I can’t wrap my mind around fundamental faith concepts. Likewise, I can’t wrap my mind around the intricacies of fanboyism because it doesn’t make sense to belittle a console or console owners simply because they aren’t part of your camp.

Indoctrinartion into fanboy camps begins early, not unlike a religion. Instead parents passing their faith to children, they purchase a console with which the youngster bonds. Chances are that if the NES was your first system, you hated the Master System. If you loved the PlayStation 2, you refused to acknowledge the genius of the Dreamcast.

Still, that doesn’t mean your destined to hate “rival” consoles. For example, my friend Maylene once commented that she rolls with Sony as its systems (beginning with the original PlayStation) have historically offered a diverse and entertaining gaming experience, but she also has a 360, DS, NES, and other consoles and handheld. To bring it even closer to home, I align myself as a SEGA fanboy, but I’ve owned and loved other systems back when the company manufactured hardware.

It’s very easy to dismiss fanboyism as the playground of kids that can’t afford multiple consoles–a view which holds less weight as I witnesses even those from poor neighborhoods toting iPhones, netbooks, and other gadgetry. The universal console would appear to be the answer to this evil, but it’s not the fanboy’s lack of access that leads to their idiocy, it’s the lack of open mindedness; the hallmark, sadly, of many zealots.

The Religion of Fanboyism | 2D-X (http://www.2d-x.com/the-religion-of-fanboyism/)

I cant say I'm a fan boy b/c I grew up with Atria NES SNES N64 Genius Dreamcast Playstation PS2 and I love all the games I played for each console..

So I can really hate on anyone having what ever kinda of console and not every game is for me as well. Yet I dont hate on someone for liking a game that I dont care for.. As long as your into some kinda game thats great I think..

If I had to choose a side..I guess I would have to go with Sony because that the console I played the most of for the last 16years or so... Also I would tell someone to get a PS3 over an Xbox/Wii...

How do you guys feel about this???