View Full Version : Absent until the 8th(or possibly later).

Project Blaze
07-05-2010, 02:36 PM
Well, our phone line company collapsed out of business, so we'll be without any phone lines for a while. Which pisses me off to absolutely no end, but I have to restrain myself so I don't end up launching crap all over the place and punching holes in the walls. I won't be able to come online until the 8th, or later than that. Which is BULL****!!! I hate phone companies. Ugh. So, I'll be absent for a while. But I'll be back as soon as I'm able to. Soo, see you sooner or later I guess. Take care till then.

- Infernal

07-05-2010, 02:39 PM
Later, dude take the down time to do some extra gamin.... ok im on topic. so do u have another fone compay in mind for dial up or are u goin to high speed

07-05-2010, 02:43 PM
Ouch, what company was that?

And I hope you're up and running soon. I'd go crazy without the internet for a few days.

07-05-2010, 02:45 PM
i had to go one night without it,cause my sister unplugged me so that i wouldnt play xbox all night and i just about lost my mind. But im curious as to which company it is as well

Project Blaze
07-09-2010, 01:02 PM
I think the switch might have happened already, but if it did I didn't notice it. :/ As for what company... uhh... I had it, but it slipped away from my mind. lol Besides, someone else handles that frustrating biz. Soo, I really dunno if it switched yet or if it's taking a long time to do it. I'm as confused as a baby in a... err... n/m, not really a joke everyone should hear. lmao

And I think it's (the 2nd phone line) gonna just be a "bare bones" connection. But hopefully it'll get bumped up to atleast 56k. I've only got half that speed right now. lmfao It really pisses me off sometimes. I'll be like... waiting for a page to load and sometimes it takes around 5 mins. >_< Money sux when you don't have it. lol

Anyhow, I'll either be on and the mess is over with, or I'm just lucky that we've got a phone line right now and I'll get cut off soon. Figured I'd see which one it was and stay connected till I got cut off. XD I love experimenting. ^_^ But yea, we'll see whether it's over with or we're just lucky to have the net this long. I didn't think we had phone lines till I heard the phone ring last night(I blare my muzik to my headphones a lot of the time, so tunes everything else out lol). So I guess you could say I'm experimenting with how long the phone lines are up. It might be next week that they fiddle around with our lines though. Companies and their neverending half-assed jobs. -_-

07-09-2010, 01:48 PM
half of 56k? How much did you have before?

And glad you're back. Gotta hate phone companies. Verizon gave me 3 months of headache when I moved a few years back. I had to use the network I found in the air with my laptop to get online for almost 3 months...

Project Blaze
07-09-2010, 05:24 PM
Well with whatever company we were/are (I'm so confused about it. >_<) with, it's a 26k connection. lmfao Makes online gaming a little difficult, to say the least. In a way I hope they haven't switched out the lines yet and we get that 56k at LEAST with the new network. Short attention spans combined with one-track minds like mine try to stick to games instead of that complicated stuff. For now anyway. God knows I dread the day when I'll have to do it myself. lmao