View Full Version : Video game soundtracks

07-20-2010, 04:14 AM
So I was shifting through a pile of cds and found one with red marker that said "BobTDs mix" and having no idea when I made it or where it was from poped it into my pc, but it was so scratched I had to rip it just to peice it together enough to guess at what it was.

To my great suprise, the songs where amazing. It drove me nuts I couldnt remember where there where from. Slowly the memories started to come back to me and I remembered what game I was playing at the time for every track on the cd. I was really shocked because these where games I played in middle school, and somehow the music had engrained these into my memory forever.

many of the songs where from from the original Driver:

Driver - Main Menu (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDbWQ_Q_wzU&feature=related#)

And a few from 1nsane racing:

1nsane Racing (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g49pjcBXDnw#ws)

You might laugh at these games today, but when I played them they where crazy awesome. Driver for its challenging skill level (I remember even the first training mission being hard to pass), and 1nsane for its variety of gameplay, mod community where you could find any car you could want online, and persistent damage to vehicles including loosing tires.

Ah... the memories. Anyways, are there any soundtracks that really bring you back? Music is a huge part of the games we play and I would be surprised if there weren't a few tracks that you fell in love with.

07-20-2010, 04:34 AM
Driver is indeed awesome, never played the other one

07-25-2010, 04:59 PM
Nintendo likely has the most memorable melodies to their name, so I'll save mentioning all the obvious picks that would inspire memories in likely all of us (Mario, Pokemon, etc) ...although I did feel that the Metroid Prime soundtrack was really well done - it had a cool cohesive electronic style that stood out from other classic video game soundtracks and went above and beyond variating the metroid themes that we were already familiar with. I was pleased :)

First game that comes to mind that would make every Nintendork squeal is Arcanum (http://www.terra-arcanum.com/sierra/) - a steampunk RPG whose main feature was a world where magic and technology co-existed in an uneasy balance developed by Sierra way back when before that company folded. The game's soundtrack was composed by Ben Houge (http://www.benhouge.com/) who had previously focused mostly on electro-acoustic composition (music made entirely by synthesizers and sometimes sequenced.)

For Arcanum's soundtrack, he challenged himself to compose and record with completely opposite instruments and recording methods - the entire soundtrack to Arcanum is played by a string quartet recorded live in a recital hall. There are only a few tracks that are exceptions - some hand percussion and a marimba on the track Qintarra, some percussive synth patches on the track The Wheel Clan, and complete sound effect/electro-acoustic orchestration for The Void and Kerghan's Castle.

The resulting soundtrack - an electro-acoustic composer trying to emulate classical musical styles with classical instrumentation and pure, unedited live recording - makes for an incredible neo-classical setting that gives the game such a unique character that for the soundtrack alone I still remember it today and just hearing these tracks brings me right back into the world of Arcanum. The music was such a landmark achievement for the game that you can still download the Arcanum OST from their site (linked above).

I'm sure I'll think of more and probably post things long enough that nobody will ever read them if people keep bumping this thread. </music major aspiring to one day be a video game music composer>

tl;dr - Nintendo has so many memorable tunes, of which I especially like Metroid Prime's OST. I also really like Arcanum's unique soundtrack featuring a live string orchestra.

07-25-2010, 10:37 PM
Augh. So many.

The first that come to mind are from Chrono Cross:


I think this may be the most beautiful song I have ever heard... I remember just sitting on this portion of the map, entranced. I. ADORE. THIS. SONG. I dunno what it is, and maybe other people don't get it, but it is just... good lord.

another from Chrono Cross:


The title theme <3 Amazing. Soooo amazing. I love the entire soundtrack, though; it's incredible, and I never get tired of it. Best video game soundtrack EVER.

Then, yeah, like dili said, Nintendo blahblah of course. Other games have memorable soundtracks, too, but I always keep coming back to Chrono Cross.

also, I have to-


07-25-2010, 11:07 PM
this is like the 4th time i've seen this topic here.

anyways, here are some of my favorites


I liked this one (final fantasy 13 theme) a lot until i had to hear it during every single battle in the whole game




07-26-2010, 06:45 AM
Heres a couple that I enjoyed. Second one actually made me get up and dance when I was 4 or 5. I remeber my parents lol-ing.


8 bit GOLD XD


07-26-2010, 10:57 AM
Oh man.

I forgot


Also Mega Man music is amazing all the time forever.

and well... of course Final Fantasy music is always nostalgic...




I think this was my first ever RPG <3 First FF, for sure. So so so so D: <3 And I mean yeah. We could fill this thread with music from all of the Final Fantasies. So. Uh. Yeah. I'll stop now.

07-26-2010, 03:22 PM
Fisherman's Horizon - Nobuo Uematsu.

thats right, Final Fantasy 8. brings me back.