View Full Version : what the heck Walloffame

07-22-2010, 12:02 PM
So yeah, for my birthday I went and ordered a sweet gundam model online. On May 25 from walloffame: (my birthday was june 4th)

Two weeks past the delivery date I call them and let them know I dont have the item yet. They apologize and say it probably got lost in the mail. They check and see Im only three days away by mail and say the new one will arrive shortly.

One month after the original order I call back again and ask why I still dont have the order. They say they could not find the model and are waiting on a supply order that will be there in a few days. They again assure me I will have the model in a few days.

July 15th, I send them the following email:

I am still missing the following order. I called back regarding the order status, two or three weeks ago. I was assured that seeing as it was only three days away that I would receive the order shortly, and that the first one was probably lost in the mail. I did not receive a second confirmation email or the item I paid for yet and would love to receive it. I have been waiting several months now.

July 20th I recieve the following email:

We were to receive the item 2 weeks ago but the company combined the containers and it will not arrive until July 30Th. If you would like a refund please give a credit card number as our site deletes them every 2 weeks. If you are will willing to wait let us know. We are very sorry for all of this.

After two months and I still dont have it, but fingers crossed I get it soon. You would think they would send me updates when problems arose, and not require me to keep checking up on them. A quick google search shows they don't have the best rep, so I kind of wonder if they are trying to hustle me.

The item I ordered: ($50)

07-23-2010, 01:39 AM
Ahh thats old school gundam we are going to the original series with this model if im not mistaken

07-23-2010, 10:17 AM
I hate companies like that. If you threaten to sue or even talk to a lawyer, I'm sure they'll do something a little better for you because waiting almost 2 full months is ridiculous.

And what you should do instead of contacting them with your CC number, call your CC company and claim your case and file a chargeback. And try to get your gundam model somewhere else. Cuz I know I'd be pissed if I was in your position right now.

07-23-2010, 11:58 PM
Ahh thats old school gundam we are going to the original series with this model if im not mistaken

its similar, it a model based off the original and has many of the same parts. There where about 14 of the Ez8 gundams created in the series and the sar in Gundam 08th MSteam. Its nicknamed the EZ8 because of its number and how easy it is to do field repairs, seeing as how all the parts are available from older models or not to complicated that they cant be patched on the field.

07-24-2010, 10:47 AM
I would of just gone to a comic book store and ask them to order me one... That way they can deal with those a holes....

I hate companies that do that.... Plus theres not much you can do about it either.... very frustrating....