View Full Version : General Info Must have PS3 games!!

07-23-2010, 05:50 PM
g'day all, i've just bought another PS3 after not having one for a year (my origonal one died after 3 years)

what games have been relised in say the last 6months-the last year that you'd considering "must have", i've always liked a good shooter such as CODMW2 but i really like adventure games the most.

i'm looking at prehaps Red Dead Redemption, Dragon's Souls, Bayonetta and maybe Infamous at the moment, i loved Red Dead Revolver which is why i'm considering Redemption.

i've had, both resistance games, biohazard 2, killzone, COD4,5 (and finished 6 but i only borrowed it) F.E.A.R, motorstorm 1, ect ect before (had about 20-25 odd games) but they were stolen by some scum when we went on holidays over christmas so i really am starting from point dot as far as games go, also at the moment the internet isn't connected to our PS3 so online isn't a great big issue for me for now (although i'm planning on hooking it up at some point), only problem being that i've found another orignal PS3, which means about two days worth of downloading updates :/

now also i've been considering maybe getting an XBOX 360 as well, hardly even played it but a few of the exclusive games grab my attention like FABLE 2 and halo 3, but not sure if it's gonna be worth the dosh for me, i had an origonal XBOX and liked the first fable, but it was way to short IMO, opinions?

07-23-2010, 08:25 PM
Fable 2 was extremely underwhelming. Halo 3 is basically a rehash of the first 2 with a new plot. If that's all that catches your eye for the xbox 360, then i'd say save your money.

anyways, for the Playstation 3, here's what has come out lately that comes to mind

White Knight Chronicles
Final Fantasy 13
God of War 3
Dragon Age: Origins (+ expansion)
Demon's Souls
Ratchet and Clank Future 2
Star Ocean International
Resonance of Fate
Heavy Rain

Gran Turismo 5 and The Last Guardian are also due out later this year

07-23-2010, 08:58 PM
i watched a few trailers and decided on some games to start me off, bought red dead redemption, fallout 3, colin mcrae dirt 2 and motorstorm 2 (not a fan of the first motorstorm but my little brother should like it)

once i get bored of these i'll have a look at some reviews and videos of the games you've listed, cheers :-)

07-24-2010, 11:12 AM
Unchared 2 is a most have if you never played that.... Red Dead Redemption is a most get I think... Just cause 2 is another one its just like GTA if you like that kinda game.... Assassins Creed 2 is good as well....Dragon Age Origins is an awesome game....Battle Field 2 is a great online shooter but the single players kinda sucks...

As for the Xbox I think you should get it if you really want to play those games.. Like Fable 2, Mass Effect is an awesome game as well, and Left 4 Dead is an awesome Zombie shooter game... Hola 3 ODST kinda suck in my opinion.. Yet hola reach online was a lot of fun for the most part....

07-24-2010, 01:01 PM
God of War 3
Dragon Age: Origins (+ expansion)
Demon's Souls
Ratchet and Clank Future 2
Heavy Rain

Never played GOW3, DAO, or Heavy Rain, but I heard they are great, so I would agree with those.

Also, Demon's Souls and Ratchet and Clank: YES. Totally worth getting.