View Full Version : Last Online - DMC gone MMO?

07-28-2010, 07:10 PM
So I was looking around and stumbled upon what looks like a fun concept for an MMO... it's an MMO that's designed where everyone is Devil-May-Cry-esque and has super epic moves and while it's an RPG with classic leveling mechanics the fighting is action based, like DMC...

This is the article (http://www.cinemablend.com/games/Devil-May-Cry-MMO-Clone-Last-Online-Coming-To-North-America-22721.html) I found. The game's site is here (http://www.edenworld.co.kr/GameIntro/LO/index.php).

it's said to be "coming to North America" but there's no definite date. According to the article they had to build their own engine to facilitate the action O_o

looks kinda cool, loses points for lack of originality but if it were pulled off really smoothly and pro like I'd at least give it a try. Probably wouldn't drop a subscription on it.

it looks like this:

07-28-2010, 07:16 PM
That looks... absaloutely AMAZING. I am very much liking the video!! however... i don't know how it'd work as a pc game... it looks like much more of a console game...
I wonder if it'll come to britain and how expensive it's going to be. because i am very much interested.
Thanks very mcuh gen :)

07-28-2010, 08:10 PM
I can't dig up anything else on the game... it seems that it hasn't really broken out of Japan/China/whereever the game is from and operating in right now. Can anyone find anything else that says otherwise?

07-28-2010, 10:27 PM
Here's a link to some Info and screen shots.

LAST: Wave Reaphook as Azrael - MMORPG Feature - New MMORPGs, MMO Feature, Gamelist, Topics, Previews, Reviews - Feature.mmosite.com (http://feature.mmosite.com/content/2008-03-13/20080313213951880,1.shtml)