View Full Version : found something interesting

08-04-2010, 12:53 AM
Today I was in the grocery store and in the magazine area i saw a computer magazine i believe it was pc world but im not sure. When i read the cover it said :top iphone apps: it had a pic of an iphone next to an ipad after looking at it more closely i realized the iphone was jailbroken because the black background on the iphone was replaced with the background you get when you jailbreak an iphone or itouch with the latest jailbreak method I would know because i recently jailbroke my 2g itouch on iOS4 Apple must be thrilled that jailbroken idevices are being used on magazine covers.

the attached image is a pic of an iphone with the same background as the one on the cover

08-04-2010, 01:01 AM
what's jailbreak in iphones?

08-04-2010, 01:08 AM
jailbreaking is when you basically unlock your device you go around any software restrictions that the manufacturer may have put in place if you do this to an iphone you can also switch it from at&t to another phone service provider itouchs you can download different themes and games to change the way your ipod looks now to those of you who know what jailbreaking is don't say it is illegal because it is not the US copyright office has deemed it legal to unlock or jailbreak devices like iphones ipods or now even blackberrys

08-04-2010, 01:22 AM

I just don't understand why people can even stand apple products :/
The only thing i'd every try is the ipad

08-04-2010, 11:32 AM
with the new update, you can change the background images on iPhone 3Gs. Someone could have just set it that way. And if I'm not mistaken.. it's a regular background on the iPhone4 which is also customizable now. I don't think it was jailbroken.

08-04-2010, 07:52 PM
with the new update, you can change the background images on iPhone 3Gs. Someone could have just set it that way. And if I'm not mistaken.. it's a regular background on the iPhone4 which is also customizable now. I don't think it was jailbroken.

hmmm you might be right but I just thought it was funny because I got the same background when i jailbroke my itouch

08-04-2010, 09:01 PM
I want an Ipad, but just because Dream Theater's keyboardist released an app for it.

but anyways, linkinpark u haven't been around awhile whats up