View Full Version : How much do you value friendship, how important is friendship to you?

Project Blaze
08-04-2010, 02:25 PM
Awkward/strange topic, but I'm kind of bored... so... yea...

How important is your friendship with other people? Or are you more nonchalant towards the topic and more of a "loner"? Or is it nice to have friends, but you aren't desperate for them?

Myself, I'm pretty desperate for friends. Any friends. Sad, I know, but it's better than not wantinig any friends in my opinion. I'd probably take a character in a game as a friend to tell you the truth. I've got quite an active imagination, even as weird as that sounds...

So, what about you?

08-04-2010, 02:27 PM
Depends on who it is. There are some friends that are really close and others that I only speak to on occasion. So there is more than one level of importance in friendship for me. Probably a few dozen different levels.

08-04-2010, 03:31 PM
I'm on the same page as Linux. It all depends on the friends.

My biggest problem is I'm loyal to the death with my friends... They always end up leaving me feeling betrayed or insignificant. I only have a few people I would label as friends... and as unfortunate as it is... 95% of them I found on this site.

08-04-2010, 03:36 PM
I value friendship a lot. No one wants to be lonely :(

08-04-2010, 03:37 PM
Friends are just people who want something before they turn on you.

08-04-2010, 03:49 PM
Friends are just people who want something before they turn on you.

You need better friends...

Those aren't friends... those are posers.

08-04-2010, 03:56 PM
It kinda of depends on who it is, but it's really important to me.(:
I try my best to always put my friends first.

08-04-2010, 04:02 PM
idk, at first college i made a ton of friends and stuff then out of nowhere they like all stopped talking to me, so that kinda led me to not really care anymore about anything. It became easier to just stay in my room and entertain myself than to go out and find friends to hang out with, and that kinda led me to being a loner

08-04-2010, 04:13 PM
Well, I couldn't live without friends.
But I can't live with them.

I love to hang out with friends, but sometimes, I really don't wanna even talk to them. I just wanna be alone for a little.
They frustrate me, annoy me, entertain me, always there for me (some are, anyways. Stupid changes >>) and make me feel awesome.
I dunno.
I don't think I'd live without friends.

08-04-2010, 04:29 PM
friends are important to me, my closeest friends are like my family and I would die for them. But on the flip side If I am screwed over its pretty much done, I wont trust you I will try to fix things but only to certain degrees.

So I am dead loyal, but once screwed over your nothing

08-04-2010, 05:27 PM
Eps I feel that college bit. I met a few people who just quit talking, or only wanted help with work. College students don't seem like a good selection.

Project Blaze
08-05-2010, 12:03 PM
I'm on the same page as Linux. It all depends on the friends.

My biggest problem is I'm loyal to the death with my friends... They always end up leaving me feeling betrayed or insignificant. I only have a few people I would label as friends... and as unfortunate as it is... 95% of them I found on this site.

Figured I'd quote this instead of trying to figure out how to quote both Linux and Damage. All that time on here and I still dunno how to do that.. -_-

I can see why it depends on the friends though. Some are pretty shallow and only want to screw around with your head (like my earlier friends back in the other town I was living in), others (which are also here, as well as other online friends) can are the only actual people that happen to be true to the word.

It also just occured to me that I haven't really answered my own question that even started the topic. Heh. That was more like a "How badly do you want friends" thing than an answer. Now I feel like a hypocrite. ;_;
Anyhow, friendship is extremely important to me. Especially after getting a taste of being alone for a few years without any.
Once I make friends I think I want to keep that friendship with them so much that I try to overdo everything, which ends up pushing them away despite my good intentions. I guess you could chalk it up to bad people skills, or just plain desperation to want to hold on to whatever friendship you can. Even if it is an excessively tight grip, which doesn't do anybody any good. I forget who said this, but it comes to mind: "I am my own worst enemy." Easy to talk about, not so easy to change.

08-06-2010, 01:15 PM
My biggest problem is I'm loyal to the death with my friends... They always end up leaving me feeling betrayed or insignificant. I only have a few people I would label as friends... and as unfortunate as it is... 95% of them I found on this site.

I would have to agree with this.
I'm always open to new friends. It just depends if they truly want to be friends or not.

08-06-2010, 01:32 PM
so so important. kinda like, no friend, no life. :D

08-06-2010, 01:43 PM
idk, at first college i made a ton of friends and stuff then out of nowhere they like all stopped talking to me, so that kinda led me to not really care anymore about anything.

In a similar situation when it comes to college. At first, it's like, everyone wanted to be friends. Now, from all those people, I only have a handful of people from school that I hang out with after class. And I still speak to the others, but usually not outside of class, or we just say "hi" when we see each other around campus.

I guess, when you're starting college, you feel the need to make as many friends as possible to hang out with and as you grow older and get more used to the environment, you realize that you just need a few friends to keep you going.

08-06-2010, 04:04 PM
Friends are like seeing a psychologist for free. Well the good ones. Without my friends i would explode. There would little bits of Joshua all over the U.S. So i guess i value friends as if they were sacred. "You can't choose your parents, you can't choose your nieghbors, but you can choose your friends"

08-06-2010, 04:40 PM
TBH i dont really have any good friends, I dont tend to allow myself to get close to people. If i do get close to someone i usually cut all ties and push them off. Ive lost alot people who who close to me and when i lost a best friend of 20 years i started to distance myself from ppl. Plus most people are out to get you and befriend you cause they want suttin u got. I just dont trust anyone. I got my own back, my boys up above lookin out over me and thats all need.

08-06-2010, 04:51 PM
i would die for a friend.. the ones that really have proven themselves to be my real friends.. and they were there for me since childhood.. which is awesome i know.. friends are like awesome in a way that they can piss you off and make you feel better too.. they makes\ you feel like you really exist and you need to do something with your life..

08-06-2010, 05:00 PM
I'd die for my friends too, but their time came to quickly. However, there is one person i care about uncontrollably and id dooooo absolutely anything for her.

Project Blaze
08-06-2010, 10:56 PM
TBH i dont really have any good friends, I dont tend to allow myself to get close to people. If i do get close to someone i usually cut all ties and push them off. Ive lost alot people who who close to me and when i lost a best friend of 20 years i started to distance myself from ppl. Plus most people are out to get you and befriend you cause they want suttin u got. I just dont trust anyone. I got my own back, my boys up above lookin out over me and thats all need.

I guess I'm pretty much the opposite of that. Naive to a fault, and I let people in too easily. Self-esteem issues, I guess. Plus the problem of not really learning from past "friendships" where they just manipulated me for their own pleasure. I wish those people a very prolonged, very painful death. Even though I still won't learn from any more friendships like that. Guess I'm sort of hopeless. In a way I wish I could be like you, pushing people away before I end up on the receiving end of a bad joke. Wish I'd had a drink, I'd make a toast. lol

08-07-2010, 06:30 AM
TBH i dont really have any good friends, I dont tend to allow myself to get close to people. If i do get close to someone i usually cut all ties and push them off. Ive lost alot people who who close to me and when i lost a best friend of 20 years i started to distance myself from ppl. Plus most people are out to get you and befriend you cause they want suttin u got. I just dont trust anyone. I got my own back, my boys up above lookin out over me and thats all need.

That explains a lot.

I've slowly started pulling away from a lot of my irl friends. They just keep letting me down....I've gotten a few GF friends that have turned into irl friends though.....lol. Although a few of those I consider more like family.

08-08-2010, 04:11 AM
very important. very i need it to be solid

08-08-2010, 06:00 AM
depends on who the friend is..some friends are jsut there if you they need something w/ you so yeah..

08-08-2010, 08:13 PM
I love my friends
there always there for me and I value them a lot
during your life you have your friends that you know are going to be there for you and occasionally you find fake friends when it seems like there there for you but there not
but I love my friends and I am glad I have them :)

08-08-2010, 09:27 PM
TBH i dont really have any good friends, I dont tend to allow myself to get close to people. If i do get close to someone i usually cut all ties and push them off. Ive lost alot people who who close to me and when i lost a best friend of 20 years i started to distance myself from ppl. Plus most people are out to get you and befriend you cause they want suttin u got. I just dont trust anyone. I got my own back, my boys up above lookin out over me and thats all need.

Thats how I am generally with people. you get to close I shut down and become a complete a hole til you distance yourself and i feel safe.

But im trying to break out of it. But I do have some really good friends who have never let me down but thsoe who have I cant even stand anymore.

08-08-2010, 09:36 PM
its the most valuable thing you can give to someone. From a complete stranger from being buddies. The moment you start being good to others the basis and foundation is just amazing.

08-08-2010, 09:38 PM
I'd like to change my previous answer...

I'm losing faith in all humanity. Friends are meant to leave you stranded when you need them most.... It's time I stopped caring.

Project Blaze
08-09-2010, 01:46 PM
I'd like to change my previous answer...

I'm losing faith in all humanity. Friends are meant to leave you stranded when you need them most.... It's time I stopped caring.

Not all friends do, some friends will cling to you and not let go till you push them off. :)

But I've also lost faith in humanity, have been for quite a while so I can empathize.