View Full Version : Idea to control the increase in crime

08-10-2010, 05:00 PM
So as ive said in another post it crime in my state seems to be increasing daily. I have a good idea on how to control it.. make the classification of the crime worse. If it was a C mis, its now a A Mis or D Felony.

infractions, normally all infractions are C, rarely A,B, or D. make it an Class A infraction which is a 10,000k fine.

Yes this is extreme, but as it has been stated to me before again and again. People listen when it cost them money.

In this growing age where people think of the justice system as too easy or not doing enough, or just plain corrupt. If crimes classifications are increased, You wont see a piece of trash on the ground again, You wouldnt see people fighting, as often, cause they will still fight cant control everything.

Im tired of seeing stupidity running amock and kids thinking its a good idea.

therefore another idea is.. if they are under the age of 18 no matter what the crime is, the parents pay.
You are thinking to yourself they already pay, no they dont. Not if they dont take it to civil court. So no matter what the crime is parents pay for damages whatever it might be, within reason.

Again, this is extreme but committing crimes seems to be the "in thing" to do. I know people who are stupid and just recently missed court dates and had to spend 2 weeks in jail scared out their ass.

It didnt fix the problem, he will still do what he wants, but you make the punishment worse they will get out of the "reward and punishment" mode of thinking.

No it wont work on everyone, those who commit crime out of surivivial will be punished but they will contiune no matter what because its the way they know how to survive.

Your thoughts.

08-11-2010, 12:19 AM
It's the only way.

08-11-2010, 12:34 AM
I vote legalize everything and let natural selection take place :P

08-11-2010, 10:47 AM
Yeah but that's highly unreasonable, because if you litter, and then get the death sentence...that just aint right.

but increasing punishment would probably get more people into jail and stuff, which would lower crime, but there'd still be minor things like bad drivers, people tossin stuff out of their car windows, music downloading, stuff like that. And there'll still be organised crime

08-11-2010, 10:50 AM
Ehh, true its a little harsh, but hey crime is out of control and the police need to get it under control best way to do it is to watch your butt

08-11-2010, 11:17 AM
Ok, how does not having children lower the crime rate, that lowers the overpopulation situation, but doesnt stop crimes from happening.

08-11-2010, 11:29 AM
Less people less criminals?

so what about the other 300 million people who are alive and kicking and lets say... 10% of those are ones committing the crimes, how do you stop them from doing it?

08-11-2010, 01:40 PM
Your not making logical sense.

I know what I said was harsh but an idea is an idea. It seems like you want to kill babies..

08-11-2010, 01:49 PM
You want to kill babies and or stop overpopulation because you believe that is the root of crime, which its not.

Root of all crime varies so much all you can do is generalize it without putting a specific reason on it.

Think about it and come up with an idea, how would you stop crime without doing harm to babies..

08-11-2010, 03:25 PM
Not all homeless people have committed crimes just like all muslims arent terrorist.
Its not that they are accusomted to the jail system it is that its all they know how to do. Plus once a harden criminal gets out cant find a job cant get his or her life back on track, they can go back to jail/prison and feel safe. You cant make jail a "living hell" as you put it because then your breaking the 8th amendment. Drugs do play a major roll in the crime rate, but homelessness does not. They might be down on their luck yet I have only heard of one story of a homeless man committing a crime, and that was here in my state to get out of a really bad storm so he broke into a church for the night.

big laws that aren't being enforced. Like underage drinking, and driving under the influence

your saying that those arent being enforced? If kids are underage drinking in a home the police cant kick in the door and do a check. DUI is being enforced but police cant be everywhere at every second to prevent all DUI situations. in my state there is... im going to say around 3000 plus police officer and my state has about one million people. Its impossible to "enforce" DUI if you dont see it happen.

The underage drinking cant be dealt with unless someone calls the police, but since they are hated against so much its no wonder why people dont trust them.

enforce the law, law enforcement does its job but there isnt enough police officer to cover everyone. So please dont say anything about enforcing the law, police officers do the best they can with what they got, beyond that if you want them to do better you should donate money.

08-11-2010, 04:10 PM
LOL just reading some of your comments im not even going to sit here and explain myself to everything. You are being insulting which is funny.

So i will explain a few things and I will just sit back and laugh.

8th amendment, No cruel or usually punishment. make their life a living in hell in prison is cruel and usually. Second yes they prioritize calls, If I have an officer down shots fired im going to respond to that before something like a simple battery call. Yes they deem other parts of the city more important do you know why? because more crime = more attention by police officers.

So please dont insult me law enforcement was my major in college so I know a thing or two ;)

Also if you keep being insulting towards member you wont be here for very long

08-11-2010, 04:24 PM
Continue to insult me, I dont care I dont know what your trying to prove because your points are invalid. seems like You dont understand law enforcement and If I try to tell you you would throw a fit, which you have twice already.

So when you can be a reasonable child please talk to me and I will tell you about law enforcement, till then I wouldnt be so insulting.

08-11-2010, 04:28 PM
Ive done nothing to be childish ive state what I know from my experience.

So lets get back on topic and you stop being insulting :)

08-11-2010, 04:34 PM
u sir had broken some rules and will get pwned with an infraction im sure, and u deserver it. So i suggest u go check them and get familiar with them.

08-11-2010, 04:36 PM
You're the one that steered it off-topic man, you said you couldn't handle keeping up with my prowess and quit the game, followed swiftly by getting your ass handed to you.

You wanna continue talking about it? Reply to my previous post.

Sorry, Im not going to have a conversation with someone regerding law enforcement to someone who doesnt understand the basic workings of it.

I said i couldnt handle keeping up with your prowess and quit the game? What?

Anyone else confused?

08-11-2010, 04:36 PM
Back on topic please. Next off topic post gets a 5 point infraction.

And I agree with joker (first post of this thread) however the part about the parents paying if the child is under 18 will go very wrong because I know kids that would love to exploit it. And years ago, I used to know this kid that did time in Juvenile hall multiple times but his parents were great parents. His brother and sister were both good, he was just the idiot of the family going around robbing people and his parents couldn't do anything about it. In that situation, it wouldn't be fair.

08-11-2010, 04:38 PM
True, like in the law there are exepction for everything.
This is just a cruel idea not thought out for more then 10 minutes. But something has to be done crime is going nuts and if it stays this way people might start arming themselves and taking the law into their own hands.

08-11-2010, 04:43 PM
If I had absolute power, I'd simply eliminate anyone committing violent crimes. Could save a lot of money because we wouldn't have to spend money on them putting them through the court process and then later housing them in prisons.

By eliminate, I mean terminate.

08-11-2010, 04:45 PM
It would be simpler to do it Judge Dredd Style, you must admit that much linux.

No need to waste time in court or waiting for court dates, right on the scene you are judged sentenced and taken away.

08-11-2010, 04:46 PM
I'd just like to say, as I previously have, that it seems like crime is actually decreasing lately/remaining steady. I have found no information stating that there has been a dramatic increase, unless you can hand me some figures?

Table 1 - Crime in the United States 2005 (http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/05cius/data/table_01.html)

Table 1 - Crime in the United States 2008 (http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/cius2008/data/table_01.html)

Not that something shouldn't be done, but I think the title is kind of misleading.

08-11-2010, 04:47 PM
I'd go for that but then there are the cases of set ups. If only humans couldn't lie...or we had an awesome lie detector. Not the polygraphs they have today, you could beat that. (I did it in my forensic psych class)

edit: @Muffin - Crime is actually decreasing. I'm not doubting that part. In NYC from around 1992 to 2005, crime decreased by about 98%, that's what Ray Kelly and Giuliani did but we still have a lot of murders, rapes, robberies, etc. There is still about 600-700 murders in NYC every year, big drop, but not big enough for me.

08-11-2010, 04:50 PM
True, the supreme court would stay around and the judges would become police officers/judges in the field.

It is hard to beat a lie detector, ive seen it done, but very rarely. From what my advisor says the FBI cant be beat when it comes to lie detectors, you can try and beat it but you will fail, almost exact words.

08-11-2010, 04:54 PM
True, the supreme court would stay around and the judges would become police officers/judges in the field.

It is hard to beat a lie detector, ive seen it done, but very rarely. From what my advisor says the FBI cant be beat when it comes to lie detectors, you can try and beat it but you will fail, almost exact words.

There are always ways to beat a lie detector. The FBI and other federal agencies use more than just the heart rate and perspiration to detect lies. I believe they also have thermal readings and experts who can read body language like no other. But no system is perfect, it can still be beaten.

My Forensic Psych professor worked and still works with the NYPD, FBI, and a few other federal agencies and those are his words (almost exact as well (the last sentence)).

08-11-2010, 04:54 PM
Except lie detectors (polygraphs, unless you're talking about some other fancy kind) react to stimulus that doesn't necessarily mean you are lying, so... it's kind of useless. They basically say that you had a reaction to something that was said. Though maybe they've gotten better lately, but this is what I've learned.

Also, sociopaths can beat them pretty well. Which, well, a lot of the terrible criminals ARE. o.o;

08-11-2010, 04:58 PM
Ya it can be beaten, but thats why we have hard evidence to go with it.