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08-13-2010, 02:23 PM
So.. I'm working in Photoshop, right?
I like my sig, isn't my best but I really like it..
Amu for Shugo Chara..
Photoshop decides to spazz and not respond.. I'm sitting there, it's still not responding.. And it closes.. Dx
/vent done.

08-13-2010, 02:24 PM
I believe all of us have been there at one point. I hate that. I freak out and quit when that happens. xD...

Don't worry ;-;keep working.

08-13-2010, 02:43 PM
Oh I know it's happened to all of us..
It's just been a while and I got angweh. Dx
I usually freak out too. :P But I didn't, I have too much of a headache to freak out. XD

08-13-2010, 02:57 PM
aww yuuki, id give u a hug but Jak might get mad

08-13-2010, 03:14 PM

08-13-2010, 04:19 PM
When my computer does that.. I get mr brick to the face out. :)

oddly ive been through 3 computers doing that...

I guess a tip i could give is shut down all programs your using but photoshop >.>

08-13-2010, 04:31 PM
photoshop can end up using a lot of memory especially with other programs running. Once I had PS, Dreamweaver, itunes, opera, firefox, and a few other stuff open. THen I decide to take a break and I turn on Left 4 Dead 2 and everything freezes. The RAM couldn't take it even though I have 4gb. Dreamweaver, Photoshop, and L4D2 ended up crashing after about 10 minutes of non-responsiveness.

So remember CTRL+S saves the day! I'm glad I saved all my work then. It was last year I believe when I was working on my computer site.

08-13-2010, 08:29 PM
photoshop can end up using a lot of memory especially with other programs running. Once I had PS, Dreamweaver, itunes, opera, firefox, and a few other stuff open. THen I decide to take a break and I turn on Left 4 Dead 2 and everything freezes. The RAM couldn't take it even though I have 4gb. Dreamweaver, Photoshop, and L4D2 ended up crashing after about 10 minutes of non-responsiveness.

So remember CTRL+S saves the day! I'm glad I saved all my work then. It was last year I believe when I was working on my computer site.

Ahh! Dx
I've never had a problem with it before.. I guess my laptop was throwing a fit, huh? ;_;
Usually the only thing I have open with Photoshop is music, then I'd take a short break and get on Facebook or here. x.x
Oh well. The sig wasn't amazing anyway.
But yeah, it was unresponsive for a while. ]:<

08-13-2010, 09:06 PM
I had that problem when working with After Effect last week.
I spent at least 3 hours editing some footage and it spazzed out on me just as I opened the file menu to save.

08-13-2010, 09:08 PM
I had that problem when working with After Effect last week.
I spent at least 3 hours editing some footage and it spazzed out on me just as I opened the file menu to save.

Oh ****.. That had to be terrible.):
Sorry to hear that!
And haha! :D We both still have the siggys you made a while back. x3

08-13-2010, 09:54 PM
I pretty much spazzed out with it lol .
It's certinly the most annoying thing to occur recently.

Hehe I know.. I haven't really made any new sigs lately, just haven't felt the want.. :S
Glad you like the stock btw. :D

08-13-2010, 10:02 PM
It makes me want to throw things..
And kick things. GRRR.
Hehe. Anywho..
YES. I love the stock. :) I am almost done with the sig..
Idk if I wanna add anything else. :/ sdfasfjks

I haven't made any sigs either, no worries. xD