View Full Version : If you could invent a new drug, what would it be and what is the effect?

08-16-2010, 11:59 PM
So tell me forum: If you could invent a new drug, what would it be and what is the effect?

08-17-2010, 12:02 AM
i would make a drug that makes you sweat a substance that causes cotton to disintegrate.

08-17-2010, 12:06 AM
It would be a drug that ends all stupidity in the world... So while at college i can go to bed at 2 in the morning without hearing stupid kids screaming about crap >.< /rage

08-17-2010, 12:56 AM
what would ur drug be? But im kinda against drugs now that ive been sober for quite some time. But i like downers and that short so id make a pain killer that didnt make u sooooo god damn itchy.

08-17-2010, 07:07 PM
A neurological drug that would make someone completely open to permanent suggestions from the administrator. The duration for which they are suggestible would be small, but the effects would be permenant. :)

08-17-2010, 07:26 PM
QuietGrave's drugs are scaring me....

08-17-2010, 08:07 PM
ummm...how bout one that allows x-ray vision?

08-18-2010, 08:29 PM
I don't know
I mean I guess a pill that would get people to stop snoring
lol b/c thats one of my pet peeves I hate when people snore!

08-18-2010, 08:32 PM
How about a joke drug?

You take it and you get kicked in the nuts somehow.

That would be epic.

08-18-2010, 10:42 PM
name: ^_^
results: ultimite high making all drugs seem like tylenol im comparsion
negatives: none, this be be fantasy land i do what i want *****es

08-19-2010, 03:40 AM
The one that makes you wake up from the matrix.

Ok, my real answer is a drug that completely supplement the need for sleep with a chemical combination that replenishes your neurons the way a good nights rest does.

08-19-2010, 09:14 AM
The one that makes you wake up from the matrix.

Ok, my real answer is a drug that completely supplement the need for sleep with a chemical combination that replenishes your neurons the way a good nights rest does.

Both of these, I was sitting here trying to think what my answer would be and then I read these. A natural energy pill... that'd be nice

If I had to think of one myself, I would make a drug that hyped up all your nerves... slightly increased your sense of touch and taste while also increasing your reaction time and mental processing power...

side effects would be twitchy muscles/mild muscle spasms, hyper-activity, nervousness, anxiety, increased heart rate, etc... it would be an upper, but not as powerful/destructive as uppers that actually exist; a very mild upper.

08-19-2010, 01:04 PM
you can get increased sense of touch from the chemical niacin. Witch they stick in male and female "passion cocktails". It basically brings more blood to the surface of your skin.

Cant confirm if that makes sex more fun, never had a reason to enhance the experience so far, maybe when Im old and lazy.

08-19-2010, 02:29 PM
I'd make a drug that made everybody settle down and become peaceful....... forever

World Peace!!!!!!

08-19-2010, 05:28 PM
I'd make a drug that made everybody settle down and become peaceful....... forever

World Peace!!!!!!



and yeah a drug that made you not need to sleep (without horrible effects on you) would be pretty nice (though I love sleeping... but sometimes I could really use that -_-).

a drug that turned you into a cat or something for a period of time ;D

08-19-2010, 06:41 PM
you can get increased sense of touch from the chemical niacin.

I was expecting someone to come at me with something I didn't know existed and confirm that what I dreamt of almost sort of existed... kudos for being knowledgeable



a drug that turned you into a cat or something for a period of time ;D

I want one to turn me into a fox o.o actually it would be cool to be all sorts of mammals temporarily... but I definitely want the fox one

08-19-2010, 11:28 PM
yeah since dili is secretly a furry lover he wants to have some kinky fox lovin. And a fox IS a better choice then a cat for that since male cats have barbs on their.. err male part to make sex painful so that their more likely the last one to mate with that female.

I know a chemical that can be injected into the blood stream carrying oxygen already exists. But I want to see it improved on since its just considered a medical benefit right now. It does have the potential to be developed into an IV or shot that would carry enough oxygen to eliminate the need to breath for a short time. Literally, allowing you to free dive with no scuba tank.

fighting the physical reaction to breath would be a problem, but could be solved with a mask over your mouth so that if you forget to hold your breath you dont suck in water. Also it presents dangers because it may ware off very suddenly not allowing you enough time to anticipate when you will have to go up for air. Perhaps, the answer would then lie in carrying two shots, each attached at the hip like a diabetic might have. The first one allows you time to look around, and when you run low you release the back up and return to the surface.

Looking for the article I read about it.

08-20-2010, 10:56 AM


and yeah a drug that made you not need to sleep (without horrible effects on you) would be pretty nice (though I love sleeping... but sometimes I could really use that -_-).

a drug that turned you into a cat or something for a period of time ;D

im sure if you took some lsd or acid you could think that

08-20-2010, 11:16 AM
and yeah a drug that made you not need to sleep (without horrible effects on you) would be pretty nice (though I love sleeping... but sometimes I could really use that -_-)

haha no **** me too, ive been up for 52 hours straight now and trust me ive been laying down tryin to sleep too.