View Full Version : Crysis 2 Multiplayer Off-Screen Footage

08-17-2010, 05:50 PM

Go here to see another mutli player vid....

Crysis 2 Multiplayer Off-Screen Footage Video from GameVideos (http://gamevideos.1up.com/video/id/30926)


Theres so many good shooter out there I dont see how I can get them all but this game looks amazing.....

I never played the first one so if any one has let me know your opinion on it....

I'm going to have to start selling some of my organs to get all the games I want... Half a lung,or half a liver.... My left testicle since its the one that hangs the lowest which is kinda embarrassing...

IDK I'll fig something out...

11-10-2010, 03:46 AM
I can't wait to play Crysis 2 I saw the reviews and this game makes me want it even more, because the first Crysis is really awesome and the graphics looks truly beautiful.:D