View Full Version : Fail

08-20-2010, 09:59 AM

lmao. grate control structure. that may be but guess what it's also being used as a bridge and considering it's 3 miles east of that fence it seems like utter failure to just leave it like that. whats the sense of spending all that money of the other project if your going to leave loopholes like this open?

08-20-2010, 10:08 AM
LMFAO. Are you KIDDING ME!?!?! Well I guess I see where our hard earned tax dollars are going. To build a completely worthless fence that they can just walk around.... and bridges... OH I'm sorrrryyyy.... "Grate Control Structures"..... so they won't get their feet wet on the way over.

If you're gonna let em come over, why spend our money on fences and border patrol???