View Full Version : Just got a Modded xbox360...

08-21-2010, 02:57 PM
Just picked up a modded Xbox360 that will play burnt disc.Only problem is that its banned from xboxlive.....Ive heard theres a way to fix it to where I can play live again....Can anybody help me out an give me a link to fix it?

08-21-2010, 03:01 PM
I hope there isnt a way to fix it, dont need modded xboxs running around on xbox live. not far to the other gamers who want to have some fun.

08-21-2010, 03:03 PM
I've done my research for a previously modded box, and there isn't a way to reverse the ban without potentially bricking the xbox.

08-21-2010, 03:36 PM
I hope there isnt a way to fix it, dont need modded xboxs running around on xbox live. not far to the other gamers who want to have some fun.

Im not talking about modded to where I can cheat.Im talking about modded to where I can burn games from my computer an play them so I dont have to spend $65 bucks on a new game....

08-21-2010, 03:38 PM
Im not talking about modded to where I can cheat.Im talking about modded to where I can burn games from my computer an play them so I dont have to spend $65 bucks on a new game....

I believe that's illegal. So I see no point in Microsoft or any other company allowing people to be able to play those games online.

08-21-2010, 03:57 PM
Im not talking about modded to where I can cheat.Im talking about modded to where I can burn games from my computer an play them so I dont have to spend $65 bucks on a new game....

Thats still cheating, your cheating people who worked hard on those games out of the money they deserve.

08-21-2010, 04:40 PM
As far as I know there isn't a way around it. Microsoft did that Banning spree in November to keep people from using modded consoles... in case you didn't notice the MASSIVE amounts of consoles that went up for sale in November from people fearing the banhammer. When I googled out ways to get the ban reversed I found only one answer...

Microsoft will repair the mod for around $100, then you can call and have them reverify the xbox is legit and they'll lift the banhammer. However... If you call and have them check it out again, and they find it modded. PERMABAN!

08-21-2010, 04:44 PM
Im not talking about modded to where I can cheat.Im talking about modded to where I can burn games from my computer an play them so I dont have to spend $65 bucks on a new game....

That's pretty much piracy :eek1:

08-21-2010, 05:46 PM
I don't believe its fixable but I can tell you we don't like cheaters here.

True gamers don't need to cheat

08-21-2010, 06:14 PM
There is no way you unban it :) thank god!

Ilyich Valken
08-21-2010, 06:45 PM
There isn't a way around it. The whole point of having said ban is so that people can't mod their xbox, download their favorite games and play online without rightly paying for it.

This also adds to piracy (Lmao.. listen to me lecture on pirating things..) and takes revenue from gaming companies. Kinda pointless, if you ask me.

08-21-2010, 08:13 PM
ight all I needed to know....I got the console on a trade so I dont have much money into it.....I'll probably just sell it for $100bucks

08-22-2010, 08:56 AM
That's pretty much piracy :eek1:

I was about to say this too. hahaha.

yeah man, what's wrong with spending $59 (plus tax)
on a game? I mean I understand you wanna save, but dang...

08-22-2010, 09:08 AM
I was about to say this too. hahaha.

yeah man, what's wrong with spending $59 (plus tax)
on a game? I mean I understand you wanna save, but dang...

So your telling me that if you had the chance to modd your xbox360 to where you could burn games an save you $1,000 of dollars you wound'n do it???

Let say you want 10 games for 59.99 plus tax....Thats about $650 your gonna pay or you could burn them for pennys....I think if I was a hardcore gamer I would be burning games an saving ME money!

08-22-2010, 09:18 AM
You're also cheating the game companies, and if everyone did that, there would be no way for these games to exist - so they jack up the prices higher, and an endless cycle is created ;D

Support the game designers. Otherwise, no games for you. Ever.

08-22-2010, 09:34 AM
you've probably realized at this point that this wasn't the right forum to come running to with mod issues because we don't do piracy here. You'd probably have better (http://www.xboxscene.com/) luck (http://www.xbox-hq.com/html/) searching elsewhere (http://forums.afterdawn.com/forum_view.cfm/119).

Not stealing things in an admirable trait. Good luck finding a new xbox/getting that one fixed

08-22-2010, 09:35 AM
You're also cheating the game companies, and if everyone did that, there would be no way for these games to exist - so they jack up the prices higher, and an endless cycle is created ;D

Support the game designers. Otherwise, no games for you. Ever.

Not everybody is doing it so you dont have to worry about it jacking up prices.....Probably only a hand few of people do it compared to how many do go buy the games...

I dont use systems like these but hey for sumone who wants to save money an doesnt care about getting online I think this system would be great for him.....

08-22-2010, 09:40 AM
So your telling me that if you had the chance to modd your xbox360 to where you could burn games an save you $1,000 of dollars you wound'n do it???

Let say you want 10 games for 59.99 plus tax....Thats about $650 your gonna pay or you could burn them for pennys....I think if I was a hardcore gamer I would be burning games an saving ME money!

It is not fair for the developers. They spent MONTHS maybe YEARS working on the game you just downloaded for no cost. I don't know what country your in, but if you live in the US, i believe i heard that the goverment or someone is going to start cracking down on the piracy stuff :eek1:

08-22-2010, 09:42 AM
you've probably realized at this point that this wasn't the right forum to come running to with mod issues because we don't do piracy here. You'd probably have better (http://www.xboxscene.com/) luck (http://www.xbox-hq.com/html/) searching elsewhere (http://forums.afterdawn.com/forum_view.cfm/119).

Not stealing things in an admirable trait. Good luck finding a new xbox/getting that one fixed

Like I said Im not stealing anything.I got the system on a trade an was trying to get sum info about the modded xbox360's so when I sold it I could let people know what there getting an if there was a way to fix it to get back live.

Im not cheating anybody because my xbox360 has not been modded.An even if I could get it modded I wounld'n because I dont want my system to get banned

It is not fair for the developers. They spent MONTHS maybe YEARS working on the game you just downloaded for no cost. I don't know what country your in, but if you live in the US, i believe i heard that the goverment or someone is going to start cracking down on the piracy stuff :eek1:

Thats also the samething music artist do an still everyday people are getting onto limewire an getting there music for free...Its wrong an the artist/developers are losing alil bit of money but there still rich.An with todays economy with the govenment ****ting everybody,jobs cutting peoples pay left an right I dont think most people care about doing the right thing...I know that sounds bad but it is the truth

08-22-2010, 12:50 PM
As you are correct about the thief of music happens on a daily basis the artist doesnt do anything with the money but spend it and act all high and mighty.

With video games the entire company uses that for research on new combat systems etc etc to test out stuff. With the money they get from sells it goes to pay the entire company, etc etc. So by comparison it would be argued that stealing from music artist is not as bad as stealing from game companies.

08-22-2010, 01:15 PM
So your telling me that if you had the chance to modd your xbox360 to where you could burn games an save you $1,000 of dollars you wound'n do it???

Let say you want 10 games for 59.99 plus tax....Thats about $650 your gonna pay or you could burn them for pennys....I think if I was a hardcore gamer I would be burning games an saving ME money!

of course not, I would never bother putting burned games into my console. let alone if I had a modded 360. I'm not THAT hardcore, getting games almost every week. I could say more, but I'll just stop here. maintain the peace.

08-22-2010, 01:18 PM
of course not, I would never bother putting burned games into my console. let alone if I had a modded 360. I'm not THAT hardcore, getting games almost every week. I could say more, but I'll just stop here. maintain the peace.

I get games everyweek.... but I work my ass off and I PAY for them. I don't play dl games, torrents, or burnt copies... all of my games are legit. I have to spend the money for them.. everyone else should to. *shrug*

08-22-2010, 01:20 PM
I get games everyweek.... but I work my ass off and I PAY for them. I don't play dl games, torrents, or burnt copies... all of my games are legit. I have to spend the money for them.. everyone else should to. *shrug*

yeaah, i agree with this too. I've been paying for my games.. probably around... 2-3 months of ownership of a console. haha.

08-22-2010, 01:58 PM
As you are correct about the thief of music happens on a daily basis the artist doesnt do anything with the money but spend it and act all high and mighty.

With video games the entire company uses that for research on new combat systems etc etc to test out stuff. With the money they get from sells it goes to pay the entire company, etc etc. So by comparison it would be argued that stealing from music artist is not as bad as stealing from game companies.

I would just about bet that the people who burn games,if it wasnt for burning games they probably wouldn have any games so that means the gaming companies are still not making money.....

08-22-2010, 02:05 PM
I would just about bet that the people who burn games,if it wasnt for burning games they probably wouldn have any games so that means the gaming companies are still not making money.....

The people who burn games just to skip out on paying for them don't deserve to have any games.

Can I ask if you're really 27 years old? Or if that age is just a filler. Because most of the adult gamers I know, pay for their own games or just mooch off someone else (but either way, games are paid for)

08-22-2010, 02:19 PM
The people who burn games just to skip out on paying for them don't deserve to have any games.

Can I ask if you're really 27 years old? Or if that age is just a filler. Because most of the adult gamers I know, pay for their own games or just mooch off someone else (but either way, games are paid for)

Yes im 27yrs old an like I said before I pay for ALL my games.I live on my own an take care of more people then just myself.

But also sum people around my age that have bills an struggle cant afford games so hey I guess there gonna do what they have to do to get the games

08-22-2010, 02:24 PM
I would just about bet that the people who burn games,if it wasnt for burning games they probably wouldn have any games so that means the gaming companies are still not making money.....

people who burn games wouldnt be playing games if it wasnt for them buring them?

They dont deserve to play the fruits of hard labor if they cant get the games legit.

08-22-2010, 04:48 PM
people who burn games wouldnt be playing games if it wasnt for them buring them?

They dont deserve to play the fruits of hard labor if they cant get the games legit.

Like I said earlier same thing goes on with music but you know what?You cant do anything about it but cry.If sumone wants to burn games there going to do it just like if they want to rip music from limewire..

08-22-2010, 05:00 PM
Actually that is incorrect, if people want to rip music from Limewire they could be sued by the record company and maybe arrested for piracy. Same goes for burning games.

08-22-2010, 05:15 PM
Just picked up a modded Xbox360 that will play burnt disc.Only problem is that its banned from xboxlive.....Ive heard theres a way to fix it to where I can play live again....Can anybody help me out an give me a link to fix it?


Im talking about modded to where I can burn games from my computer an play them so I dont have to spend $65 bucks on a new game....

I dont use systems like these but hey for sumone who wants to save money an doesnt care about getting online I think this system would be great for him.....


Im not cheating anybody because my xbox360 has not been modded.An even if I could get it modded I wounld'n because I dont want my system to get banned

Do you even realize how often you contradict yourself??

You "just picked up a modded Xbox360".... yet you already had one that wasn't modded "Im not cheating anybody because my xbox360 has not been modded"...... Why would you need a second one that you already knew wasn't going to work right?

And then in an earlier post.... you were saying how burnt discs saved you money.... yet... you say you buy all of your games and they're legit....

It seems like a situation of you realized you came to the wrong place seeking advice and then tried to turn into one of those hypothetical "I have a friend" situations.....

08-22-2010, 05:31 PM
Do you even realize how often you contradict yourself??

You "just picked up a modded Xbox360".... yet you already had one that wasn't modded "Im not cheating anybody because my xbox360 has not been modded"...... Why would you need a second one that you already knew wasn't going to work right?

And then in an earlier post.... you were saying how burnt discs saved you money.... yet... you say you buy all of your games and they're legit....

It seems like a situation of you realized you came to the wrong place seeking advice and then tried to turn into one of those hypothetical "I have a friend" situations.....

I just got the xbox360 yesterday to flip my money on....I have $50 dollars in the modded xbox360.I want to sell it for $100....I want to be able to let whoever buys it know how to burn disc's....I could care less if they are breaking the law cus I am making money.....

08-22-2010, 05:36 PM
I just got the xbox360 yesterday to flip my money on....I have $50 dollars in the modded xbox360.I want to sell it for $100....I want to be able to let whoever buys it know how to burn disc's....I could care less if they are breaking the law cus I am making money.....

HAHA Welcome to the first steps to a life of crime.

08-22-2010, 05:44 PM
HAHA Welcome to the first steps to a life of crime.

check out craigslist,ebay or hell any forums...an you will see that theres many people that have these kind of systems.Yea im a real criminal its just about the same as speeding in your car,hell everybody does it but only afew get caught so go **** youself you *****

08-22-2010, 05:45 PM
Most gamers wont buy a modded xbox, the "buyers" out there for modded xbox is very small, even you said there was a hand full of them. Since xbox live is the life of the party, why even try to sell it?

and damage is right, your making the first steps to a life of crime. You should care if your breaking the law cause it could cost you.

08-22-2010, 05:47 PM
congratulations on getting a custom infraction.

Watch your language and how you interact with our members before I put my knowledge about your IP to use about your modded "legal" 360 with my friends who work in something called "law enforcement"

08-22-2010, 05:50 PM
Most gamers wont buy a modded xbox, the "buyers" out there for modded xbox is very small, even you said there was a hand full of them. Since xbox live is the life of the party, why even try to sell it?

and damage is right, your making the first steps to a life of crime. You should care if your breaking the law cause it could cost you.

OH ok so your saying since I bought a Modded xbox360 an want to sell it an make money on it that im a hardcore criminal?LOL I laugh at you people:laugh:

08-22-2010, 05:51 PM
check out craigslist,ebay or hell any forums...an you will see that theres many people that have these kind of systems.Yea im a real criminal its just about the same as speeding in your car,hell everybody does it but only afew get caught so go **** youself you *****

<3 Linux and Joker.

I'm just slightly jealous you got to him before I could.

08-22-2010, 05:52 PM
OH ok so your saying since I bought a Modded xbox360 an want to sell it an make money on it that im a hardcore criminal?LOL I laugh at you people:laugh:

Nobody called you a hardcore criminal, they're just warning you that you're taking your first step towards becoming a criminal.

Buying is one thing and isn't that bad but once you start selling, you become a distributor which is a hell of a lot more serious, especially since you're trying to go for profits.

If you look at how the music piracy thing works, the people that get convicted, fined, and/or prisoned are the distributors, not the people who simply download. They're at fault too but going after them isn't worth it as much as going after the people sharing/selling them.

08-22-2010, 05:53 PM
check out craigslist,ebay or hell any forums...an you will see that theres many people that have these kind of systems.Yea im a real criminal its just about the same as speeding in your car,hell everybody does it but only afew get caught so go **** youself you *****


We don't accept that kind of talk here so learn to respect our users and staff, we are only here to help you. Enjoy your infraction from linux.

08-22-2010, 05:54 PM
OH ok so your saying since I bought a Modded xbox360 an want to sell it an make money on it that im a hardcore criminal?LOL I laugh at you people:laugh:

Never said your harden, to be harden you have to commit crime after crime after crime and spend a a good chuck of time in prison. What your doing isnt right the xbox wasnt meant to be modded and cost people WHO WORK FOR A LIVING money they earned with all the time spent on the video games you want to burn to save some money.

the little part about speeding and everyone does it. by law if you go one mile over or under your speeding or not up to speed limit so your breaking the law. :P

just so you know

08-22-2010, 05:59 PM
Sorry for my last few post...I really dont think im doing anything wrong so I would like it if you people would quit calling me a criminal.I came across xbox from a friend who needed money quick so I helped him out.I dont need the system since I already have a system that works fine.Yall are making it out like I modd xboxs an sell them for a living...LOL Everything is ok so just calm down,I am really a good person=)

08-22-2010, 06:14 PM
It has been explained that your question of fixing the ban on xbox live cant be removed unless the mod is removed.

08-22-2010, 06:25 PM
It has been explained that your question of fixing the ban on xbox live cant be removed unless the mod is removed.

Thats all I needed to know.....Thanks!Im just going to sell it an be done with it...Like I said I have no problem paying for the games I wont to buy:D