View Full Version : Help Me Looking for games

08-24-2010, 02:04 PM
I have a xbox 360 and playstation 3 and am looking for good games that I like to play. I just finished Dead Space and I know the new one comes out in Jan.
But I am looking for games to buy now. I loved Dead Space, I'm a resident Evil fan, I don't like first person shooters though. I also love Hitman and Max Payne.

I'm looking for games like these, before I bought my psp3, at Christmas I was at Best Buy and they had a great game on the station at the store that looked like what I like and darn it I can't remember the name.

Any help would be really great. Thank you

08-24-2010, 03:07 PM
I also have a 360 and a recently bought ps3. Resident Evil 5 is a pretty swell game. Try gears of war 2 on 360 its amazing and one of my favorite games and would be willing to help anyone get thru it and get some achievements. On ps3 im curently playing Uncharted which it pretty awesome if u ask me. oh and unretal tournament 3 that game is a damn blast i love it. But i mean Borderlands for 360 is good as well which i also have. and well yeah.

08-24-2010, 03:29 PM
If you like anything deeper into the rpg branch I'd suggest Mass Effect or Dragon Age. Mass Effect 2 is more third person shooter than RPG too. Uh other than that I'm not sure about other games.

08-24-2010, 03:41 PM
Definitely Check out the Uncharted Games Uncharted 2 is just insanely awesome.

Kane & Lynch 2 is a newer Game that's pretty decent.

Metal gear solid 4 is really good also.

Infamous and assassin creed 2 are Awesome Sandbox games.

Check out some Gameplay Footage of the games I listed and see which ones look the most fun.

08-24-2010, 03:42 PM
dragon age is pretty good. mass effect 2 is really good. the last remnant that i'm working on now is really fun. borderlands for sure. alpha protocol. deadrising (especially if you love zombie games! it is a must!). fallout 3. star ocean.

but yeah look them up and see which seems interesting for you to play

08-24-2010, 03:53 PM
For PS3, if you like Single Player, Heavy Rain is one of the best games I've ever played.

360, Resident Evil 5 didn't disappoint me. I don't play many 3rd person shooters so I can't help there.
First person ones, Borderlands is really fun. MW2 is really good. Left 4 Dead is my favorite, both one and 2

08-24-2010, 10:52 PM
For the 360 some of the newer games that are coming out are going to be great

08-25-2010, 12:26 AM
I have a xbox 360 and playstation 3 and am looking for good games that I like to play. I just finished Dead Space and I know the new one comes out in Jan.
But I am looking for games to buy now. I loved Dead Space, I'm a resident Evil fan, I don't like first person shooters though. I also love Hitman and Max Payne.

I'm looking for games like these, before I bought my psp3, at Christmas I was at Best Buy and they had a great game on the station at the store that looked like what I like and darn it I can't remember the name.

Any help would be really great. Thank you

You sir have great taste in games. I also greatly enjoyed all the games (in the entire series in most cases) you mentioned. Along those line you might want to try playing the Splinter Cell series. The new one (conviction) probably wouldn't be hard to jump into, however its ability to pick targets and very linear levels make me wonder if its the same kind of stealth magic that I enjoyed in Chaos Theory.

I would also recommend Fallout 3 and oblivion, and the mass effect series. You can only get the first mass effect on the 360 but the other ones are optional.

Fallout 3 and oblivion tend to be played like a fps, but you can choose to play stealth and have the third person perspective option. As well all the games have a mix of atmosphere, but at times pull off the darker atmosphere your other selections lean towards.

08-28-2010, 09:33 AM
sometimes when I'm not sure about a game, I go rent it and see after if its worth buying, but that's just me