View Full Version : New blood

09-02-2010, 11:08 PM
Its my opinion, that our forum here is need of an infusion of some more members.

Active forum goers and gamers alike would be great people to invite. It seems like we dont get a lot of legit new members and I worry that our restrictions to new members might have something to do with that.

Also, it might help if we brainstorm ideas for drawing more members here. We only have a handful of characters right now that keep us all coming back, friends and gamers that we look forward to reading posts by.

Everyone contributes by posting and being active. But not everyone has the the personality that creates its own gravity or takes the time to make there posts more interesting. If we could get more activity maybe we could even be so lucky as to make new friends and read new and interesting posts by new characters.

So far, I have been sending out feelers to my friends on other forums to see if they would be interested in posting here. But not so many forums I posted on where as game oriented. Inviting people in you know in real life could help as well.

I also have a secret mission planned that might pan out into a few dozen new posters. But I cant say what it is.

09-02-2010, 11:13 PM
I really appreciate what you're doing to get the activity up.

Even though we get a load of registrations, I'd say only about 1% of them are legit members that tend to stick around. So if you have any more ideas on how to increase the percentage, feel free to share. I always try to implement new things but can't make everyone happy. Have to look out for current members over newer members as well.

09-02-2010, 11:21 PM
I actually tried getting some of my friends to join, but they are all just lazy :/

Good ideas though!

09-03-2010, 05:02 AM
Yeah, I've tried to get my friends to join, too, but they're not interested in forums :(

09-03-2010, 07:38 AM
Same. The few of them I did get to join only stuck around like a day.

Yeah, I've tried to get my friends to join, too, but they're not interested in forums :(

09-03-2010, 07:53 AM
well I noticed something... there's a lot of new people who registered like 2-5 months ago & they appear to be '1 hit wonders' like they mass post & then suddenly leave.. it ain't right, but oh well.

I advertised this website to my friends & online friends so this forum can have more active people... but then they back down & say they have their own lives.... --surrounding Starcraft 2 & world of warcraft. haha.
still, it wouldn't hurt to have more active members

09-03-2010, 08:37 AM
I occasionally try to get people who I talk to in online games to join the forum. I mention it to RL friends, but my friends are either hipsters (not forum material) or dorks that aren't internet dorky so the forum kinda goes over their head.

The best we can do (this is just imo, I could be convinced otherwise) is stay active as our own little group and continue to just have interesting discussion. Which is fun. There's a steady stream of perspective members that happen upon us because of our google friendly domain, and every now and then one or two of them (that 1% Linux mentions) are cool and if we're cool enough they'll stay. Maybe?

I'm all about retention as my game plan ;D

EDIT: I like your thread title, it tickles me pink

09-03-2010, 01:36 PM
I am actually going to try and get some new posters to join within the next few weeks so wish me luck.

I never really worry about getting users because for GF because we always lands on our feet. You lose one you get another.

09-03-2010, 04:55 PM
hahahaa i have no friendss

none interested enough in games, nevermind forums.

I don't think the restrictions have anything to do with it, a lot of people just aren't forum people lol
I mean me having been here for so long is a really big feat for me because all previous forums I've been at I've only lasted a few months. Dunno what it is that kept me here lol

09-03-2010, 05:14 PM
hahahaa i have no friendss

none interested enough in games, nevermind forums.

I don't think the restrictions have anything to do with it, a lot of people just aren't forum people lol
I mean me having been here for so long is a really big feat for me because all previous forums I've been at I've only lasted a few months. Dunno what it is that kept me here lol

Yeah, doubt it's the restrictions. Usually if people are confused about it, they ask, if they have intentions of staying. But I was explaining to Jacob earlier why I set up so many profile restrictions, it's because of the stuff spammers were trying to link to.

And you've been kept here by my penguin powers. Penguins love lemons.

09-03-2010, 07:38 PM
: D And lemons love penguins~

yeah for me it was exciting "TEN POSTS AND I UNLEASH THE WORLD HAHAHAHAA"

09-09-2010, 05:41 PM
+Rep bob for trying to have a brainstorm here - it's certainly a worthwhile topic. Perhaps the distinction I'd make is that we attract potential GF people, rather than ppl who are here for a short period and then disappear. Sadly the thread seems to have gone in a different direction. I have some thoughts on this subject myself .. but perhaps they're not for here atm.

11-03-2010, 08:11 PM
Well if it's any encouragement, I plan on participating in the forums when I can

11-03-2010, 09:19 PM
I got Ilyich to join, does that count for anything?

Ilyich Valken
11-04-2010, 12:00 PM
I got Ilyich to join, does that count for anything?

No.. no it does not. Haha.