View Full Version : Help Me Dorm or Apartment ?

09-05-2010, 10:05 PM
Hey guys !

As you all may know I'll be starting my first year of college in January hopefully :) SO i just wanted to ask you people what do you think would be better?

Should I live in an apartment or a dorm? I'm a very social person, yes I will have a car. But I kind of think that living in a dorm is part of the college experience, what do you guys think?

Thanks a lot!! :yes:

09-05-2010, 10:36 PM
Depends. I think an apartment is cheaper in the long run, but it depends on where you live I guess. It's cheaper if you go around where I live (dorming is expensive).

And apartment gives you a bigger freedom as well but I think a dorm would give you a better sense of security since the college HAS to look out for you whereas the landlord can't always stop everyone going in and out of the building. Also dorming on campus is a good way to save time when going to class.

For me, I live at home and drive to class.

09-05-2010, 10:47 PM
I would say... dorm room... for a few reasons:

1) closer to class so you wont have to wake up as early to get dressed and everything.
2) There are RAs so if someone is being a complete dbag they can step in and stop it.
3) If you live in an apartment that is party central 24/7 while your trying to study and be a good student others will be doing stupid crap that will annoy you and most likely the school cant step in so you will have to call the police and fill out a complaint etc etc.

its shocking for me to say that because of all the crap I deal with on a daily basis. But in the long run its better because the Ras can take **** away from the students and they can fine students. Only time that happens in an apartment is if something serious is broken, IE a fist thru a wall.

09-05-2010, 11:26 PM
I always prefer the dorm. That's mainly because I'm lazy. I don't want to take the extra time to do all the cleaning and cooking the dorm usually does for me. If you don't mind all that an apartment isn't so bad.

09-05-2010, 11:30 PM
Sweet thanks guys! The thing is, if I'd take an apartment, it would be like MAX 8 mins away from campus by car... so the time shouldn't really be a big deal thanks tho :D

09-06-2010, 12:13 AM
I found that living in what you guys call a dorm initially is good because it helps you immerse yourself a bit better .. at the hub of the scene etc. Once things start to get serious I found it more beneficial to be away from that so I could knuckle down.

Having said that this was years ago .. and frankly I have trouble remembering last week, let alone the mid-90s ffs ..

09-06-2010, 09:25 AM
At my college, I lived on campus my first year in the "dorms" that were actually apartments. So I lived with 8 other girls, and, well. It wasn't.............. great.

But sure, go ahead and try a dorm. I would absolutely hate it, myself - the apartment-style ones we had were WAY better than the traditional "dorms," in my opinion. Also I had my own room, which, as a freshman, you don't usually get. But I'm not a big people-person, especially because I don't drink or do drugs and that seems to be all college kids care about :)

I did meet a very interesting character who lived in the room next to me that year, though. We had a tumultuous relationship that I don't quite understand, but she kinda helped me through that year and made it bearable. But being a little social butterfly, you may want to try the dorms, I suppose :P

09-06-2010, 11:12 AM
I prefered an apartment... I got to pick my roomies and not just get stuck with whomever they decided to put me with. Not to mention.. we each had our own bathroom... and we had a full kitchen.... and there's privacy! I had my own room with a door and everything in my apartment.... lol. Dorm room not so much.

I hated the communal bathrooms in dorms, even if you're just sharing with your roomie.. my dorm roomie always ran off with my stuff.... it was irritating.

09-06-2010, 12:20 PM
Sweet!!! Thanks so much for you're help guys! Yet I must admit even though I am "a social butterfly" as muffin said I do like to just switch off sometimes and be on my own, and yeah Damage you're right, the bathroom will be a major problem for me xD haha.

Thanks again guys you were a great help! :D I'll tell you in 4 months what I decided for :P haha

09-06-2010, 01:45 PM
I found that living in what you guys call a dorm initially is good because it helps you immerse yourself a bit better .. at the hub of the scene etc. Once things start to get serious I found it more beneficial to be away from that so I could knuckle down.

This has been my experience in college EXACTLY. And I'm doing it now :P

I don't drink or do drugs and that seems to be all college kids care about :)

Hey now. I like to multitask - I drink and do drugs and play video games at the same time! I'm at least two dimensional, thanks to video games :D
I don't actually drink or smoke or anything much at all. Mostly just video games. I'm actually just one dimensional and boring.

09-06-2010, 01:52 PM
This has been my experience in college EXACTLY. And I'm doing it now :P

Hey now. I like to multitask - I drink and do drugs and play video games at the same time! I'm at least two dimensional, thanks to video games :D
I don't actually drink or smoke or anything much at all. Mostly just video games. I'm actually just one dimensional and boring.

That is fine with me..... for a second i thought you were telling the truth :eek1:

09-06-2010, 01:54 PM
I'm actually just one dimensional and boring.[/size]


You are not one dimensional OR boring. We had tons of fun!

09-06-2010, 07:06 PM
Do you know anybody who's going to your college? if not, i STRONGLY suggest going into a dorm. That way, if your roommates are crap, you can switch room. It's part of your first year to stay in the dorms, its the experience. Appartments are more expensive, you'll have to pay bills and do all the extra stuff which is done for you at dorms.
Having said that... my "dorm" (we call them "halls" over here) is en-suite and in the style of a flat (appartment). 5 bedrooms (with en-suite loo and shower), a kitchen and a lving space area thing.

:s chose wisely.