View Full Version : Gief Borderlands achievements (PC)

09-21-2010, 08:08 AM
This post is ONLY relevant to people owning the PC version of Borderlands, with or without any of the DLCs.

I've been on quite an achievement run recently and almost have almost all of the ones currently in the game and the DLCs (which you can see here if you're interested (http://steamcommunity.com/id/jangomack/stats/Borderlands)). Having got back into the game when they announced the upcoming ClapTrap DLC (http://www.macksites.co.uk/GameBank/index.php?topic=488.0), I thought it might be cool to finish them off before the next batch hit.

Now, a few of the last achievements I need are Co-op related (and most of the PUGS - Pick Up Groups - you find in Borderlands are totally useless and not team players. Also, the last few achievements focus around specific bosses, and arena events. So, if anyone with the PC version wants to hook up and help me get these last achievements for some funz then let me know here or through a PM. I can't imagine it taking more than an 1 1/2 hours (2 hours tops) to go through them .. especially with my current fire-power :p


09-21-2010, 08:21 AM
Excellent. I dun have that game on pc but your achievement I should salute. XD

09-22-2010, 08:42 AM
i'm gonna close this thread .. i've found a group of people elsewhere who want to run co-ops for fun and achievements, including DLC funz

thanks to anyone who at least considered it
