View Full Version : The other Life Role play

09-24-2010, 11:00 PM
Direct conversations may be done over skype or IRC or in person if you can.
changes by other Characters will be put in purple
To start base your actions on day 1
Also please pre create a Character and post it in this thread . Character (http://www.gamers-forum.com/showthread.php?t=16537)
Please Bold and color the important parts of a sentence like city names .

- Description
a description will be in green
Here is the intro ,

Welcome to other life , here you will enjoy the best Role Play has to offer .
Please be sure to find the correct day to see what to role play from .
Make sure your post are content filled and any transactions are done through . PM

Day 1 , ( September 24 2010) All People start form here

The new adventure awaits you in other life .
The journey starts as new friends and foes pledge a alignment to good or evil . Today we chose our sides . For adventure's that join later they will decide later . But for now the day is a choice .

Starting Description
Linx Effect
"After Linx joined the dark portal , The sun when down for the first time . It is now dawn in the grass field and the sky is the color of blood . "

You are on a grass field , There are two portals one is pure evil the other is light . There is a endless amount of grass . The sun will set tonight . Once it has the war will start . You will have to chose a side .
- Linx effect
There is a dark spirit he is waiting by the dark portal
The spirit is speaking to you it says
" join us , for there is no greater power in all the land . If you join us you will live to join the portal of light would be a huge mistake . Do not fall for such foolishness . Be what you want to be , be what you are . EVIL

- Pre thouhts
A pre thought is a idea or something you wish to put in that you either had not thought about before or you could not fit inside the orginal thought . Please post a pre thought in this color . And Bold it
Thoughts , Are in () and in white

09-24-2010, 11:47 PM
Linx was shocked to be in such strange and different world . Not sure how he got here . Before he was just a normal guy doing everyday things . Then he went to sleep . Is this all just a dream . . He ask himself this , But can not answer it . so lost he struggles to decide what side to chose.
For if this is just a dream then to chose evil , That might be kinda fun . Sin always is . But then he may never know the feeling of being a hero . A struggle that for now just seemed pointless to him . Nobody else was here alone ... He was soo alone . Just waiting for the right person to come along . Just waiting for any person to come along . He sat on the grass fields looking both directions . Just debating which side to chose .

09-26-2010, 02:46 PM
Day 3c, Linx story
September 26 , 2010
It is one day after linx's Birthday he is now 18 .
Linx had been in the field for two days , his thoughts had raced shifted and such . Being 18 had no effect on his choice . It had been that nobody came to change his mind . Nobody came at all .
Linx waited and found nobody . He finally ed decided that he could just join the Evil . It would be so much more fun to do what he wanted . If it was only a dream then it would not matter right . He stood up and walked over to the dark portal . He was hesitant he was still having second thoughts . He walked even closer , then stuck his hand in the dark portal . The power made him feel good it was well worth it was what he wanted . He step into the portal and the whole world went dark . It was now cold and full of sorrow he was not happy but he was powerful
Linx " I will use this power to kill everyone who will not join me "
Linx looked up there was a pair of green eyes looking at him . Glowing in the dark .
Linx " what do you want , WHO ARE YOU "
The Evil spoke some soft cold words to linx that only he could hear
Linx " yes .... I will "
Linx closed his eyes and when he reopened them he was in a city still empty the only remains was crushed buildings and lost hope . He could still feel that nobody had gone into the Grass field . He sent off a minion to talk to the people yet to arrive . [COLOR="Magenta"]Linx walked alone once again through the city . lost tired and lonely .

09-28-2010, 06:21 PM
Day 5 Linx Story
September 28 , 2010
Linx sat and thought to himself. I should just make my own friend someone to talk to . But then if I do they will only say what I want . But a friend is a friend . He too must be evil .
The city was looking more and more like home to linx . No one will come here it will be his tomb . He will rule the un ruled . linx sat on the top of the tallest building looking down at the ashes . There will always be a broken spot in his life he could tell . He no longer felt that this was a dream . It now became so obvious to him . As he sat up top the building he had understand at last that at least for now no one is coming . No body will be there . Then a bird flew past him , He got up on his feet .
Linx " STUPID BIRD .... can't you see that there is nothing here for you "
Linx had always heard that sadness is bad maybe the evil had done this to him . What is power if nobody is here to be powerful to . Nothing that is the answer nothing . Even for a lost broken kid his hope was not lost he would rule this place and one day when somebody came from the emptiness he would know his wait was worth it .Linx jumped off the top of the building and fell to the ground . He was fine nothing as small as gravity could kill him . He would once and a while glance back at the portal that took him there . He figured maybe there are people on the light side of the portal .Maybe this was a punishment for choosing power or good . Maybe he failed some sort of a test perhaps people are laughing at him. He was now enraged at this thought . He wanted to go in the light portal and kill everyone how dare they laugh at him . He would not allow such things to happen . But for now he would just walk amidst the empty city .
Linx "" This city needs a name . ... how about Dargue . yes that will work "
He walked on through .,... Nobody was here for his birthday ... Nobody ...
Who needs them ... Who .
Not him he understand that they only want to bring him down or at least that is he has told himself .
linx waited in the solitude ...
He felt someone they had waited .... they never chose a side . How can this be I waited for two days the sun went down when I left to the dark side . Linx gave them the choice . He would go back to convince this man to join him . He walked over to the black portal . He swallowed the last bit of doubt this was it ... he would take the step . Linx walked into the portal .. He was at the grass field . They had a long enduring conversation Thrash was the boys name , Linx could not convince him to join the evil . But he did get him to come to Dargue with him . They decided they would meet the Evil boss together as linx has promised him he would recive a sword . Any sword that his mind could come up with .

thrash walked through the city with linx . The absurd boy picked up a metal beam from the wreckage . Linx was rather annoyed at how the boy felt this place was his to do what he pleased with . Linx showed him to the Evil's temple . they walked in together . Linx and Thrash spoke to the spirit . The spirit offered Thrash a sword as a gift to show that he had power . Thrash smacked the Evil spirit with the beam . Linx became angry he knew that the evil would kill thrash for that but He had just became use to the idea of another person and he did not want thrash to die . He grabbed thrash and ran out of Dargue . Back into the field , Linx explained he could now never go back to the dark portal . He was officially neutral . One day though linx hoped he could head back and kill the spirit that once planned on killing the only other person in the Other world[/COLOR][/COLOR]
Pre Thought [/COLOR
[COLOR="SandyBrown"]linx was waiting , when he was out in the field he had known that this was not a dream he had known that unexplainable force had put him here , .
Linx " I have been through a plane normal life and for what ?"
Effected By

09-28-2010, 09:46 PM
Day 5: Thrash
Thrash falls through a rip in time space
"damnit Dustin, i thought for sure that time it woudl work, where am i?
thrash looked around
"totally empty"
thrash threw a punch in frustration
"wait where is my anti-energy?"
he haistly unwrapped his headband
"my xarthian abilitys are useless!"
thrash ran forward in a panic untill he approached Linx exiting the black portal
"hey you, what is this place?"
Linx invited him to come toDargue and thrash agreed. he could feel the evil spirt in the air as he entered but choose to ignore it, thrash picked up a large iron beam off the ground
this should do for now
he crushed a large stone
well i have seen enough of this place, what say we check out the other portal

09-29-2010, 01:15 AM
Night 5
After Thrash had forced him out of his own dream city of Dargue linx left thrash alone in the field. He needed some time to think about all this . It had been no less then three days ad already Linx was forced out of his own city . So what if nobody lived there So what if he rules nothing . It was his city none the less . [ Linx walked far out into the green field he found a stick on the ground and picked up ]. As he walked farther away from the field he thought about maybe leaving Thrash . Maybe since he had screwed linx over , maybe linx should just go find a new city some where out in the field . He was headed{
south } of the portals . He must had walked for a good two hours . He kinda wondered what thrash was up to . He had left the city of Dargue To protect thrash . Now he was just walking away leaving thrash to die by somebody else' hand .
Linx thought to himself . " No that kid looked tought he made his choice and I made mine , Damn I change my mind so fast like I am a girl or something . Not that like it really matters out here anyways . " Linx stopped he could see a river ahead .

New Area
South of Portals - about 3 hours on foot
There is a river , and a set of caves to the east they look like it would take a about 30 minutes to get to them . There is no tree's insight / However the grass remains all over the place . Like a huge endless grass river . The bugs hover or the lake and there looks to be fish in the river . To the west is unknown . but If you keep going south it looks as though you may soon hit dessert .

Linx headed towards the river , finally some water . He did not feel as though he needed it so live he just wanted some . So linx walked over to the lake . as he neared it he could hear a faint voice be carried through the air. It called to him and said
" YOUR Path is not set....... Your PATH is not set...."
Linx had not even made it over to the river before he turned around and yelled
" SHOW yourself , Show me who you are "
Nobody showed , and the voice went away ....
Linx was a bit rattled but whent back to the river . He cupped his hands to drink from the water it was very clean and refreshing . He felt alive , Linx looked around some more . Linx decided to make camp there . He softened some grass by the river and tried to catch some sleep .

09-30-2010, 10:42 PM
Night 7
September 30 , 2010

Description :
He is at first at the river , ( see the last description )
Then he walks over to the caves in the east
There is a
Young boy dead by the entrance , cobwebs fill every avail be corner . No spiders just webs. There is small Patches of grass in all over the ground near the entrance . For once some dirt can be seen . There is a cold breeze can be felt coming from the inside of the cave .
( More updates later )

Linx Story
Linx awoke from the nap , ..... He had no idea he had slept for two earth days . He actually felt as though he could still sleep . The time in this world was very strange . As he opened his eyes everything was just how he left it . The river flowed and the caves stood off to the East . He had all together lost interest in the were a bout's of Thrash it would seem as though his presence was gone . He could not feel him any more . Linx started to head towards the caves . He felt them draw him in , as he walked closer to them he once again heard the strange voices . Saying inside his head " Your path is not set " . He still walked on . The first time he clamored for a presence nobody came . Why would yelling this time fix anything . As linx reached the caves he saw a young boy sitting on the ground by the caves . ( Why could I not feel him here before , like I had felt Thrash ) .
The boy looked up at linx
boy " Hello , I have been waiting "
Linx " for me ? "
Boy " For anyone " the boy cackled , linx could see this boy was not healthy he could die at any moment.
Linx " Has nobdy been here "
Boy " Nobody can come here , you must have done something VERY Bad to be here "
Linx " What do you mean ? "
Boy " You don't know eh , Then maybe your better off like that "
Linx " What are you talking about ?"
The boy curled up into a fettle position , then all his limbs collapsed . He was gone ....dead .
Linx had no idea what to do . It felt immoral but he still wanted to just leave the person to die . Alone..... it felt right . It was probably what the boy wanted .
Linx walked into the cave . The room was to dark to see.
More updates later .
As the darkness cleared he found that Thrash was next to him .
Yelling is any one here . Thrash was shocked . HOW DID YOU GET HERE
What is going on . I stop thinking about you and here you are . To be honest I am kinda happy. Wow . Thrash and linx to talking . They deiced it was best to journey on into the cave . Thrash had a metal beam . Linx had a wooden Stick . They soon journeyed deeper into the cave .

09-30-2010, 11:09 PM
Night 7
September 30 , 2010

Thrash story:
thrash woke up in the dark cave with Linx. "thats wierd, it looks like there is someting in the air or someting that causes us to pass out randomly, and for days on end. he looked around, "ok this is really wierd, i havnt seen darkness in years, even when i close my eyes i can see the insides of my eyelids. its so black, everywhere, man i wish my xarthian abilities werent tapped out. "is anybody here?" he shouted.

"thats enough" said lavarion appearing out of a portal of light "who are you" thrash shouted. "i am lavarion, king of altracian gods" "there is no way you are the real Lavarion" "i am, and you are done here" "what makes you think i will leave" thrash shouted sternly" because im all powerful" Lavarion said as he snapped his fingers and Linx turned into a pumpkin. "see, now get in the damn portal" thrash walked over and got in the damn portal back to altracia. lavarion followed him into the portal and it closed up

oh yeah and Linx changed back