View Full Version : Over it all complete

09-28-2010, 05:44 PM
I tried forgiveness but that left me weak . I tried out searching but I don't know what I seek . I tried healing , My scars would spread . I tried Redemption but It just wound up in flames . When the day Was Out I was the one to blame . ....Tired ...Forgotten ....Happy at last .
This life is a Dessert this house is a box . If I make it out will die from the walk . When the sun goes down I feel just fine , I always got your face Stuck in my mind . Its the best of life that gets me through the rest of life . I feel cramped like this world is just to small , My life looked like a tower but it feels like a hall .
I am over it all , Those arguments now seem so small . I just say I am sorry so I can stall . Healing the feelings I crushed , Using time as my only crutch . But when the day was out and the night flew in . The thoughts accrued and it starts again . You say goodbye as I let you in . I am worried for the ones I left again .
I am over it all