View Full Version : Chuck Norris Jokes

09-28-2010, 05:53 PM
Chuck norris got his tonsils removed with a chainsaw
When chuck norris want's a salad he eats a vegetarian

1. Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door
2. Chuck Norris's tears cure cancer, too bad he NEVER cries
3. Chuck Norris uses a live rattlesnake as a condom
4. Chuck Norris sleeps with a pillow under his gun
5. the boogy man checks under his bed for Chuck Norris each night

chuck norris can judge a book by its cover
Every street is one way for chuck norris his way
chuck norris has a credit card with no limit last week he maxed them out
when norris plas monoply it effects arew economy

CN does not wear a condom because there is no such thing as protection from chuck norris

some people wear superman pajamas superman wears chuck norris pajamas

CN can set ants on fire with a magnify glass at night

CN is the reason waldo is hiding

jesus can walk on water but Chuck Norris can swim through land (and apparently so can Michel Felps)
Post your own .

09-28-2010, 06:09 PM
fffffffffffff already two chuck norris joke threads D:

Chuck Norris Jokes - Gamers Forum (http://www.gamers-forum.com/showthread.php?t=13143&highlight=chuck+norris)
Chuck Norris Jokes [Because You F-ing love them] - Gamers Forum (http://www.gamers-forum.com/showthread.php?t=14831&highlight=chuck+norris)

09-28-2010, 06:10 PM
