View Full Version : The other Life Technique thread

09-28-2010, 09:48 PM
This is the Technique thread for the other life role play
You may earn a Technique by doing the requirement .

Every time you use a Technique
You gain xp here is how it works
x1 - 1 star
x5 - 2 stars
x10 - 3 Stars
x 50 - 4 stars
x 100 - 5 stars
Each star allowed for a more powerful use of a technique.
Some task may require a higher star count .

- Technique Name
- Requirement
- Effects

- First Aid
To gain first aid , you must have complete a task that is of the healing nature
Example - Find a herb for a hurt person
- You may heal a person with miner cuts or bruises to keep them from getting more hurt or make is easy for them complete a task . You may heal yourself from miner cuts or bruises too .

- Cooking
To gain cooking just find a assortment of food and make fire after the first time you have done so you will have gained cooking
- With Cooking you can use can items and stuff of the nature
1 Star
- Cook basic Cans or random food of non meat
2 Star
- You may cook meat also
3 Star
- You may cook objects , Taste vary
4 Star
- You may cook anything but God food
5 Star
- You may cook anything and everything

This post will be updated as the role play progresses .

Feel Free to post you own Ideas for the Role play technique