View Full Version : A Puplic Apology to jango

09-30-2010, 08:14 PM
I would like to apologize to Jango . I am sorry for my mouthing off to you . It was uncalled for to mouth off to jango . I am starting to get the feeling like I am getting ignored on here . So I thought about it , I did not want to apologize to jango not at all . Even linux thought I should . I could find to no reason as to why I should . But I realized that to a extent I was wrong . This all could had been stopped if I had just not antagonized Jango . He is the Moderator and did what he saw fit . I respect him for that , and to be honest I would had probably done the same thing he did . So the reason I have posted this publicly is to let everyone know that I only wish to reconcile this mess that I started . I would publicly also like to thank you guys once again for allowing me to come back on to the best forum site ever. Thanks !!!!

09-30-2010, 08:22 PM
I appreciate the apology Other, and it means a lot that you've taken the time both to reassess your view of what happened and also how you conducted yourself.

At the end of the day, like all active mods on GF, I want to maintain the forum so it's an inviting place to come, hang out, and have fun. Sadly sometimes we're called upon to do more than just ban spam-bots or give help to new people .. it's part of the role. It's not pleasant sometimes, but comes with the territory. The important thing is to remember that when mods take action it's NOT a bad thing .. it's for the good of GF. Linux oversees it all ofc, but he often chooses people based on their ability to handle this side of things .. not their popularity - so in other words it's best to take mod action as advice, regardless of whether its subtle or not. We're on GF's side after all.

I hold no grudge about yesterday, and am relieved you came to your senses .. I hope in time you'll fully realise where you went wrong. Now, let's move on and get back to funz :)

09-30-2010, 08:26 PM
beginning to feel ignored?
welcome to my world!
read Forbidden Darkness
-deep breath-
ok now that i got that out im glad you appologized, even if you dont see what you did wrong you should apoligize if you made someone feel bad, good man other

i thought jango deserved the first reply spot more than i did so i coppied and pasted my message here

09-30-2010, 08:28 PM
Thanks for taken the time to read that , And yes LET's Get back to the Funz. I was going to ask you jango . Now that we are cool again what did you think about the 11 portal I made . Took freaking forever ...ughh.

09-30-2010, 08:29 PM
Thanks for taken the time to read that , And yes LET's Get back to the Funz. I was going to ask you jango . Now that we are cool again what did you think about the 11 portal I made . Took freaking forever ...ughh.

hehe, well i haven't replied on the thread for it yet .. but when i have a response i'll post it there :)

09-30-2010, 08:46 PM
beginning to feel ignored?
welcome to my world!
read Forbidden Darkness
-deep breath-
ok now that i got that out im glad you appologized, even if you dont see what you did wrong you should apoligize if you made someone feel bad, good man other

i thought jango deserved the first reply spot more than i did so i coppied and pasted my message here

that sounds so emo

09-30-2010, 08:50 PM
Emo , or not His book was pretty good I really like the fifth one . One Of my favorites and yes I think that jango did deserve the first reply . But let's try to stay on subject/

09-30-2010, 08:55 PM
Emo , or not His book was pretty good I really like the fifth one . One Of my favorites and yes I think that jango did deserve the first reply . But let's try to stay on subject/

I think we're all done here anyway .. will close the post to put this event behind us :)