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09-30-2010, 10:43 PM
Shadow Twins

Chapter 0: Through my eyes

Gabe: I have to ask Chaparrel, do you still love me?
I waited for answer to the question I have lingered on for a month
Chap: not as much as I used to
The confirmation I had been dreading finally comes as cupid’s arrow is wrenched from my heart leaving a deep gaping void
Gabe: I have to ask why
Chap: I guess I just fell out of love with you
Gabe: 5 months 4 days 6 hours
Chap: and relationship that began over a text message I guess was bound to end the same way
Gabe well I guess this is truly the end my lost love
Chap: don’t talk like that
Gabe: I'm sorry but I talk in poems under extreme emotional distress, I suppose there is nothing more to say
Chap: yes we should get some sleep.
I sat there on my bed with cell phone in hand, weeping

My name is Gabriel, and I am not the main character of this story. You will be seeing it through my eyes though so you are going to need to know about me. But I warn you it is not a pretty journey

I have always seen myself as a geek, never going out but staying in playing a video game. More often than not Jagex’s RuneScape (if you are familiar with the game this story will make more sense) in 5th grade I met my best friend Noah a skinny white guy with bright blonde hair, he had somehow acquired a book that was suppose to lead us to a great treasure. Following that book we met with Chaparrel, she was an odd girl and described herself as a tomboy. She was a short chubby girl with wheat blonde hair. As the years progressed Noah admitted he had feeling for her and I laughed like young boys do. They began dating for about a week but due to their parents they hat do split up. Chaparrel never had any really feeling for Noah but only dated him for that week to not hurt his feelings. But we were all friends for a while until Noah had to move away. We stayed good friends throughout middle school. We then went to a mid high which is a school for 8th and 9th grade so high school freshmen were the top dogs (ironic I know) but in the year of 8th grade that’s when I met Angela A.K.A. Angel. I have to admit I found myself attracted to the girl; she had long silky brown hair, pure white skin and crystal blue eyes... I have to admit I found myself attracted to the girl and I inserted myself into her group of friends. This was the first time I felt I was a shadow, I did not relate much to them so I did not speak much. At the time I would have done anything to spend even a minute with angel. She knew I existed and she cared but she was always busy with her other friends I could not get in, I was always a shy kid always have been. The problem did not like solely on me being gutless it was that she always seemed to have a boyfriend but a guardian only makes the forbidden fruit look all the sweeter. I respect my fellow man enough not to steal his girlfriend and I was also a coward. I eventually built up the courage to tell her my feelings but she seemed shocked and none too interested at the same time. I left school that day feeling proud I finally pulled off what I had been trying for months. It was more of a personal victory because the next day it was as it had never happened, and was not mentioned again since. Later we had gone to a fieldtrip to our local community college. I trailed after Angel that day and even gave her my jacket to protect her from the drizzle around us. There I asked her if we could ever be, but she said we could but she was taken at that time so we went our separate ways for the next few years. I was trying to forget about her and say we could never be because my heart wanted her but my head did not a battle that my brain won under the circumstances. I had to demonize her in my own mind, had to believe her to be a whore and on top of that attempt to avoid her enough so I would be deleted from her memory. Eventually both these plans failed but it did not really matter anymore because I had found new love.

My friend Chaparrel one day told me she was going to go down to a park near out neighborhood, she asked me to come along and I agreed. We did this for most of the summer between 10th and 11th grade. I fell in love with that girl but I would deny it to everyone including myself. At this point my brain had split into separate personalities which I named after characters from the stories I wrote at the time, Forbidden Darkness. Thrash was my personality and masculinity, Camren was my logic and reason, Tark who was my instincts and libido. As we continued to spend time together I developed a new one, Patrick, my love and compassion. I did not want to tell her how I felt because of the incident with Noah I feared she would only date me out of pity for a small amount of time and then break my heart by knowing she never really loved me so I continued to stall and attempt to get her to love me. I succeeded and she confessed her love to me eventually via text message, after around 6 hours of back and forward we were together. The next five months were the greatest time of my life but don’t live under the delusion that everything was perfect because there were some bad times.

The biggest fault was her mother who was the strictest most controlling human being I have ever come across; she never even let me take Chap on a real Date! In fact because Chap failed to ask her quick enough if she could go to my 17th birthday party she did not let her go. That completely destroyed my birthday and I will never get that day back, I do regret not going to her house and telling her mother that I could not have a happy birthday unless I could see the one I love but I guess I was just not bold enough, it was not all bad because she had given me a card inside with words of love (I can’t stand to look at that card any more) also there was 100 dollars inside (that I still could look at)

I used to think that Chap was a great artist but now I see she is only average, blinded by love I suppose. The point of the matter is that she one day even though I asked her not to, drew a picture of Thrash in a frilly dress. The very symbol of my masculinity completely shamed. If you are a fellow man you can imagine how upset I was and, if not you cannot begin to understand. Eventually I was able to snatch the picture away and rip it once or twice. She pleaded and begged for the return the scraps. I took it to my final class of the day and edited the girly expression off of Thrash's face and changed it to make him look infuriated. It retuned the picture to her later but she was extremely upset, we walked home without a word and now I felt worse than before. I myself with my very poor artist skills (I’m an author not an artist) drew my own version of Thrash in address and sent it to her via picture message along with a long poetic apology. She explained that she puts a piece of her soul in every drawing so when I tore the picture I tore her soul. She draws a picture that she knew would upset me and then I'm the bad guy when I try to redeem myself, maybe I just don’t understand girls but I still think I can blame her for the whole thing.

Another one was a few months later when I began to suspect she had lost her love for me. She would stay after school for her ceramics club. She told me afterwards that she had started stripping her clothes off in the ceramics club. It was devastating because not only would she do something so disgraceful was the feelings of Patrick. As for Tark everyone got to see her naked before I did! Don’t take me for a fool because I did not believe her but the very idea shook me down to my very core. I made the mistake of calling her a whore and she said she would stop doing anything whorish including kissing me for a week. This all pales in comparison of how she just fell out of love with me. It devastated me and completely ruined my Christmas and the months that followed. We were still able to exchange gifts (I still don’t like to wear the shirt she gave me.) the next day she took a separate bus to school and I was looking for the comfort of my friends in my first period class but none came. It turns out the only one who gave a damn was our mutual friend Thomas who told me I should just draw. I told him I'm an author not an artist but then it snapped to me and I wrote the epilogue to forbidden darkness IV Quest for an Heir. I don’t like to say she broke my heart but over time it sunk in harder and hurt more. Over Christmas I was an enigma to mu relatives so I got mostly cash, good thing too because I used that money combined with every other penny including the 100 dollars Chaparrel had given me, I had bought myself a nice laptop. With my new laptop in hand I played RuneScape more than ever (it’s not like I had a girlfriend to do things with) it is here I met with my best friend and shadow twin Jimmy.

09-30-2010, 10:44 PM
Shadow Twins
Chapter 1: Jimmy

At this point I must warn you things get a lot worse and the knowledge that this is based on a true story will not help. I was playing RuneScape and deciding to get off for the night when someone asked if they could borrow my sword for a few hours. I was not going to need it for the night and I could use the money so we exchanged and I went to sleep. Little did I know that this kid would become like a brother to me, he knows me as my RuneScape username which is thrasho2 or Thrash for short so that’s how I will appear in my conversations to him. The next day he sent me a private message and we began talking, it started as mindless blather about the game but we began to talk about life. He told me about his friend Katie who was sitting alone in her apartment pregnant and crying. She was raped by her cousin Jake (don’t worry he is her second cousin so they don’t share any blood.) this is how I came acquainted with Jimmy

Thrash: so what are you going to do?
Jimmy: I was thinking of letting her move in with me. That way she will have a place to stay and if she sells her apartment there will be money to raise the baby, but I still don’t know
(Inner thought: I decided to take a bold step)
Thrash: do you love her?
(Jimmy took a long pause and I began to concentrate on playing the game, this was all said over a RuneScape private message mind you)
Jimmy: great, now I can’t stop thinking of her
Thrash: I know how you feel I can’t stop thinking about my ex, I asked her if there were ever a chance we could get back together and she said no.
Jimmy: man you need to get over her
Thrash: you’re right if I truly love her I will do what’s best for her, and what’s best for her is not me
Jimmy: I think I am going to call Katie
(So much for my problems)
Thrash: go for it man
(Another long pause)
Jimmy: ok she is on her way over
Thrash: Jimmy when the time comes. Don’t be a fool, wrap your tool
Jimmy: …
(May not be the proper time for a joke but I felt the need for some comic relief, and besides it’s good advice so that’s killing two stones with one bird)
Jimmy: I'm going to log off and wait for her
Thrash: goodbye
I hoped Jimmy would do all right but I had bigger fish on the grill because the next day was I would return to school. I was still feeling heartbreak through my first two classes, which were the same old story. My 3rd class of the day had changed so I was separated from my friend, though we were never that close. Lunch was the worst because I still ate with my Ex so things were awkward, also our mutual friend Thomas had moved away. So many times I had wished it were just she and I. I finally get my wish and it’s the worst thing that could possibly happen, it’s funny how things work out. Around this time my sister and I invented a word, cerendopati. The opposite of serendipity, which is a coincidence that works out in your favor so naturally, cerendopati is a coincidence that ends up with a bad result for you. There are many examples of cerendopati through these pages, try to pick them out. My class after this was nothing different but on my 7th period, I was in for a surprise. I walk in and who do I see sitting there but Angel, I curse my luck because I know this will only be a repeat of last time. I sat across the room with my other friend, the logic part of my brain, Camren, tells me this is the best choice of action. Our teacher told us we were to go into groups of four. Guess who Patrick forced me next to? Same old story I was in Angel’s group and on top of that I was the leader of the group! The up side was I was able to get her phone number by saying we should keep in contact incase one of us needs the homework. I had mixed feelings about her, Patrick wanted to love her but Camren did not think we would be compatible as a couple. Tark was upset I no longer had a girl on my arm and wanted to remedy that. I was in the same boat as before and things could not be more awkward. My next class was chemistry, I describe myself as a man of science but I hated taking that class. I had my three friends there, first was Scott. Scott was smart but just did not feel motivated to reach his full potential. My second was Ian, he was not generally intelligent but he was a good person who knew near everything about the mechanics of cars. Then there was Andrew; I swear that boy had the IQ of a potted plant. He was only useful for holding the test tube or beaker, though he failed at simple tasks like that sometimes. They all depended on me for help because I was kind of the guy who they only hung out with because they could copy my work. There I also met a girl named Kelsey, I tried to attract her but every time I started a conversation she ended it immediately. Eventually she moved away from the seat next to me but hey you can’t say I didn’t give it an attempt. It turns out my next class, which is the final class of the day and Angel is there too. We sat on opposite sides of the room so there was no direct conversation, but that was more or less no matter how close I am to her. I can sit right next to her and she always wonders off into a conversation with a third party or a forth, depends on how many people are around that are not me. She will talk to me every now and again but it lasts three minutes at best. I can force myself into a conversation but inevitably I will get pushed aside. We have never had a real conversation since the collage field trip, sometimes I feel like I don’t even exist. Enough about angel she will come up later trust me; she is a big part of my live even if I barely register as a part of hers. I went back home feeling awful and I wanted to see if my new friend prevailed in his quest for love where I have failed.

09-30-2010, 10:45 PM
Chapter 2: Katie

Jimmy has logged in
Thrash: how did it go?
Jimmy: I’m not a virgin anymore
(That worked better for him then I thought it would)
Thrash: well that’s excellent, is she hot?
Jimmy: hell yeah
(I could only think selfishly, why not me?)
Jimmy: want to talk to her?
(I was surprised she would know how to talk on the game but I suppose it’s not that hard to figure out)
Thrash: sure put her on
Katie: hello thrash
Thrash: hello Katie
(I was a nervous kid, could never talk to girls)
Thrash: Jimmy tells me your attractive, do you think you are?
Katie: I sure do
Thrash: good, always good to have a good self image
(I know I said “good” three times but I was nervous damnit)
Katie: jimmy is such a good guy; I’m just not good enough for him. He protects me and I know he would do anything I ever asked.
Thrash: don’t think of yourself to poorly, you two belong together I can tell
Katie: how can you be sure, you don’t know I'm not a terrible and untrustworthy person?
Thrash: don’t ask me how but I can just tell
(That was mostly bull because I had just met her, but over time I learn that I was completely correct)
Katie: thrash, can I tell you something?
(I could sense trouble)
Thrash: you can tell me, I’ll listen
Katie: the baby I’m pregnant with, its jakes. That means its half monster
(Well this is heavy stuff but I had to try to help)
Thrash: you have my word, I won’t tell
Katie: I'm a terrible person
Thrash: Katie you’re not
(A long pause and Jimmy came back)
Jimmy: what happened? She just ran into the bathroom crying. Explain
(I had to think quickly)
Thrash: just everything that has happened the past few days is a lot for her to take in.
Jimmy: no there is something wrong, your hiding something
(Well that was a big failure, and I could not think of another excuse on the spot)
Thrash: listen Jimmy, Katie asked me not to say and no good can come from you knowing. It’s not going to affect anything in the future so just forget about it and it will all go away
Jimmy: I’m going to start guessing and you tell me
Thrash: I’m just going to say no to all of them
Jimmy: is something wrong with Katie?
Thrash: no
Jimmy: is there something wrong with my kid?
(I was competing with another player to mine some a rock)
Jimmy: your silence says it all
Thrash: no Jimmy I was getting some mithril ore.
Jimmy: what’s wrong with my kid?
(I was backed into a corner; I could not see a way out)
Thrash: the kid Katie is pregnant with, is jakes
Jimmy has logged out
I wanted to help more but he logged off, there was no way I could contact him. I just had to log off myself and hope things would work out but I practice pessimism because my philosophy is if you hope then you look like a fool if and when something goes wrong. If you practice pessimism you spend more time preparing for the worst case scenario, this worst case scenario mind you this is the WORST case scenario so brace yourself. It would most likely be Jimmy takes a cleaver and cuts Jake’s thought, and then he guts Katie like a fish and chops up the baby. That was pretty gruesome so let me tell you a joke, what’s worse than finding 3 babies in one trash can? Finding one baby in 3 trash cans, ha ha ha I can’t believe you’re still reading this.

Fortunately the next passage is about me and is not quite as depressing as another part of the story. The morning and the school day were the same as always but the important was on the bus ride home, I sat there and a girl who asked to sit next to me which was more unusual than it seems because normally people just sit down without my consent. I accepted and sat in silence while the remainder of the people got on the bus. I looked at her and she had a blank stare so I said “you look upset, is something wrong?” she looked at me and said “no I'm fine” she looked away and did a double take “is your name Gabe?” she asked. I was shocked, I did not recognize this girl but she somehow knew who I was. “Yes” I said dumbstruck “I'm Victoria; we went to 5th grade together.” I spent most of the 5th grade hanging out with Noah and Chap; I did not make more friends that year. Turns out she had not been in regular school for the whole time but was home schooled. She was a nice polite girl, and an anime fan which is just my type of girl. We talked well for a good long while until her bus stop came and she got off the bus, I regretted not getting her phone number but there was always tomorrow I thought to myself while I walked home to my computer

09-30-2010, 10:46 PM
Chapter 3: Jake Face Off

Welcome to RuneScape.
Katie: Jimmy is gone!
Thrash: what do you mean by gone?
(Had he left her? Did he run away?)
Katie: he left last night and never came home
Thrash: calm down, Jimmy just needs some time alone to think
Katie: I'm worried, help me feel better
(Because of my skills as a writer, if you can call them skills, I am quite good at portraying poetic images so I thought I might try that on her)
Thrash: what are your hair and eye color?
Katie: blonde hair and blue eyes
(I sifted through the pieces of my shattered heart to find some left over beauty)
Thrash: your hair glows with radiance unsurpassable by any other, like a field of wheat shining under the harvest moon. Your eyes are like two sparkling sapphires of the purest karat.
(Pretty good for not knowing what she looks like if I say so myself)
Katie: thank you
Thrash: no problem
Katie: when you look at a girl where do you look?
(Is this some kind of test or something?)
Thrash: I am a respectful man so I look at her face
Katie: but if you were not a respectful guy
Thrash: well sometimes I catch my eyes lowering from the face
Katie: so her breasts?
Thrash: your words not mine, but yes
Katie: oh well I'm a D-cup
(Jimmy you lucky S.O.B.)
Thrash: I see
(If only I could really see, sorry this is the Tark part of my brain that I mentioned before)
Katie: do you like girls that are soft?
(It had never crossed my mind before, I tried to imagine a girl that was not soft at all and I had my answer)
Thrash: yeah I guess I do
Katie: for girls its opposite, we like a guy who is hard
(It’s just too perfect of a setup to let go)
Thrash: well with your double Ds I don’t doubt you would have trouble making any guy hard
Katie: lol
(Make her laugh, check)
Katie: can I tell you a story?
Thrash: go on then
Katie: when Jimmy and I were kids we were playing on some snowy hills sledding. I did not have a sled so Jimmy suggested I use his, so we sledded all day. At sundown we went on the big hill, we went down faster than I expected. Jimmy jumped in front of the sled and stopped it. Then he rolled into a rose bush, while I landed on some soft snow. He walked out of the bush leaking blood in the snow; he came up to me and said “are you ok Katie?”
Thrash: any guy would have done that, it’s an instinct to protect a pretty girl
Katie: so you’re saying the story isn’t special?
Thrash: I'm just saying I would have done the same thing, as would any other guy
(Yes I know, I'm an idiot)
Katie: I think I'm going to go look for him
(Thank god she changed the subject before I messed up her story worse)

Jimmy has logged in
Thrash: Back so soon?
Jimmy: what do you mean by that?
Thrash: you just went to look for Jimmy
Jimmy: I am Jimmy
(Talking to both of them on the same account gets very confusing)
Thrash: where are you?
Jimmy: I’m at Nate’s house
Thrash: Nate?
Jimmy: my old best friend who killed himself because of me, but that’s not important now. I’ve decided I’m going to kill Jake
(This is madness; I have to talk some sense into him)
Thrash: Jimmy you can’t commit murder, what would that do for Katie and the baby?
Jimmy: that baby is the child of that monster
(This called for drastic measures)
Thrash: the Katie can get an abortion, and then that demon seed will be gone forever
(I didn’t know if she would go through with it but I know she loves Jimmy and had a pretty good shot of doing it for him)
Jimmy: I guess your right but I can’t just let Jake go, what if I just challenge him to gut shots?
(That was better than his first idea, I knew I would not talk him out of a confrontation with Jake but I suppose this is better than the original plan)
Thrash: as long as nobody dies
Jimmy: we will see
Thrash: Jimmy thinks of Katie
Jimmy: fine, I’m calling him now
(I waited a few minutes)
Jimmy: ok he is on his way over
Jimmy: so what did you mean by I’m back?
Thrash: I was talking to Katie; she is actually looking for you right now
Jimmy: I didn’t know she knew my password
Thrash: well apparently she does
Jimmy: wait there is her car
(Jimmy left for proximity ten minutes and I was greeted by Katie)
Katie: what’s happening? Jake just showed up with his friends and they all have crowbars!
(What! I didn’t know there would be friends with weapons)
Thrash: we just have to trust Jimmy know what he is doing
Katie: now they are all banging the crowbars on the ground, this is scary.
(I was not there but I’ll try to recreate it from multiple views)
Jake and Jimmy stare each other down with the crowbars rattling around them “you take the first shot” Jimmy said glaring; Jake smiled and clenched his fist, driving his knuckles into Jimmy’s abdominals
Katie: oh my god Jimmy just let Jake hit him right in the stomach
(I admit I didn’t know what gut shots was, but I’m a quick learner)
Thrash: don’t worry, now its Jimmy’s turn
Sure enough Jimmy landed a hit on Jake, and they went back and forward several times until Jake started to stumble back a few steps. Jake, disorientated, through a dizzy punch at Jimmy with little effect. Jimmy drew back and released a fist that lifted Jake off the ground and planted him flat on his back
Katie: Jimmy won!
Thrash: I knew he could do it
(Jimmy pulled through; I was so glad and relived)
Katie: oh my god, they are all attacking Jimmy
(Well that did not last long)
One of them charged at Jimmy with a crowbar in hand, Jimmy quickly swiped the bar and flipped the wielder over his back in one move. Jimmy blocked another crowbar with his newly acquired one; he kicked his opponent back into a tree. Jimmy dodged another crowbar and brought its handler down with an elbow to the neck.
Katie: I don’t like this
Thrash: our boy can handle himself
Three of Jake’s crew tackled Jimmy to the ground, holding down both is arms.
Katie: Jimmy!
Thrash: c’mon man
(She was actually describing this to me, but I thought the repition was unimportant)
Out of the bushes jumped a man that knocked down all three of jakes crew that had Jimmy pinned down, then he extended his hand and helped him up. It was jakes brother john, “thanks man, you saved my ass” Jimmy said as he prepared his crowbar to finish of the remaining enemies. One of them jumped at him but Jimmy tackled him to the ground and broke his nose with a loud “Crack!”

Katie: wow I guess that’s why you don’t mess with Jimmy, they are all running away
Thrash: I knew he could do it
(Déj* vu)
Katie: here he comes; he wants to talk to you
(I waited)
Jimmy: sorry for typing slow, I'm sore
Thrash: its fine, congratulations on your victory
Jimmy: I always win
Thrash: well do you feel avenged?
Jimmy: I do, hey join my clan chat so you can talk with my other friend
(I did so and saw in the chat there was Jimmy, myself, and someone we knew as killclan, I later learned his name was Miguel and that’s who we will address him)
Jimmy: Thrash this is Miguel, Miguel this is Thrash
Miguel: hello
Thrash: nice to meet you
Jimmy: I should hire a camra crew to start following me around; my life is like a movie
(Or a book)
Miguel: Jake didn’t know what hit him
(I could see Miguel was caught up to speed)
Jimmy: yeah but It really tired me out
Thrash: I can imagine, it’s ok if you want to sleep
Miguel: yeah it’s getting pretty late
Jimmy: you’re right
Miguel: goodnight
Thrash: dream of love and victory my friend
Jimmy logged out
Miguel logged out
I logged out and went to bed thinking of Victoria whom I would green once again on the bus.

I was not in love I mean I just met the girl for god’s sake. I may have been trying to fill the void Chaparrel had left; the point is I was happy for the first time since the breakup. Overzealously I walked through the freezing winter mourning instead of hitching a ride with my mother and her heated car. Soon my crappy New Yorker would be up and running again and I could with luck drive home with just Victoria and me. My sister got her first car for Christmas, but that one broke down so she inherited the New Yorker from my grandparents when they bought a new car. That broke down as well and she got my father’s car, but with a little work I might get my sisters old wrecked car. It was no chick magnet, if anything it was a girl repellent but it got me from A to B. Until then I had to take the bus which I learned Victoria was not on in the morning. Thought this disappointment only built up anticipation through the day until the final bell rang and I rushed to the bus. I sat in the same seat as the day before, and my heart jumped when she ascended the steps and boarded. Again I did not love her but the idea of her, for love of the person it was too early to tell. We had a pleasant talk on the way home and when she rose from her seat at her stop I broke from my trance. I had once again failed to ask for a phone number and it was too late to fix my mistake. As I left the bus, I was optimistic that I would have my chance again. The school week was at an end, and I could talk with Jimmy all of Saturday and Sunday
Welcome to RuneScape.
Jimmy: Thrash, I was hanging at Nate’s house yesterday while john took Katie home. Jake’s girlfriend and she wanted to “thank” me
Thrash: Jimmy, how did she want to thank you?
Jimmy: the kind of way where she took off all her clothes
(Oh no, did he cheat on Katie?)
Thrash: what happened?
Jimmy: well she took off her clothes, and she attacked me
Thrash: did you do anything with her?
Jimmy: no! I pushed her away, but I accidently hurt her
(Bold move, I can’t say I would have done the same. Then again Jimmy is in love with Katie)
Thrash: wow you’re really dedicated to Katie; I would have given into temptation. Did you take her to the hospital?
Jimmy: yeah I carried her 5 blocks
Thrash: did you dress her?
Jimmy: I didn’t want to put my hands all over her
Thrash: bed sheet?
Jimmy: … I didn’t think of that
Thrash: well I think you did the right thing in that particular situation
Jimmy: yeah I did
Thrash: I'm really proud of you Jimmy

09-30-2010, 10:48 PM
Please put the chapters in one thread not tons of threads.

09-30-2010, 10:50 PM
Chapter 4: False Feelings

Jimmy: Katie wants to talk to you, please don’t tell her about this
Thrash: you got it Jimmy
Katie: hello
Thrash: hello Katie
Katie: you have helped us so much, I think…
Thrash: you think?
(She thinks? Had I messed up somehow and caused some kind of unfortunate event?)
Katie: I think I love you…
(Yes I had)
Thrash: but what about Jimmy?
I love Jimmy with all my heart, but I also love you
(That poem was a mistake)
Thrash: listen I'm flattered but, after my breakup hearing a girl say she loves me and not really mean it. It hurts, it hearts my heart
Katie: but I do
Thrash: I think I should talk to Jimmy
Katie: ok then, wait one second
(This was definitely an odd turn of events, I was always just a source of information and insight, nothing on Jimmy’s end had ever effected me directly. Also Katie being in love with me was not a good thing at all, first off I don’t believe in internet relationships. Second off she’s my best friend’s girl, that conflicts yet another of my morals, third I know what it’s like to be in love. I'm a pacifist but if my girl was threatened I would put the fist in pacifist. I would have even beaten down my best friend, and with Jimmy as strong as he is, need I say more?)
Jimmy: what’s up?
(Hand me a shovel, I think I'm about to dig my own grave)
Thrash: Katie said she loves me…
Jimmy: how did that happen!
(Put a Xarthian symbol on my tombstone)
Thrash: when you went to your safe house Katie was upset, so I tried to comfort her with a poem that I used to use on my ex when we were still together
(The poem, ofcorse!)
Thrash: I just got an idea that might fix this, but is it right?
Jimmy: tell me your idea, now!
Thrash: well this all started with a complement poem, maybe I can leave through the same door I entered with an insult poem. But who knows the outcome could be catastrophic
Jimmy: do it
Thrash: are you sure?
Jimmy: I love Katie, and the thought of her loving another man is unbearable. Do whatever it takes to fix this I'm begging you.
Thrash: I understand, put her on
Katie: hello?
Thrash: hello Katie
Katie: is everything alright?
Thrash: not it’s not, you have to stop saying you love me. It’s painful for me, and Jimmy too
Katie: but it’s the way I feel
Thrash: Katie, I don’t want to have to insult you but I am beginning to feel there is no choice
Katie: go ahead

(I gathered all the pain from my heart and focused it into one ferocious burst)
Thrash: your hair is greasy and completely rancid, your fat and all around disgusting to look at. You breath is totally rank and brings me to the point of vomiting. Can’t you get it through your ****ing skull you stupid ***** I DON’T LOVE YOU!
(what you just read is a reduced version of what I actually said, I don’t have the pain in my heart to summon the harsh words again but I feel it is my duty to bring your this terrible tale; so I gave you a sample. Now I have an example of how lucky I am)
Katie: that’s exactly what my father said when he told me he didn’t love me
(Not lucky at all, how was I suppose to know I would hit such a sensitive nerve like that. If you have been looking this is probably the biggest example of cerendopati in the book)
Thrash: …
(My mind went blank, what could I have said?)
Katie: you outrageous asshole I can’t believe you said that, I’m going to tear out your heart and shove it up your ass, then I’m going to stuff a live hornets’ nest down your throat and toss you in a cage of hungry bears
(Going a shortened version, the original I have done by best to block out but I dug up a little for you. Also while this was going on I made a big RuneScape accomplishment, level 96 summoning for you RuneScapers. This was back when the skill was relatively new so it was kind of a big deal. This was an accomplishment I had been looking forward to for months and now I can’t even enjoy it.)
Jimmy came on and I described the verbal beating I took, he thanked me for my sacrifice and I went to sleep hoping tomorrow would be a better day.

09-30-2010, 10:51 PM
Chapter 5: Illness

I went to school that day like any other, a little later in the day I began to feel progressively worse and worse until my 6th period gym class. We played wall ball and I felt totally drained the whole time. The next day angel noticed I looked sick and I finally accepted it for myself, I toughed out the next two classes for two reasons. The first was because I had a test in my final class and I did not want to have to make that up. The second was so I could see Victoria for my last chance to get that number before I would be out sick. Well I got a C+ on that test, acceptable. When I got back to that bus feeling triumphant I fought this sickness and was about to receive my prize, she was not on the bus. I sat through all the loud chatter of my extremely annoying bus mates. Including a couple that would constantly make-out, now I understand why Chap would never allow me to kiss her in public it’s not fun to watch with a broken heart. On my return home o plopped down on my bed and there I remained for two weeks. I was taking a duel credit class at the time. I was taking the class at the same collage angel and I went to all those years ago, but the actual location was at my old mid-high that was shut down so the community collage used it. We had to take an advanced placement class, cyber academy class, or a duel credit class as a graduating requirement. Whit the duel credit I could get that requirement and get a free collage credit, the registration process was long and tedious but all worth it in the end. With this sickness I missed so many class hours I had to drop out of the class.

I originally thought that I and H1N1 A.K.A. swine flu, after a trip to the emergency room (the real hospital was closed for the night) I found out I had pneumonia. Luckily we live in the 21st century so I could get all of my math homework done but for me a good thing can only go so far. Ironically I had the exact time I had pneumonia to do all my makeup work when I finally returned but I’m getting ahead of myself, you’re probably wondering about what befell jimmy during this time. Mostly I just told him about Victoria and angel. All the details, and when we ran out of those we talked about the game. I fortunately able to make Katie forgive me after a few days
Thrash: c’mon Jim, let me talk to her; I don’t want her to love me but I don’t want her to hate me either.
Jimmy: alright ill try
(I waited, thinking of how I was going to do this. My best bet would be logical so Camren was going to be my approach)
Katie: what do you want?
Thrash: Katie I need to apologize, I didn’t want to insult you but I had no choice. I could not let you love me
Katie: well I definitely don’t love you anymore, you brought up painful memories
Thrash: I did my job too well; please Katie for Jimmy's sake. Please don’t hate me
Katie: I don’t hate you; I'm just going to need more time to forgive you
(Two weeks was enough, and finally I felt well enough to go back to school.)
A warm welcome from my first period friend who ignored me to do his work (can't blame him) in 2nd I mostly got piled with work, and it’s a programming class o I had to be at school to make it up this work I stressed about up until he last day. Then I had zoology class with a decent amount of work. Next was lunch and I discovered my ex found a new group of friends, leaving me high and dry with nobody. At last I had time to write, a lonely path but it was the one I was forced to follow. Luckily in gym we didn’t do anything but the stupid don’t do drugs campaign, I swear if they don’t stop I might need drugs to make them shut up. Then I traveled to my algebra class and I had been keeping up with the work on the Internet so everything was all right there. I was delighted to learn that angel had missed me, finally after all this time someone how actually cared about me. I had lent her my USB flash drive so she could read my forbidden darkness stories, because the only one who had read all of them was still Chaparrel. Angel was so sorry for keeping my USB for so long, but I could never stay angry with her. I assured her everything was fine and progressed to my next class, chemistry. This was the class I struggled through the most; I even had to get a tutor to teach me the material. Funny story, my tutor was hot. She would lean over to show me something on my paper and I could not help but try to look down her shirt. That is Tark at work there; if my memory is not tainted she was wearing a tank sop so I was somewhat successful. I had to repeat to myself “focus on your work, focus on you work” as I tried to learn, but it’s not easy when two feet from your face there are a couple of… distractions. Luckily she did not notice and I actually learned something. My final class, history, Mr. G was definitely my favorite teacher that year. I only had to do 4 work sheets to be all made up and I was able to knock all those out in one afternoon. There were seat changes in his class and I found myself drawn to the seat directly in front of angel and her two friends. First off was Tiffany. Tiffany was smarter than I was, or at least in history class. She seemed angry all the time but, she was very compassionate to Angel’s problems; so she was an all around good person. She was a lesbian or at least bisexual, I didn’t think it was polite to ask. She would pretend to hit on angel and she would play along which hurt even though I knew Angel was straight. Sometimes they were so convincing I expected them to just start making-out in the middle of class, which I admit I would have had mixed feelings about. Patrick would be devastated to see Angel kissing someone other than me, but Tark just sees two girls kissing and doesn’t care who they are. Would I try to stop it or just sit and watch, good thing that never happened so I wouldn’t have to decide. Come to think of for all I know Tiffany could be totally straight and just playing, I’m not totally sure but I was not really attracted to her is it didn’t make any difference to me. Marisa who will take over the world with her dog rebel and her evil laugh, she shares power with her character Mr. Troubleclef. (She demanded I write that) in an attempt to get them to review for a test through negative reinforcement, I insulted Marisa’s intelligence and she hated me for a good long while. Not a good move but I later established a truce. Things were bad but I knew everything would turn out all right for me, but jimmy was another story.

09-30-2010, 10:52 PM
Chapter 6: Jake’s Revenge

Welcome to RuneScape.
Thrash: hey Jimmy
Jimmy: thank god you’re on
Thrash: don’t thank me, what’s up?
(It’s a joke, calm down)
Jimmy: Jake wants a rematch
Thrash: he got out of jail?
Jimmy: on bail
(Damn, I forgot that could happen)
Thrash: so what you we going to do?
Jimmy: well I do have a shotgun
Thrash: Jimmy no, if you shoot Jake you will go to prison and then what about Katie and your unborn child?
Jimmy: Don’t worry I won’t use it if I don’t have to
Thrash: and let’s hope to god that you don’t
(I did not like this one bit, but I could not prevent it. I pondered solutions but came up dry, before I knew it a good 10 minutes had passed)
Katie: what’s going on? Jimmy gave me the laptop and shut me in our room
(Apparently Jake had come while I was thinking)
Thrash: Jake came back, and Jimmy has to fight him
Katie: I have to stop this
Thrash: no Katie, the last thing he wants is for you to get hurt
Katie: that’s for sure, he blocked the door
Thrash: it’s for your own good, please you stay put
Katie: I can see them out the window, Jimmy is talking with Joe, Joe is my ex who left me after I got pregnant, and mike is there too.
Thrash: probably there to help Jake

“Put the gun down Jimmy, we go one at a time” Joe said staring Jimmy down
Katie: Jimmy just threw his shotgun into our pond
Thrash: that’s probably best; nobody will get hurt too badly
“I’ll go first,” said mike stepping forward. Jimmy took the hit to his gut easily. Jimmy returned the attack and mike fell to his knees
Katie: wow mike is a lightweight
Thrash: well I know I don’t want to take a gut hit from Jimmy
Joe stepped up next, and they began to exchange attacks. Joe lost his temper and charged at Jimmy, he ducked and tossed Joe into the pond behind him.
Katie: only Jake is left
(There were actually more than three but I forgot all their names and they were pretty irrelevant also things would have gotten pretty repetitive)
Jake took the first shot; it seemed stronger then the first time. Jimmy returned with his own fist, Jake also seemed more stable than before. They punched, back and forward, back and forward, neither of them backing down. Then out of the water sprang Joe clutching the shotgun. He cocked but Jimmy thought quick and punched Joe full force in the nose, he began to bleed as he got up and began to run. Jake saw the serious look on Jimmy’s face and followed after Joe. Jimmy staggered to his room, unblocking the chair on the door and opened it, falling into Katie’s arms
Jimmy: hey Thrash
Thrash: nice work Jimmy, you really showed them
Jimmy: yeah but it really took a lot out of me, I think I'm going to turn in for the night
Thrash: go on and get your rest, you’ve earned it
Katie: thank you Thrash, Jimmy is asleep now
Thrash: I think it’s time you knew my true name
Katie: oh, what is it?
(I paused for dramatic effect)
Thrash: my true name is
Gabriel: Gabriel
Katie: wow that’s very, spiritual
(I'm no angel, not by a long shot I just have a religious mother.)
Gabriel: indeed it is
Katie: well good night Gabriel
Gabriel: good night Katie, you should reward Jimmy for his victory if you catch my drift
I logged out before she could respond

They knew me as Gabriel from then on; I like being referred to with my full name. I attempted to get my other friends to change but I was unsuccessful. To my school friends I remained Gabe, or peanut butter cookies but that’s another story. Well I suppose I can tell it. In my first period English class with Mr. Smith who was the one who got me to begin writing, in the class I had two friends. First off was a guy who was strange but in the most hilarious way, we called him Jesus because with his hair and beard he looked kind o like the biblical figure Jesus Christ (but only by appearance)next was Chris who I dubbed Magic Man, because he was always magically in class before us, he was not lazy but we always tried so hard to get him to do his work I too needed a nickname, so Jesus named me cookie, I thought it sounded like a pet name for two people dating so I made it plural. I was cookies until one day Magic Man brought some peanut butter snacks and I pigged out on them, I was then and forever referred to as peanut butter cookies. If you see me in real life please don’t call me peanut butter cookies, only Jesus and Magic Man are allowed to call me that.

09-30-2010, 10:53 PM
Chapter 7: Weakness

Welcome to RuneScape.
Jimmy has logged in
Gabriel: hey Jimmy, you bang Katie last night?
Katie: … this is Katie
(It was extremely awkward at the time, but now I just think it’s funny as hell)
Katie: and to answer your question no we didn’t “bang” me last night, he is actually too sore for me to touch me
Gabriel: that’s too bad
Katie: I felt so useless
Gabriel: you’re not useless, Jimmy loves you. He fought Jake for you not once but twice
Katie: he is hurt because of me
(Well that went in the wrong direction)
Gabriel: things will get better, Jimmy will heal. Has anything new happened?
Katie: Gina is living with us now
(What the hell? That’s the girl who tried to have her way with Jimmy)
Katie: she was kicked out of her house and she needed a place to stay. And yes I know what she tried to do with Jimmy, she knows if she try’s anything she will be living on the streets
Gabriel: wow you’re nearly as tough as Jimmy
Katie: if only, when Jimmy was fighting I was completely useless. I'm going out to the point, its soothing
(I waited for a little bit while she moved
Katie: ah the nice cool water, -sigh- I wish I could have helped him
Gabriel: Katie if you got hurt helping Jimmy he would never forgive himself, I'm the one who is really useless. Typing on my bed while my best friend could use my help, I'm not Jimmy strong but I'm not weakling either.
(I used to weigh approximately 225lbs at 5’11’’ so I was a pretty big guy, after two weeks not being able to eat solid food I dropped to 180. I'm built like a tank and I have the guns to match (inner inner thought: I’m not a show off muscle head, I just enjoy the metaphor.) the only drawback is that I'm a pacifist so my guns have no ammunition.)
Katie: you’re not useless; you have hel0ed us through so many hard times. Who know where we would be without you
Gabriel: so you’re saying I provide moral support and don’t need to put myself in danger to help?
(C’mon little fish, take the bait)
Katie: that’s right Gabriel, moral support
(Hook, line, and sinker)
Gabriel: you are in the same boat; you give Jimmy the will to fight. Everyone needs to fight for something, and no doubt love is the best motivator. You do have your own special power Katie
(I can only imagine Katie’s frown returning to a smile)
Katie: thank you Gabriel, you’re like a brother to me
Gabriel: same to you sis
(And the tables will turn in 3… 2… 1…)
Katie: oh my god, Gina just locked herself in with jimmy
Katie: now she is kissing him
Gabriel: are you looking through a window? Smash it!
Katie: I can’t, it’s like an inch think
(Exaggeration? Maybe)
Gabriel: summon all of your strength and break the glass.
Katie: no good
(This is no fairy tale)
Katie: now she is…touching him
Gabriel: is there anything you can use?
Katie: the shotgun is still in the pond.
(I would have guessed Jimmy retrieved it but he probably has not moved since he passed out)
Katie: it’s not working, wet powder
Gabriel: hit the glass with the handle
Katie: it’s just no use I'm not strong enough
(I was totally useless, I only have power in words but words were not going to get that window the out of the way. I can’t imagine Katie’s pain having to watch this and not being able to do anything
Gabriel: don’t give up hope
(Don’t give up hope; you’re the only one who has any left)
Katie: jimmy’s weight belt, brb
(Well I had to wait while Katie did this segment but this is how I think it went)
Katie tossed the weight belt into the window scattering shards of glass on the floor. She hopped through the opening and rushed over towards Jimmy and Gina. Katie grabbed Gina by her Hair and yanked her off of Jimmy. Katie lifted Gina up and tossed her out the window into the pond.
Katie: well that’s taken care of, I tossed her out
Gabriel: good show!
(To this day I don’t know why that popped into my head)
Katie: I think I need to be alone with Jimmy now
Gabriel: I understand
Jimmy has logged off

I went to sleep after that and rested through another dreamless night. At school during algebra II I was sifting through my notes and I found a page that was written by Chaparrel. You see my teacher assigned a packet of algebra I problems and weighted it heavily on our grade. That sheet might as well have been in Hebrew because I didn’t understand any of it. I was talking t chap via text message like always, saying I would probably fail the class if I couldn’t complete the packet. I ended up at her house as she helped me through the problems. It was such a relief to have help and I felt so lucky she was in my live. Obviously this put a damper on my mourning, recovering these happy memories. She had a little drawing in the middle of the page with a girl saying “see I knew you could do it.” Joyful memories now brought only pain equal to the love I felt back then. I couldn’t keep the page, it hurt too much. I knew I shouldn’t destroy or discard it because each one of her drawings was a part of her soul and there is no way I could do that again after the Thrash picture incident. I had to return it to her, so I waited until after class to a spot where I would meet her and her group of friends before the break up. “Chaparrel” I began, rummaging through my backpack “I came across this page in my notes, and I thought you might want it back” I showed her the page out of my notebook and she said “throw it away.” I crumpled it up in my hand and shoved it to the bottom of my back pack as a sign I would do so. Strange, when she drew that page she said she just put a piece of her soul in my notebook. As a love struck fool I said I would take good care of it, and I kept my word up until that day. My theory is that the piece of her soul put into the picture was the piece that loved me, and now that she wants me to put the picture in the garbage I see what that piece has turned to. In some way I wasn’t surprised because I definitely did not want to look at that picture anymore and I can’t imagine she would either. I think it hit me harder but the breakup was no walk in the park for her either. On the day after we split up I had to relinquish my gift to her, it was too painful to keep around. She thought snakes were adorable for some odd reason, and she obsessed over the color orange (sometimes I would wear bright orange shirts for some extra affection. The trouble was she wore orange shirts too so sometimes we accidently ended up matching.) I decided to combine those into an orange snake plush toy. I had a habit of trying to get the perfect gift for her, for example a few months before that it was her birthday. Earlier her mother threw out her favorite shirt because it had a hole in it. I tracked down the exact same shirt in orange, which was an improvement. I wrapped it in an oversized box covered in duct tape (we freaked out over duct tape. You know what they say. Duct tape is like the force; it has a light side, a dark side, and binds the universe together.) The perfect gift given the circumstances. And for the Christmas circumstances, orange snake seemed perfect to me. Though there was no Christmas spirit in the air when I saw her that day. I took the gift out of my pack and gave it over to her. She cracked a tiny smile then her mood dropped as she ran weeping towards the bathroom this puzzled me because she was the one who wanted to break up and at the time could have easily gotten back together with me. Guess I’ll just never understand. In a flash I came back t the present and saw her standing in front of me with my pack in my hand. I nodded to her as a farewell then left. She was struck in my head the rest of the day like an absurdly catchy song.

09-30-2010, 10:54 PM
Chapter 8: Love’s Divide

This seems like it’s going in one straight shot but in reality I just skipped the days where noting of importance happened... A few days passed and I learned some disturbing news
Welcome to RuneScape.
Katie: hello Gabriel
Gabriel: hello Katie, did anything interesting happen today?
(I always ask that)
Katie: actually yes, last night I went out for a stroll and met up with Jake
Gabriel: that does not sound good
Katie: he pulled a gun out of his truck and said “I don’t want to have to use this but I will”
Gabriel: that’s terrible
Katie: But the thing is... I let him. I may be falling in love with him
(What the hell?)
Gabriel: but you two are cousins
Katie: I don’t care about that
Gabriel: does Jimmy know?
Katie: yes and he is quite upset about it
(I can only imagine how he feels; this is 1000x worse than when it was me. First off this is Jimmy rival we are talking about, and second he likes her back)
Gabriel: let me talk to him
Katie: ok just a second
(Miguel logged on and I caught him up to speed)
Jimmy: what’s been going on with you Gabriel?
(He must be trying to block out what has happened)
Gabriel: well I'm feeling good with angel but that’s not the point
Jimmy: we are shadow twins
Gabriel: what does that mean?
Jimmy: when one of our lives is going well the other’s sucks,
Gabriel: yeah I can see that
Jimmy: please help me
Miguel: don’t worry Jimmy we are here for you
Gabriel: indeed this is quite a predicament
Jimmy: Jake is on his way over
Gabriel: I think you should let Katie decide, that’s all you can do
Jimmy: yeah, I just hope she chooses me
(We stood in silence for a small while)
Jimmy: Jake is here, he wants to talk to you Gabriel
Gabriel: he knows how to talk on RuneScape?
Jimmy: he used to play
(Good enough for me)
Jimmy: here he is

Jake: Gabriel I presume
Gabriel: Jake
Jake: they say you are good at giving advice
Gabriel: that I am, but you can understand if I have a hard time trusting you
Jake: whys that?
Gabriel: well you did violate Katie not once but twice, added to that your fights with Jimmy.
Jake: last night she let me
Gabriel: but you still threatened her with a firearm, that’s rape in my book. Also when you fought with Jimmy the first time you brought your friends who had crowbars. They all jumped him at once
Jake: he challenged me to that fight, and he told them he could take them on. We were all afraid of Jimmy
(That I did not know)
Gabriel: that changes things a little but I'm still wary of trusting you Jake
Jake: I am trying to be a good person
Gabriel: well if you want to be a good person, you shave to let Katie be with Jimmy.
Jake: but I love her
Gabriel: Jake, Katie is meant to be with Jimmy. I can tell you it’s unexplainable, but they are meant to be that much is clear. There are too many thing wrong with this. Like the fact that you are cousins!
Jake: not by blood, besides she dated Joe before me
Gabriel: Joe is her cousin?
Jake: Joe is my brother
(What’s with his parents and biblical j names? Jacob, Jonathan, Joseph. Jesus Christ)
Jake: ok I’ll let Katie decide. How about that?
Gabriel: that’s better; I want to talk to Katie now
Jake: you’re going to tell her to choose Jimmy aren’t you?
Gabriel: I'm not going to lie I will
Jake: -sigh- ofcorse you will, I'll get her
(They both are going to let Katie decide; now I just have to get her to choose Jimmy. I had to get her with Jimmy for all of the reasons I said before and one selfish one. I was the one who convinced Jimmy he loved Katie in the first place so I felt tied to them somehow. If they were to end like this that would be another relationship I was responsible for that crumbled apart)
Katie: hello Gabriel
Gabriel: well both Jimmy and Jake have decided to let you pick
] Katie: well I just don’t know
Gabriel: c'mon Katie
Katie: you know this is a lot like twilight 2
(That’s a weird change of subject Katie)
Gabriel: I’ve only seen the first one with my sister, I figure a vampire movie, sounds good to me. I like the part where they tear that guy limb from limb and throw him in the pyre
Katie: well in this one the girl has to choose between the vampire Edward and the werewolf Jacob.
Gabriel: and doesn’t she choose the vampire
(With all the propaganda at the time it’s impossible to not know the plot and easily guess the ending
Katie: yeah she goes with Edward
Gabriel: well that makes Edward Jimmy and Jacob is… Jake, damnit twilight
(I hate you Stephanie Meyer)
Katie: yeah that is a weird coincidence
(That really happened; it’s too stupid to make up)
Gabriel: I hate twilight; it’s just too over popular. And vampires should burn in the sun not become human bling, don’t get me started. Back to Jimmy and Jake
Katie: I just don’t know
Gabriel: you know Jake has a prison record, that’s not a good thing. He is also violent, not a good thing for a father to have
Katie: wow you really have a bias for Edward aren’t you?
Gabriel: I'm just saying what I think is right
Katie: I think I'm going to sleep on it
(I looked at the time on my laptop, 10:38. I have to wake up at 6:00am for school mind you)
Gabriel: you’re right it’s getting late, g’night Katie
Katie: I love you like a brother
Gabriel: as it should be, I hope you make the right choice
I logged off
I had an interesting dream that night; I was at some school event, a football game I think. We were in a huge stadium, I was wearing blue jeans and a hunger green tee shirt with a front pocked. I had sandals and my stupid fisherman’s hat that is black with flames going around it and a dragon emblem on the front. There I ran into Chaparrel wearing a bright orange dress, she was always obsessed with the color orange. She was there with a date, a suave guy with brown hair that was gelled up into little spikes. He was wearing a black tuxedo, very fancy looking guy. You can imagine the awareness and pin in the air, it was doubled by the fact she hated skirts and dresses but she was still wearing one for him. She tried to talk to me but anger prevented me from hearing her, but I did learn that his name was Chad. They kissed and walked away; I went behind the bleachers and punched a beam. I saw some guys running away in the shadows under the bleachers; one of them had a wooden crate under his arm. I didn’t care enough to analyze the situation. I went atop the bleachers to my father and asked for advice. He told me there were other fish in the sea; I replied I won’t catch anything with no bait. He didn’t know what to say to that, so I left to get a snack from the concession stand and I saw Chap sitting on a bench alone. I sat next to her and said “hello” she looked at me and responded the same. “He seems like a good guy, it looks like he makes you happy” I said staring at the ground fighting back tears. “He does” she replied, my heart would have sank but It couldn’t go any lower than it already was. “I can’t say I'm not upset but if he makes you happy I'm glad you’re with him” a tear escaped and fell on the grass. “Just get out of here” she said to me with a sob. I did as she requested and decided to climb to the top of the bleachers and sulk.

I ran into the boys from under the bleachers with a large bottle rocked in the crate from before. One of them was sporting a hoodie with the colors and logo of our rival school. I'm no hero but I decided to do something. I confronted them and asked what the hell is going on. One of them was stupid enough to tell me that they were going to set off the rocked and distract our team long enough with the premature fireworks, and then they could win the game. (I know it seems weird that he told me that but mind you this is a dream. You’re lucky a purple dragon hasn’t flown down and eaten Chaparrel, then I got it with a sword that I magically obtained and we make out in the dragon’s gory remains.) “Not if I have anything to say about it” I stated as I grabbed the rocket and pulled out the fuse. The one in the hoodie attacked me but I flipped him over my back and down the bleachers. “Stand back boys” we heard and I looked to my right to see Chad walking towards us. “I can’t believe your part of this Chad?” I exclaimed staring at him but still being cautions of the other two. “You think I’m a part of it, I'm the mastermind behind the whole thing.” He said as he walked around me and leaned against the railing “you monster, you don’t deserve to be with Chaparrel” I shouted at him “well like it or not she is mine to do with as I please, we have done things you can’t even imagine fatass” he said with a smirk. I felt something in my brain snap and I charged at him, he dodged and I dented the railing he was leaning against. Without hesitation on turned and tackled him, he rolled down the bleachers to the grass. I wound up having him pinned down under my knees and I began socking him in the face repeatedly as I shouted “you don’t deserve my goddess you lying conniving piece of slime!” his two friends darted down the bleachers and pulled me off of him. Chad lay on the ground covered in blood and tears, he was unconscious.

After a few breaths I calmed down and walked up the bleachers. I took my seat next t to my father and watched our team win the game. Chaparrel ran up to me and told me she understood what had happened with Chad. She sat on my lap and told me she loved me. “You don’t know how long I have been waiting to hear that” I replied and we began to kiss as fireworks shot up around us. I felt like I owned the world because I could see it in her eyes. Everything was going to be all right from then on. Then I woke up…

09-30-2010, 10:54 PM
Chapter 9: Experiment

My joy turned to extreme sorrow as I got ready for school; I sulked on the car ride to school until I arrived. I ascended the steps to the library which was my usual spot for reading and writing when not being distracted by Destiny and JD. On those steps I had an epiphany that I did not need her, I could live life without Chaparrel. When I got to the top of the stairs who did I see but her leaning on the railing. Time to test my newfound status towards to her I thought as I leaned next to her.
“Hey” I said as a fat penguin (to break the ice)
“Hi” she said in return, I could sense she was uncomfortable as I was.
“You look like you’re doing well” I said, and I was truthful. She looked happy, a hell of a lot happier that I was. She had taken a hot match to the tick that was me, leaching away her life. She was free of a burden while I lay scorched on the cold hard ground, but my wounds had healed and I was looking for a new host.
“So do you” she said, I did not know if she was lying or just ignorant. I was angry at her for breaking my heart but I did not really love her anymore, I still felt the capacity to love her but it was locked away. I had finally closed the door that had been plaguing me for months.
“You know, I think I'm completely over you” I said with my voice uplifting from the monotone gloomy mood of the conversation beforehand.
“That’s good” she said bringing the mood back down. I could not handle the awkwardness so I just walked away. I felt good as I felt; I had gotten past so far the biggest hurdle in my life. I had a positive aura for the remainder for the day until I got home and logged onto RuneScape
Welcome to RuneScape.
(I decided to wait, for them to talk first to prevent another awkward moment)
Katie: hello Gabriel
(It was Katie; she pretty much has that greeting trademarked)
Gabriel: Hello Katie, anything interesting happen?
Katie: well I chose Jimmy so he kicked Jake out of our house, hard.
Gabriel: well I'm glad you’re back together
Katie: well that’s the thing…
Gabriel: did you leave him again?
(She better not have, I just fixed everything)
Katie: not exactly, I'm tired of him getting hurt over me. I left for my mother’s house; I am running sort of an experiment. I want to see what he will do, if he will hurt anyone. If he can make it until tomorrow without hurting himself or anyone else, I will come back.
Gabriel: I don’t know, is it right to run an experiment on someone’s heart?
Katie: I know, I'm a terrible person
Gabriel: you’re not, you are a wonderful person
Katie: thank you Gabriel, I'm going to log off. Jimmy is no doubt trying to get on as we speak.
Gabriel: ok Katie, I’ll talk to him
Katie: please, whatever you do. Don’t tell him about this test
Gabriel: alright Katie
Katie: you have to promise
Gabriel: you have my word, I will not tell Jimmy about this
Katie: thank you
(She logged off and a few seconds later Jimmy came on, as predicted)
Jimmy: Gabriel, do you know what happened to Katie?
(I gave her my word)
Gabriel: how could I know, I only know what you tell me. Where do you think she is?
Jimmy: I don’t know, she just up and left
Gabriel: I'm sure she will come back, maybe you should just sleep. Thing will be brighter in the morning.
Jimmy: they won’t, she’s gone
(I can’t tell him, I have Katie my word. Though I did understand him, that pain he was going through. The feeling of darkness and hopelessness, I went through it after Chaparrel left me. I had to be gentle but stern at the same time)
Gabriel: it’s always darkest before the dawn. Things will improve, trust me.
Jimmy: no they won’t, I don’t have a reason for living anymore
(I could not tell Jimmy to forget about her because she would be coming back)
Jimmy: my shotgun
Gabriel: Jimmy no, you can’t use that gun. Katie would be devastated
Jimmy: she doesn’t care about me anymore
Gabriel: that’s not the case
Jimmy: then what is?
Gabriel: I can’t say, I gave her my word
Jimmy: I just saw her sneaking around outside my window, what the hell is going on?
(She is spying on him, not a good thing but I can understand her reasons)
Gabriel: that probably just your mind playing trick on you
Jimmy: tell me what’s going on
Gabriel: I can’t, I gave her my word...
Jimmy: tell me right now or I'm shot gunning it
(I can’t let I'm kill himself, I had no choice)
Gabriel: fine, Katie is testing you. She won’t want you to get hurt, or hurt anybody else
(A long silence until I finally broke it)
Gabriel: Jimmy?
Jimmy: I can’t believe she did this, I don’t know what I’m going to do
Gabriel: It will be ok Jimmy
Jimmy: I know what I'll do, I’m going to go jump in the lake and let god decide.
Gabriel: Jimmy don’t do it
Jimmy: goodbye Gabriel
Jimmy logged out
He was gone; my best friend Jimmy was dead unless he was washed up on shore. But I did not see much chance of that. All I could do was to go to sleep and prepare for the next day. Each day when I went to that library I would talk with Destiny and JD. Destiny was a good friend for a long time and would put up with mine and Chaparral’s constant flirting when we were still together. She was cheery and a little strange, but all and all she was a good friend. JD was quite different in the way she hated me. We were still friends but anytime I said something she had a habit of shooting it down. She seemed happy but she had a dark core, her inner voice telling her to do horrible things. She was in incredible artist and she stomped me in the field of writing. She obsessed over yaoi which is anime gay porn. I can’t stand it; in all honesty I’m a bit of a homophobe. I don’t have anything against gay people but that kind of art just creeps me out.

09-30-2010, 10:55 PM
Chapter 10: Totem

Welcome to RuneScape.
Gabriel: is that you Jimmy?
Jimmy: it’s me
Gabriel: thank god you’re alive
Jimmy: well I jumped and woke up on the beach with a frog in my pants
Gabriel: a frog?
Jimmy: yeah, he is my new friend. I named him hoppy, and he’s living in my pond.
Gabriel: ha ha cool, so what about Katie?
Jimmy: she is here with me, we are back together
Gabriel: excellent, I’m glad you have your love back. I just wish I could find some for myself
Jimmy: well what about angel?
Gabriel: she has a boyfriend
Jimmy: what about your ex?
Gabriel: it’s never going to happen again, she told me herself
Jimmy: do you still love her?
Gabriel: no I don’t
Jimmy: are you sure?
(Snap goes one of the chains locking away my feelings for Chaparrel)
Gabriel: I don’t know, maybe
Jimmy: go after her
Gabriel: no, she doesn’t want me. I have to do what is best for her, and what’s best for her is not me
(Snap, there goes another chain)
Jimmy: god you’re like a broken record, I love her I can’t have her.
(He was right, that seemed to happen a lot to me)
Gabriel: well fine then maybe I am a broken record.
Jimmy: well if not her than what about angel, does she even know how you feel?
Gabriel: no
Jimmy: damnit Gabriel!
Gabriel: are you mad at me?
Jimmy: yes
Gabriel: what the hell for?
Jimmy: you’re supposed to be this big wise man but here you are cowering at these girls.
Gabriel: Jimmy I’m not a god, I’m a man just like you. You can’t make me out to be this eternal well of knowledge that’s all knowing. I can’t do everything, the taller you build the totem pole the more damage when it falls.
Jimmy: you still shouldn’t be so scared
Gabriel: I’m not scared
Jimmy: then why haven’t you told angel yet?
Gabriel: I… I don’t have an answer
Jimmy: it’s because you’re a coward
(I really did not have any excuse, so I had one option)
Gabriel: you know what, I’ll tell her tomorrow
Jimmy: fine
Gabriel: fine
Jimmy logged out
Things in practice are a lot different in theory than in practice. The next day I mentally prepared as much as I could for the moment of truth. I acted as if were any other day during math, to avoid an awkward moment in front of Marissa and the rest of the class, so I waited until afterwards to make my move. I stopped her in the hall at my first opportunity. “angel, can I talk to you” I said as I felt nervousness build up in my lungs “what is it Gabe?” she asked tenderly “angel” I took a breath and released some of my nervous feelings while I put my hand on her shoulder “I still love you” there It was, I had done what I was determined to do. Her response as the classic nervous laugh that at this point felt like a punch to my heart. I had a flashback to the first time I told her, she froze up back then. The reactions were different but the end result was the same, disappointment. I recited my practiced speech as I continually removed and replaced my hand on her shoulder nervously. “Angel I love you, I have not stopped loving you no matter how hard I try. You are beautiful, in my eyes angel is not lonely your name but your essence. No you are much more than that, you are not an angel you are a goddess” I said boldly but I was only met with another nervous laugh. “Listen Gabe, I’m flattered but I have a boyfriend” I knew this but I had to prove myself to Jimmy “I know you do, but if there is anything you need I am here for you” I said with content in my eyes. “Wow I’ve always been the one who is there for people, nobody has ever been there for me” she said looking down with a small smile “the bottom of the totem pole is under a lot of pressure, but your totem has a new level. Well I you will accept it there will” (with Jimmy I’m the top of the totem but with angel I’m the bottom, interesting how two different words can have such different outcomes) “but wont that put a lot of pressure on you if you’re the bottom instead of me” she asked “don’t worry about me, I’m a strong bottom” she giggled then we hugged and parted ways, as I began walking to my next class I realized what I just said. I felt stupid but at the same time triumphant, I had conquered my nervousness told her how I felt. I was invincible through my next class. When the final class came around angel acted like it were any other day, just talking to Marissa and Tiffany casually. Nothing had changed, just like last time. I foresaw this but I let my emotions take control. Patrick can talk to girls sometimes but when I’m alone he can produce false hope which always ends up exploding in my face. I didn’t talk to her that class and when the bell rang Marissa was talking to her leaving me without an opening. Just as well, I don’t know what I would have said to her anyway. On the way to my car I realized it would take a miracle for me to get together with her. And who do you go to for miracles, god. (Don’t stop reading quite yet) I was raised Christian, hence the name Gabriel. As I got older I stopped believing, but I could not call myself a man of science if I didn’t run an experiment. I prayed to god and told him that if could pull a miracle like this for me I would believe and be loyal to him. I arrived home and logged on to tell Jimmy my accomplishment.

09-30-2010, 10:55 PM
Chapter 11: Birth and Rebirth

Welcome to RuneScape.
(Again I waited for him to speak first)
Jimmy: Katie is dead
(A horrible shock)
Gabriel: what happened?
(A lot to take in all at once)
Jimmy: well she gave birth to our baby, Amber.
Gabriel: well one life for another, I’m sure it’s what she would have wanted.
(This can’t be easy for him)
Jimmy: I haven’t put her down since they gave her to me
Gabriel: who?
Jimmy: Amber, my daughter, my angel
(Angel, a subject swap may be best)
Gabriel: your angel you knows you love her, and now the same is true for me and mine
Jimmy: oh, you told her? That’s great, what did she say?
Gabriel: well she has a boyfriend, so I never had high hopes to begin with
Jimmy: waaaaaaaa! Oh that’s Amber; better go see what she wants
(A few minutes later)
Jimmy: she’s not hungry, she’s not wet, what do I do?
Gabriel: you’re asking the wrong person,
(I didn’t know much about babies, maybe a few years to mature or I needed to have one of my own before the instincts kick in. on RuneScape I met a girl who I thought might be able to help, her username was Jynx but her real name was Laura. Call me sexiest sure but I think that women have a better child caring instinct, and if not a third opinion would be good. I sent her a private message.)
Gabriel: my friend’s newborn daughter is crying, and I don’t know anything about babies
Laura: maybe she is hungry, or needs to be changed
Gabriel: no that’s not it, join our clan chat so we can all talk
(She agreed and the three of us were talking together)
Laura: hello
Jimmy: who’s this?
Gabriel: I thought your problem needed a woman’s touch, so I found one.
Jimmy: ok, I tried to feed her but she turned the bottle away. She has a clean diaper too.
Laura: does she need to be burped?
(A few seconds later)
Jimmy: it worked, thank you so much
Laura: no problem
Gabriel: I can’t believe I didn’t think of that, glad I got you to help us. You’re probably a little confused, so I'll fill you in.
(I told her the story of Jimmy)
Gabriel: so Amber is the baby’s name, then you helped us and here we are.
Laura: wow, I’m sorry Jimmy
Jimmy: it’s alright
Gabriel: we would be honored to have you help us
Laura: I’ll do what I can

(From there we just had mindless chatting about the game; nothing interesting came up until the next day on my drive home. While backing out of the parking lot I accidently hit the car next to me. Scared I backed out further, and looked at the car from my window. I saw now damage so I just drove off. It was Friday and I was in a hurry to get home, probably the reason I wasn’t paying attention. I just tried to put it behind me and forget by watching a little television. I was in a state of serenity until the doorbell rang, I answered it and there I saw two police officers.

They told me they knew I did it, and leaving the scene of an accident was a crime. I was paralyzed with fear and my mother began to cry. They said that we would have to wait until they contact us and tell us what to do then they left. Afterword’s I sat in my room trying to puzzle everything out, be more careful was the first thing. As time passed, I had done everything I could do on my own, so I logged onto RuneScape to see if Jimmy could be of any assistance.

Welcome to RuneScape.
Gabriel: Jimmy I need your help
Jimmy: what is it?
Gabriel: well I hit someone with my car and now I’m in enormous trouble
Jimmy: the person or the car?
Gabriel: the car
(I guess I could have been clearer)
Jimmy: ok here is what’s going to happen. First the person who you hit is going to kick your ass. Second the person who pays your insurance is going to kick your ass. Third the judge is going to kick your ass, and then you’re going to want to kick your own ass lol.
Gabriel: I can’t believe it, I came here asking for help and you make fun of me. After all I have done for you, well fine then. If you are not going to help then I don’t know why we are talking.

I logged off without giving him a chance to reply which is in my opinion the equivalent of storming out of a room in anger. I was desperate for some comfort at this point. My mother was more of a wreck then I was, so she could not help me. I decided to do something stupid and crazy; I took a walk to the park and sent a text message to my ex.

Gabe: I hit someone’s car with mine and I could really use some help right now. Will you come to the park with me?
Chap: no the sun is going to go down soon, my mom won’t let me
(Figures this too is her mother’s doing)
Gabe: please, I don’t know what to do
Chap: I can t still text
Gable: it’s not the same, please
(All I wanted was a girl to hold me and say “everything’s going to be ok.” Ever since the breakup things have just snowballed and the pressure was starting to get to me with this new experience)
Chap: well it’s all I can do
Gabe: well then I guess there is nothing more for me in this world
(A bluff, she was not even my last resort. She was the crazy idea once your last resort was expended, I sat down on the bench were we shared our first kiss and many more after)
Chap: …
Gabe: maybe I should just fade back into darkness
Chap: maybe
(The hell? I knew she didn’t love me anymore but I didn’t think she would react this way)
Gabe: what’s wrong with you? I give you something that could easily be interpreted as a suicide confession and you just say “maybe?”
Chap: you’re not going to kill yourself, I know you.
(She was right, no matter what the pressure I would not take my own life. I am curious; I want to see what happens. Besides that would make a crappy ending to this book, so I’m doing this for you the reader.)
Gabe: your right, I guess when logic didn’t work on you I switched to pity.
Chap: well I’m done dating out of pity
(She must have thought I was trying to get back together with her through this sad attempt. Who knows, that may have been unconsciously my whole plan all along)
Gabe: well it’s good that you’re not pity dating anymore
Chap: I never pity dated you
Gabe: no, I know you loved me
(Loved, past tense)
Gabe: it’s just I wanted a girl to hold me in these tough times, even a talk would be good. But I guess not
Chap: it’s just like you; I can’t help so you fall apart
(That’s not the response I was expecting, I need help and she is acting like this? This is what I’ve been missing; this is what had me depressed for months. I am in a low vulnerable state and she acts so cold towards me. At that moment I felt an enormous weight lifted from my shoulders, I didn’t want her anymore. I had no desire to get back together with her any more, I was free. I stood up from the bench, a new man)
Gabe: if this is the way you’re going to be then just forget it, I don’t need you.
Chap: that’s good then
Gabe: and I’m taking your character for forbidden darkness
(I was so confused because I had mapped out the entire series with her in it, so this was the last thing I needed from her. I was half way back to my house)
Chap: fine fine
Gabe: well goodbye then
That was it that was the end of my obsession with her, now I could focus at the task at hand. The police said they would call us for details so for now all I could do was wait. This new pressure was lessened because the old pressure was gone. I got home and plopped down on my bed, tired from everything I had gone through that day. I slept soundly until the next day at school with an unusual cheer on my face. “Hey Gabe I heard you tried to get back together with Chap over a text message” said JD in the library before the first bell rang.
“Well I was trying to get her to talk to me in person, at any rate I’m done with her”
“Yeah whatever”
When I have something on my mind she is always to smack it down and make me feel awful, luckily today was a light dose. In-between 7th and 8th period I had an unusual surprise, there in a grey sweater I saw Victoria.

“Victoria” I shouted full of surprise “oh, hi there” she said as if surprised to see me. “Listen, I told you my car was fixed and I could drive. You may have thought I was going that way but the truth is I had pneumonia and was out sick for a long time. In the even this kind of thing happens again I would love to be able to call you and talk. Could I please have your phone number?” (With my hesitation in the past I did not want to leave anything to chance)

“Umm, I don’t know my number” she said
(Understandable, I didn’t know my own cell phone number for the longest time. Why would you need to call yourself?)

“That’s ok I can give you mine.” I checked the time and we were in danger of being late to class) “we should get going, but meet me by this planter after class.” I said pointing to a planter a few feet away. The first thing I did when I sat down to class was write a paper with my home phone, cell phone, e-mail, everything I could think of as a way for her to contact me. I put her name on it and a Xarthian symbol, as my own personal mark. When the bell rang I leaned on the planter until I spotted her. I handed the paper over and left with a smile on my face. We hugged and parted way. I waited three days in anticipation but nothing came up. Eventually the time came when I had to get my mind off her and go back to helping Jimmy

09-30-2010, 10:56 PM
Chapter 12: Girl Power

Welcome to RuneScape.
Gabriel: -sigh- hey Jimmy, still no word
(I didn’t have to wait and see who was talking anymore so I was able to go first)
Jimmy: I have seven feminists locked in my basement, what do I do?
(Damn, what the hell are you going to do next Jimmy Rob a freaking bank?)
Gabriel: well first you have to tell me the story
Jimmy: well I went on this website for single fathers and I gave them my address.
(Not a good idea, never give out your address over the internet)
Jimmy: I thought they could help me. It turns out they jumped me and were trying to take amber away from me. I fought back and that’s how I ended up in this mess.
(And that kids is why you don’t give out your address over the internet)
Gabriel: well for god’s sake man, let them out
Jimmy: if I do that then they will call the cops and I’ll go to jail, leaving amber alone without either of her parents.
(Quite a conundrum, both options are absolutely horrible. I racked my brain for an answer but nothing came)
Gabriel: I honestly don’t know what to do
Jimmy: yeah me either
Brandon: hey Jimmy I’m back
(a new face, I could use some help. Since he came in I wondered what happened to Miguel, I had not seen him in what felt like a lifetime. Maybe he found a new hobby, maybe he just got tired of helping Jimmy. In any case best of luck to him.)
Brandon: Yo do you still have those girls tied to that tree?
Jimmy: I moved them to the basement, oh Brandon this is Gabriel, Gabriel this is Brandon.
Brandon: hello
Gabriel: good to meet you
Jimmy: so what do I do?
Gabriel: …
Brandon: got me
Jimmy: c'mon guys
Gabriel: I hate to suggest it but you should call the police
Brandon: yeah you were protecting your daughter
Jimmy: I don’t know
Gabriel: really I don’t see any other options
Jimmy: we need another opinion, get Laura
(I was stumped so I did as he said, I explained the situation and she joined us)
Laura: I’m Laura, pleased to meet you
Jimmy: this isn’t the time for proper greetings!
Gabriel: he is right, what do you think we should do?
Laura: well I think you should call the police, they attacked you and trapping them was a self defense measure.
Jimmy: how can you be sure?
Laura: I went to law school
(What luck, we have someone who understands the law on our side)
Jimmy: ok if that’s what you think I should do then I’ll call the cops
(We waited a little while for Jimmy to make his call. I felt quite useless; I was not able to help Jimmy. He reached them and we waited a good amount of time in suspense until the police arrived)
Jimmy heard a knock at the door and his heart jumped at the sound he had been dreading. He answered the door to see three tall police officers standing right outside his home. “You said you had some women in your house, if you cooperate we won’t have to take you to prison” said one of the officers. Jimmy nodded and opened the basement to reveal the girls covered with cuts and bruises. Jimmy had a horrified look on his face as he was careful not to hurt them. “These women are injured” said the officer “I didn’t do this, they must have hurt themselves to frame me so they could steal my baby. Please, my friends know I’m telling the truth. They are on the computer” Jimmy pleaded as he held tight to the cops’ shirt. The cop behind him pulled out his taser and shot it at Jimmy making him collapse on the ground “help me Gabriel” he said riling in pain on the ground
Officer: boy this game sure has changed, I’m Officer Johnson and we have detained your friend. He was becoming aggressive so we tased him.
(Remember how I said I froze when the police came to my house? Well I don’t do well with authority figures, this was extremely nerve-wracking)
Officer: so we found several women in his basement
Gabriel: they were trying to take away his daughter away
Laura: that’s right, it was self defense
Officer: the suspect has shown aggression, he may be an unfit parent, in which case we may have to put his daughter up for adoption
Gabriel: no, don’t take him away; she is the only thing keeping him sane
Officer: so you admit the suspect has a weak mental state?
(This is definitely bad; I’m doing more harm than good)
Gabriel: no, what I’m trying to say is that if there’s one thing I know it’s that Jimmy loves his daughter and would never hurt her. It’s that love that made him lock those women in his basement, all he wants is to be left alone with his daughter.
(I messed up in the beginning but I think I made up for it)
Officer: he keeps saying “help me Gabriel” who is Gabriel?
Gabriel: that’s me sir, I’ve been helping Jimmy for a few months now. He’s not a bad guy; he can just be a little hot headed sometimes.
Officer: I think were done here, I'll put your friend back on
(I was relieved, and hopefully Jimmy could finally have a peaceful existence with his amber)
Jimmy: tasers hurt
Laura: they didn’t have any right to use a taser on you
Jimmy: well I guess our small town had different rules than you do.
Gabriel: so what happened?
Jimmy: the cops left and took most of the girls with them
Laura: most?
Jimmy: a few stayed here with me, said they didn’t have anywhere else to go.
Gabriel: well that’s, strange
Jimmy: Erika, the leader, said she want to keep an eye on amber
Brandon: that makes sense
Laura: oh, I forgot you were here
Gabriel: where were you when the cop was talking to us?
Brandon: you two seemed to have it covered
(Coward, I can’t believe I didn’t think of that)
Jimmy: hello? I’ve got a group of crazy feminists here eyeing my baby girl, what do I do?
Brandon: well just don’t let her out of your sight
Jimmy: oh I intend to do that; I should probably be watching her and not talking to yo
Brandon: makes sense
Gabriel: alright

The next day I was joking with my friend, making fun of France. (Because we are stupid Americans, you know) we said they should change their flag to pure white because they surrendered to Germany in 30 days during world war two. Later that day I told this to angel in our final class of the day. That day I learned some interesting information, angel is of French decent. I knew she could speak French but she was also learning Spanish, German, sign language and Arabic just to name a few. I can’t even remember them all. The point is she took offence to my comment, hell I had a full on debate with Marisa and Tiffany. As the bell rang and we made our way to the busses (my car was on the fritz that day.) I tried my best to apologize to her. “Angel I did not mean to insult you” I said as I caught up to her “just forget about it” she said looking away from me “it’s the French military I don’t like. I do like the people, at one point I even loved one little French girl. “I put my hand on her shoulder. She laughed nervously and said “that’s ok Gabe, I remember that” I gave her a warm smile “I forgive you” she said “well that’s great, the last thing I want is to upset you angel” I knew everything would be all right. We hugged and went our separate ways.

I'm sorry but I can’t write anymore, it’s too much to remember all of the horrible events. In the end like I’m sure you already have I grew skeptical of Jimmy. He told me that he was reenacting what had happened in events past from reading Katie’s diary and the notes from his therapist. I was just living his past through the eyes of his therapist, so it was him that Katie fell for. I thought maybe I had some sort of natural charm that was a lie just like this whole nerve wracking experience. He told me he needed to know what he did was right but I really cant trust anything that guy says at this point. I cut off all contact with him and things still didn’t improve. Oh well I guess that’s enough so they all lived happily ever after in hell.