View Full Version : I really hate music snobs

10-02-2010, 03:34 PM
its like dude. people can listen to whatever they want. I listen to music to have a good time, not because I want to appreciate the artistic vision of the artist. Sure, that's great and all but I find it boring. So these music snobs and all these hipsters go around acting like they're the greatest and anything they don't like is trash. I mean not everything is musically challenging or well-composed, but that doesn't mean it's not enjoyable for people. I don't wanna listen to tech death because I find guitar wankery over blast beats with some dude growling about killing people particularly appealing. I mean, sometimes it's okay but I'd much rather hear a simple enjoyable tune, like, for example, this:


Why do people find the need to flat-out trash other people's tastes in music? f-em

10-02-2010, 04:03 PM
Why do people find the need to flat-out trash other people's tastes in music? f-em

Lol .. I've seen you do just that many a time mate :p

But yeah, snobbery sucks, unless it's just stating an opposing view. I like most music, or can at least what others like in it. There's some stuff I hate and can't ever be convinced to appreciate .. but hey, that's much like anyone else probably.

10-02-2010, 04:19 PM
to be honest with you mr. eps Its that mentality they think they know better than you and its a power thing. They want to share with the world their "great knowledge" regarding music.

It is quite annoying, I will voice my opinion and say that sucks and give reason Im not going to sit there and bash it senseless because I have nothing better to do with my time... /cough.

10-02-2010, 04:55 PM
Lol .. I've seen you do just that many a time mate :p

But yeah, snobbery sucks, unless it's just stating an opposing view. I like most music, or can at least what others like in it. There's some stuff I hate and can't ever be convinced to appreciate .. but hey, that's much like anyone else probably.

well thats just cuz there are bands i absolutely hate and most people agree they're trash, but i've moved on from that.

@joker: that's exactly why, and it's annoying. Like for example, I hate the bands august burns red and between the buried and me, but i don't go around saying they suck, i just say i hate the bands because they dont make music i enjoy.

10-02-2010, 04:56 PM
well thats just cuz there are bands i absolutely hate and most people agree they're trash, but i've moved on from that.

I look forward to the more open-minded you in that case ..

10-02-2010, 05:01 PM
Well, it's more a change of terminology than anything. Instead of "that band sucks" its "i hate that band"

10-02-2010, 09:36 PM
You talkin real life or like over the web?

10-02-2010, 09:38 PM
Web. But not like trollz. people that would say the same thing in real life

10-03-2010, 01:20 AM
I just got over it , I don;t know it kinda made me feel good to know I am to cool to care that people think my music choice is stupid . It would seem to me that I would always have a music type in common with people . I listen to many different types of music any were from . System of the down to lady ga ga . A very wide gap . I just don't let those people who want to bash my music choice bother me .

10-03-2010, 05:45 AM
yeah I hate trollz but with me they can never win. hell I piss any girl off cuz they can't win an argument with me. I just ignore crap like that. I like what I like, n I don't care what others think. that's how I've lived drama free for quite awhile now