View Full Version : Final Fantasy Tactics Setup's

10-02-2010, 08:08 PM
So, how do you set up your party when you played Final Fantasy Tactics? Might be a long-shot although this is a gaming community but I hope at least a few of you respond :)

I got a,

Summoner/Mediator(She's ridiculously overpowered due to her faith buffing. :X.)
Time Mage/Not sure yet(Probably going to be Samurai so he can be the ultimate buff/str guy.)

These two below are "works in progress" but I knew I would need a thief to get some good gear early on in the game & monk is helpful for healing. Where to go from here with them is still being decided as it's still a pretty new file and I only really just recently beat algus on it. :)

Knight/Thief(Thieving in FF Tactics is a necessity.)
Knight/Monk(I love the monks curative qualities, :D.)

I also have a stray fifth member guy for random battles.. I really dont know what I am doing with him.

What about you, how do you set up your FFT character parties?

10-04-2010, 02:27 AM
hahaha, I cant believe I didnt see this sooner.

Ussually I develop all my characters depending on the stag of the game. I have multiple playtroughs on the PSX and one on my new psp version and I found that as soon as you can get secret hunt and an oracle, the third stage bull demons will poach for Holy lances and from there you rock with something like

Dragoon/squire - auto potion - attack up - teleport

White mage/blackmage (higher magic attack) - auto potion - Magic up - move Mp up

NINJA (broken character lol)
Ninja/monk - Abandon - Equip Shield - Equipment: Crystal (or better) Shield, Feather Mantle

I dont think I have even been hit with a normal attack with the ninja setup. Also equip armor on monks is fun early on in the game.

10-04-2010, 08:48 PM
My main guy has Teleport. It is pretty amusing when I have him set up as a knight with two swords, warp in next to an enemy and pwn him before he even moves for his first turn.

I think soon I will be making my Summoner/Mediator a Summoner/Calculator after I learn a bit more skills :)

and.. after looking more into a Samurai, I remembered how MUCH I didn't like them. :X so I have to think of an alternative thing to do with my main guy..

10-04-2010, 10:53 PM
Samurai aren't that bad if used properly. But yeah I usually always have auto potion and then upgrade potions along the way, getting hit for 70 and being healed for 150 makes it a little bit easier, considering its almost a brutally hard game for newcomers.

Do you play on the PSP or the PSx? there are many names changes and a few more job classes in the PSP version as well as them having fixed the JP and item duplication glitches.

10-05-2010, 12:04 AM
I play the original one but i am somewhat familiar with the PSP one. Played it at friends houses n' whatnot.

Oh, I skip the whole auto potion thing, really. Move-HP up is usually good enough for me for my guys(I was also thinking of equipping them both with "regenerator" for overkill healing.), and move mp up & half mp use for my summoner works wonders.

Yeah, I am not really a newcomer. Played this game quiiite a bit. Even when I first started though I never really found it TOO challenging other then way later in the game(and most new people don't get that far anyways.)

Also. O.o did they keep the "Golem" summoner skill from the PSX game or did they remove it in the PSP one? It makes things ridiculously easy.

10-05-2010, 10:50 PM
yeah all the same summons are in the PSP version.

Im not new at the game either but I have a maxed out save file on the PSx so I just start new ones, until you get Orlandeau on your team and the game becomes a cake walk its still a pretty good challenge, especially training your extra classes, when you dont have many skills you certainly want auto potion.

You should get the PSP version for the co-op missions and vs arena.

10-06-2010, 12:01 AM
Yeah I heard about that. I am very interested in getting it but don't have the money to spare at the moment to get it. :P

10-06-2010, 12:49 AM
Off topic:

it actually not a bad system for RPGs as it turns out:

Brave Story: New Traveler
Valkyrie Profile Lenneth is actually an exact port of the original
Jeanne D'arc
Lunar Silver Star Harmony

Back on topic:

What do you do for characters end game? Try to keep everyone or make room for a few generic characters by dropping a few like Bocco? I always found that the game didnt let me keep enough characters so collecting monsters never worked out.

10-06-2010, 02:06 AM
I actually had mediator skills before I even got Boco so I ditched Boco the minute I got him. I like my Purple Chocobo. He's effective at times, somewhat. I much rather prefer actual people though. Monsters have waayyyyyy too many limitations. I do try to collect at least one of every specific type, though. I am thinking to skip out on Goblins, though. They're pretty horrendous. Sadly, as you said. With the amount of characters you can hold it doesn't really help if you want a bit of variety when playing especially as you progress further into the game.

I also almost always get rid of Rad(his name change in the PSP is pretty annoying.), Lavian, and other what's her face though. They're pretty worthless too. Especially since I almost always over-power my guys and for whatever the reason the generics you get seem majorly underdeveloped at lv.9 or 12 or whatever level.

I guess the best way to answer your question is I usually stick to 4-5 main guys & try to bounce off the unique's like Agrias, Mustadio, etc. as I progress further into the game.

Right now my "fifth character" I have been using is Mustadio. He's a pretty effective archer when you're trotting through the forests with undead. I love his Seal Evil skill. Sooo effective.

10-06-2010, 05:01 PM
its due to the default generics brave and faith score. I always drop them and purchase new generics right away. I keep 4 generic characters most of the time. You can alter their brave and faith with spells (1 point permanently for every 4 changed in battle, up or down) but I find its easier to cycle them in the shop.

To do that you just keep viewing and accepting but canceling before the final purchase. The max stat for both brave and faith is 70 from a purchase. Anything above 65 is acceptable normally.

Also if you want to make a pure fighter you could drop faith, lowering magic effectiveness and accuracy. Low faith is immunity to magic both friendly and hostile however. On the other hand low brave make your characters find rare drops more often with the move find item skill, necessary for the ultimate javelin and shield as well as the items in the deep dark dungeon.

I normally dont lower faith, because you get reflective armor later and practical immunity anyways by end game. But you need one character with low brave. All item locations on the map contain two grade items, normal and high grade. You percent chance to pick up the high grade item is (100%) - (minus) your (brave). I usually go with the unique character Rapha, as she benefits from the stat inversely and her abilities get stronger this way.

10-07-2010, 11:55 PM
Yeah, I am familiar with all that.

Lately I have been doing experiments on FFT. Apparently placement of your units in a battle, strongly determines what you're going to fight. I always personally felt it was completely random but apparently not. I have specific setups for two sets of guys.

The one set I can almost always get running into a bunch of fireballs at I think it was Barius hill. Where as, if I have a different set of characters set up a specific way I can always run into a bunch of chocobos. I did this testing at I think the other level is called "Barius valley" if I am not mistaken and got it set up so I always run into monks. I was collecting up black costumes. There of course still is a % of randomness though that can effect the outcome of what you fight but it seems much smaller then I had thought when I played long long agooo.

I didn't know how the move-find item skill worked. As far as I was aware all items you pick up from that turn out to be crap. Didn't know you could actually get worthwhile items from it :X

10-08-2010, 12:49 PM
If your a quick reader you might want to check this out (Move find item guide (http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps/197339-final-fantasy-tactics/faqs/26626)), the ultimate javalin and shield are the only things you can mess up by not getting on a file. Im pretty sure you can go back to the deep dungeon for chaos blades and other fun stuff.

It would be interesting to see a formula for how encounters are determined in random battle. Now that you mention it, the fact that monsters are varied by location and tied to your overall level it would make sense that you could get predictable results in some areas.

I like my Purple Chocobo. He's effective at times, somewhat. going back to this, seeing as you can rename monsters you could just name him boco, but blk chocobo was also from the same game so I have mixed feelings about causing character confusion. We dont want another pipboy/ vaultboy fiasco.

Also on a side note, a have a female friend who keep a red chocobo and named it "sephiroth" because it can use meteor. Incidentally she also pointed out this way she can make cloud ride sephiroth. =P

10-08-2010, 02:35 PM
Yeah, it seems to be strongly based on the type of classes you have within the battle, your level, the way you position them, and there is a small % of randomness within it as well(A different monster here and there occasionally.).

The fact that I got about five black costumes in a row seems to suggest I know what I am talking about(I am not too far into the game on this file yet..). The only problem though is that if you get put in a different place on the map you'll have to know the pattern for there as well.

In a way I kind of prefer the chocobo I got over the red one. The red one seems too easy to "abuse". The one I got seems to be of a reasonable balance and quite helpful as an assist character. Especially when one of my characters needs to travel a large distance to eliminate an enemy. >:D

And lol at naming a chocobo, "Sephiroth". :X

Also. After reading over that "Move-Find" Item guide I realized I didn't miss much SO FAR. Just some early on things I could have gotten for specific classes like the Samurai and Bard.

Chapter 2.3 is where it seems the items get a looot better.

10-09-2010, 01:12 PM
I have never used bards, or dark knights and Mimes from the PSP version for that matter as well. I Guess I got through the game to fast most times or just didnt end up using the right classes to unlock them ever.

The PSP version I haven't finished yet so I will see what happens with that. Hopefully if I make a complete file on it the game will let you play the file after the final boss. I dont like how you cant save and continue a file after the fact. A downside to many great games.

10-16-2010, 02:49 AM
On the PSX version my Summoner is now a Summoner/Dancer. My main guy a Lancer/Calculator(soon to be fully mastered!), another guy is a Monk/Bard, and I got Agrias in but she's pretty direction-less. Mustadio is a fully mastered archer with short-charge. My other guy is a Samurai/Thief(Used for main battles, basically. Otherwise he's pretty useless.)

I do agree with that. All game's should be continued to be played even after beating it. For perhaps extra secrets to be found or for any other reason simply to play and enjoy the file. It's why I like Disgaea so much. So muchhh re-play value and you can play at harder and harder levels making for quite a challenging game.